Eckhart Tolle TV: What do you think about Facebook?

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Eckhart shares his views on social media.


First Last says:

facebook is a website, i don't like the website and life still goes on. I take great joy in knowing I'm the boss of my own life. To be independent thinker, make my own reasons and philosophy to live by. I used to be a follower, a sheep. Not that they are bad a lot of people live this way. From Eckhart Tolle's teachings i no longer feel the need for acceptance but by doing what i want how i want it and when and why. Its a whole new level its as though my ego has dissolved and by being myself, good honest and trusting the things i wanted when i was overcome by ego i now have. First i needed to let go, that out of all things is the hardest part in my experience.

First Last says:

when will this guy, Eckhart Tolle be president?

Ryan McGregor says:

After being a Facebook user then an info spreader on Facebook I still found both to be a trap, in the end I was still scrolling mindlessly through information to the point where even the highest wisdom did not really hit home. I have deleted now for 6 months and I feel like I have my life back and my mind with that too.. I'm not saying it was wrong it served in that moment to do the things Eckhart said but even that became a trap, it's all just lights on a screen even this which I'm typing.. Just a medium of communication about our experience but it will suffice the true experience of reality.

mac a doo says:

I think if you were not allowed to post photos of yourself,Facebook would not be as 'successful' as it is. It is an pseudo ego trip/popularity contest. I watched people I once enjoyed keeping company with change (not for the better) as their use of it increased. Saddened by it's invention/existence.

Bike Rider says:

Eckhart I'm in my 29th year I hope to get my spiritual awakening soon. 😊

Johnny T says:

How can one use Facebook without creating a Pseudoidentity, as the website revolves around creating one? You need to have a profile to use it along with a picture. How can one use it without being drawn into the unconsciousness of others? How can one post pictures without the need for approval in the forms of likes and comments as that is the sole purpose many people do so? If one doesn't get a sufficient amount of likes and comments, that just makes the ego feel worse? The whole purpose of the website from my understanding is to strengthen ones image to the rest of his contacts. Everyone uses it for that main purpose. It thereby becomes nearly impossible to not be carried down that unconscious path. Any answers would be much appreciated?

Patricia Lyons says:

Full on ego check! Love this! Eckhart gently rocks the boat.

Spiritual Truths and Love Coaching for the 21st Century says:

i hate facebook it is for narcissists self absorbed insecure and bored people they should do away with it
i never had a facebook account

taildragger53 says:

There are a number of channels on FB dedicated to Eckhart  with his notices posted but I found the comments on all were unbelievably unconscious..LOL…people ended up arguing and giving insults.  I decided to come off.

Lulastic Hippyshake says:

Wow i'm so glad i found this channel! i feel like Eckart is changing my life!

PussyRiot1000 says:

I quit facebook and my addiction to it by deleting my profile and re-awakening it within 14 days every so often.
Gradually I didnt care and let it delete completely because my link with these 'friends' was so weak that it didnt matter.
I recommend this to anyone and everyone.

Michael Pontillas says:

before i used the FACEBOOK to express my all feelings what ever comes my MONKEY MIND
but NOW i used it to one of my technique of my MEDITATION
to study the people inside in Facebook to improve my AWARENESS,MINDFULNESS and OPEN MINDEDNESS
it started when the time i study about ENLIGHTENMENT,
then i found out that most of the people inside the Facebook
are REACTOR not OBSERVER(like me before..hehe)

but now i used the Facebook to share knowledge to AWAKE their mind.

sundevilification says:

Danke Eckhart. It explains the conflict I've had with being on it. I took myself off when I found myself not having fun due to living by truth. I got back on to assist those in searching for the truth. It is more enjoyable now.

Katypie says:

apart from my dad this guy is the wisest man I've ever heard talking. love him to bits.

jacobs says:

humans automaticly seek social acceptance and want to avoid rejection. its HARD wired in our brain. (This is something the social media designeres know)
Maby you could use facebook as a test for your concious awarness.

