Eckhart Tolle TV: What is the purpose of mental illness?

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Ultimately everything is part of the process of awakening.


xBlocKBusTeR says:

i love u so much eckhart thank you for helping me releasing my pain

Tippy Kafuu says:

i don't know about how it would have to do with mental illness the purpose probably can't be found because the universe is an unstable place but i do know Anyone would benefit from having a person who is fully present including an ill person i'm sure that can have a positive effect on them rather than a person caught up in their own mind or problems. i think that would be one positive way a present person contributes to the things like illness that are out of a persons control because they won't shine any negative light or view it as a dreadful problem that blocks life from being.

carlos batman says:

The word Buddha in Thailand language, "ตถาคต," means the master of surrender.
The best in acceptance, letting it be. "ตถตา=ความเป็นเช่นนั้นเอง"
Eckhart is Buddha of modern age.
You are Buddha too, if you surrender. Begin surrendering and be Buddha instantly!


realizing that 180 million deaths is insane is part of the awakening and realizing that our judicial system put basically good hearted people away for life is insane as well thousands of them. when they perhaps needed to pay some time for being part of something wrong but not life.. So much of an awakening I am having! ..,,i mus listen again.. to this one!

Ryan McGregor says:

To understand that all questions lead back to the one question, is to know your self as your true unbound timeless nature. If you think Eckhart has failed to answer the question you have not realised the answer with which he speaks. The lady may not even understand what he means in that moment, but she could have a dream or an experience (or maybe even many experiences) in which she actually GETS to discover the timeless wisdom for herself and this is why Enlightenment means Self-realisation, to you (as the Self) to realise the truth of your own nature and only YOU can realise that..

Yana Loif says:

Eckhart.Thank you my friend.Love,Yana

Misty Fox says:

Psych meds made me more mentally ill than I ever was in the first place. The field of psychiatry is pretty fucked up, and they barely know what they're doing. There is not even a lot of evidence for the physical model of mental illness. Don't let the brain scans fool you – there are no physical changes that appear amongst all sufferers of a particular mental illness. They are giving patients cocktails of drugs of which they aren't even sure how they work, much less interact.

Had an existential crisis in college. They gave me antidepressants. The drugs made me manic. I was diagnosed bipolar 1 (w/ rapid cycling and mood-congruent psychotic features), frequently hospitalized, told I would never be able to go without meds. I got physically ill, and the Drs told me I wasn't sick and to just take my meds. I had never had a blood panel test, and I had to argue to get one because I had already been branded bipolar (meanwhile my brother goes to the same doctor, complains of depression, but had never been to a psychiatist, so the first thing she said was let's test thyroid, etc).

Because I had been branded bipolar, doctors refused to trust that I knew my own body. Anything wrong with me must be psychosomatic. I had to hunt around to find a doctor that would listen to me. Turns out I was rife with allergies, had several vitamin deficiencies, and have chronic EBV. I'm off the meds, treating myself with vitamins, yoga, and meditation, and I'm happier and healthier than I've ever been. Psychiatry/medicine is a pretty fucked up system.

shokthemonkey nils says:

Am from Germany and a friend of mine from Australia, who also like myself went in his life through mental illness period (s), he showed me an article aboout an african Shamane who went to USA into Hospitals where MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE HAD BEEN, yet HE siad we deal totally wrong with those… they have contact to other life in Universe who want to get in Contact with us…..i did cut it very short, but thats what the Shamane said……maybe we even have to take 2 different mental illness into consideration?? One that is really sick because the brain doesnt stop producing crazy thoughts and One that are so sensitive, that they have contact to other life forms in outer space who communicate through them or try to spread information to these people!?

Emcole Strauss says:

This is what happens when you answer questions simply because you don't want to say, "I don't know".

Greg White says:

As the lady says, "what's in the way,Is the way"

Native Chique says:

contractions collectively to expand consciousness

dylan nelson says:

feels like we only understand alittle bit but thats the start

J.B. van Mourik says:

Unfinished 'debate' here .. Eckart

J.B. van Mourik says:

There is 'something' in between 'THE ONE expressing in someone' and that particular someone … The Innermost Self. And … that is a mystery. Halleluyah

hafk1n says:

About two and a half years ago, i had my first psychedelic experience with shrooms. in the following weeks and months, i felt my fears and anxieties vanish, i was living in the present moment and thoroughly enjoying life, doing better in school, having better relationships with others, becoming emotionally intelligent…all of this as a result of STOPPING to TRY and be all of these things, it felt so effortless. i enjoyed psychedelics repeatedly throughout this phase until one really bad trip that brought about a new depression and anxiety, with some drug induced psychosis for a couple of months. i'm functioning now 2 years later, but i still feel depressed and my mind is caught up in the past and wondering why i can't live in the moment anymore. any input on becoming "enlightened," but then falling into negative thought patterns that you discarded previously?

kamalamasama says:

What about psychopathy?

kamalamasama says:

What about psychopathy?

Alycia B says:

I believe many conditions that we consider to be mental "illnesses," are in fact emotional "illnesses" caused by emotional trauma in early childhood.

Nn Vv says:

I was in slight depression last year, that's when I encountered the Power of Now. My life pretty much had changed drastically as I became part of this journey.

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