"use it, dont let it use you"

femina ventus says:

music at the end?

kate golden says:

For the past five years I have been confined to my bed due to my back injuries. I found Facebook a cheaper way of staying in contact with the outside world. However, those whom I remain in contact could have easily come visit me and sit at my bedside. Sadly they did not and so i felt lonely . When i asked them why they could not visit me physically. I was told to quit moaning as they where too busy being on Facebook. I have experienced family member finding it easier to communicate on social media instead of face to face. That I see as a social problem. Anyway, I thank Eckhart Tolle , Caroline Myss and yes Doreen Virtue for posting on social media. I was able to watch and relax my mind about my sudden change in my health, learn to live in the now and renew my position on my ego. I have reached out to many medical professionals like Physio therapists , Doctors and Psychologists for help. All failed to help and made referals to me to look up the internet. This I fear is a malpractice on their part . The internet does not give compassion or empathy. I sadly am a person who like a hug rather than a smiley face lol . All well such as life.

Agnieska Angel says:

I am gradually posting less and less too…. I do not want that my life continue namely on Facebook. Real life is much better :)

kath david says:

Beautiful man.

Amat 1 says:

I hate Facebook. I can't be in it more than 10 minutes a day. I just look at my friends and family abroad pictures and that's it.

Madolite says:

We may be going down the wrong line, but not with social media. Facebook is a victim of our egos, not the other way around. As Eckhart Tolle says here, it's all about "incorporating X into your self-image / ego". It's the exact same problem when you avoid social media because you fear them or demonize them. The clue isn't whether you use social media or not, whether you acquire wealth of not, or whether you have a lot of sex (or none at all) or not.

It's all about the reasons behind using the tools, not the tools themselves.

Anton Fernando says:

Agree dont' amplify your ego on FB, but use FB to study, expand, share knowledge, both personal and political. For example, I learned about this great candidate called Bernie Sanders on FB, which really motivated me to take part and be involved in his election. FB helps you take a greater responsibility, but if all you do is polish your ego, then yes FB is not your thing.

claudia sofia says:

I cancelled my FB account few weeks ago, I still struggle a bit with temptation, I know it is good to stay connected with friends and family but the negative aspect (for me at least) is worst than what brings good, I was addicted to craziness, I was checking it every five minutes, at moment of waking to last thing before going to sleep, always worried about taking pictures so I can post, whoever wants to be truly connected can call me or send me a text, I might not be "on top" of everything, but I feel that people that wanted to stay friends, remain friends regardless. :)

Lia Laffitte says:

most of people that i KNOW who loves facebook are MIDIA TV ,lawyers,police,fba and federal goverment ,fema, social secure,drive licensed and ETC that makes a wonderfull resources for anyone who has facebook INFORMATION PRIVATE TO BE FREE RESOURCES FUTURE

Lia Laffitte says:

never had facebook so interesting for confirmation I am happy without

Aguador Aguador says:

There was a "brave" user (mprulez) who asked me

mprulez: «Did you face any withdrawal issues like facing reality etc? :)», and then he/she cowardly deleted his/her comment. My answer is: INDEED (if he/she can read me). And also to get rid off people like him/her.

My apologies for this comment. I will not spend more time in this subject.

scottyrocks9 says:

I went to FB 8 years ago. Not long after I was "unfriended" by someone, a grown adult, for a silly comment. I never heard the word before and considered it baby-like, a contamination of the English language. The English language has been so deteriorated and contaminated by these new public media. I removed my profile immediately. Never regretted a single day. I simply don't have that much to post or empty conversation to write. Goodbye Facebook forever.

johnny.w says:

An excellent book on Facebook, and other "social media". is "Terms of Service"–you will not see FB , Twitter, etc, the same way after reading it. Note, I have no stake in hyping this book.

WitnessMinistries360 says:

I have read a few of Eckhart's books! He really has a great Handel on the fallen-nature of the flesh, of the ego man trying to find his multi-layered purpose in VAIN without it's subjection to (it's core) the spirit of God within and the know how and corresponding application in/of doing so! Much like a drop of ocean water which is POWERFUL as long as it remains in and of the ocean! But once it is removed from the ocean it is NOTHING in and of it's isolated (own) ego-self! The PROBLEM is that if one does NOT know who they are in (the SPIRIT) God and how to live in the I AM of their SPIRIT! All that they are left with is the powerless dead fallen-nature of the EGO-SELF in the flesh to endlessly rearrange in VAIN!

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