Eckhart Tolle’s Definition of God | Super Soul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

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Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle says that only through the present moment do you have access to the power of life itself. That power is God. Watch as Eckhart explains why only believing in God is a poor substitute for the reality of God. Plus, watch as he demonstrates the simple exercise you can do to visualize the present moment.

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Eckhart Tolle’s Definition of God | Super Soul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

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nasreen akhtar says:

The most concise definition of God
1. “Say: He is Allah, the One and Only.”
2. “Allah, the Eternal, Absolute.”
3. “He has not given birth, nor is He born.”
4. “And there is none like unto Him.” (Al-Qur’an 112:1-4)
The Muslims prefer calling Allah, instead of the English word ‘God’. The
Arabic word, ‘Allah’, is pure and unique, unlike the English word ‘God’,
which can be played around with.
If you add ‘s’ to the word God, it become ‘God’s, that s the plural of God.
Allah is one and singular, there is no plural of Allah. If you add ‘dess’
to the word God, it becomes ‘Goddess’ that is a female God. There
is nothing like male Allah or female Allah. Allah has no gender. if you
pre-fix tin before the word God, it becomes tin-God i.e. fake God. Allah is
a unique word, which does not conjure up any mental picture nor can it be
played around with. Therefore the Muslims prefer saying ‘Allah’ but
sometimes while speaking to the non-Muslims we may have to use the
inappropriate word God for Allah.
Allah knows best. 

An artist theory on the physics of 'Time' as a physical process. Quantum Atom Theory says:

Eckhart Tolle’s Definition of God – Super Soul 

Krisjian Pipho says:

To be closer to the Creator you must let go of your own creations(thinking)
& be THE creation. You can’t connect to the Creator via your own
creations(thoughts) because you didn’t create you. God made man and man
returned the favor!

Jotei Yamatosama says:

Happy Family Sunday to everyone!♡
I Love u all so much =)

radroh11 says:

Some people are commenting that Echart’s teaching are derived from Hindu /
Buddhist books and teachings . Ofcourse they are and he himself says he
learned more from various resources and refers to them. The most beautiful
thing about his books are that they are easy/clear to understand and
connect to and he explains his teachings beautifully.

Jake Miller says:

She turned into a giant hippo.

Tatiana Tati says:

A false prophet. Only Orthodox Cristianity is the Truth.

John Canales says:

Why was this difficult for him to say?

Eagerlee 44 says:

But surely we will have Eternity when we get there so It is incorrect to
say that all we will ever have is now or the now.

PatrickPaulViet says:

It’s a pity she is incapable of not talking over him. She certainly lacks
any kind of the stillness that he describes … :/

Cory Dupont says:

Oprah: what a great Christian! *sigh

Psychology of illusion says:

No-one will ever connect with God via his or her intellect. It is the so
called the antichrist. The present moment is a condition of Gods not
mortals. He deserves a Nobel price in… hell. He is trully a great
illusionist of our times.

Open-minded Skeptic says:

Eckhart is talking about living and experiencing a real connection with
God, rather than simply carrying a mental construct or a belief in God.

It’s kind of like the difference between judging someone negatively, then
thinking: “No, wait. That’s not right. Jesus says I shouldn’t judge,” and
learning (via meditation and/or prayer) to fully let go of judging others
altogether. It’s the difference between simply trying to follow religious
doctrine (and usually failing), and actually transforming yourself into an
aware, compassionate spiritual being.

And this difference is like night and day. One is a game we are more or
less playing in our own heads, and the other is real spiritual growth. I
think it’s pretty clear which one is more beneficial to ourselves and
others – and is the one God prefers.


ThePICDeathrAD says:

Same lie told by Satan in the garden of Eden “Ye Shall Be As Gods”

glen allen says:

Oprah could ease soooo much suffering with a billion or 2

John Baner says:

Oprah in classic fashion acting as if she knows it all. Why can’t she just
accept she’s just an interviewer? She has no right to claim to know
anywhere near as much as Eckhart or anyone else. 

Cory Dupont says:

Gnostic BS, too. 

nplooj1 says:

Oprah thinks she’s so smart.

ZamfirChannel says:

please let him talk

Cory Dupont says:

That simple, eh? Pure, unadulterated psycho-babble! Worldly nonsense,

jelleepit says:

Yo Tolle that prescence you are aware of is the demonic garbage that fills
up your head you liar. Such a complet load of clever sounding nonsense and
that idiot Oprah soaks it up like a dumb sponge.

bubsybubbles says:


Krystle Champagne says:

i wanna get that book x

Middle Child says:


Stephane Guenette says:

The Lord Jesus Christ isn’t good enough for Oprah. Right, Oprah? “For false
Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders
to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” …are you warning your minions,
Oprah? No?

Doriesep6622 says:

Nice beginning to my day!

Yukio Mishima says:

kabbulism, medievle, islam, and black islamist, what ever next, they sold
them ON A CROSS.

nfcoard says:

He is not new age. What he teaches is a part of New Thought. New Thought
deals with metaphysics, spiritual laws and spiritual practices. Meditation
and loving yourself and others unconditionally are the two most powerful
practices. Meditation is like a receiving and the other is a giving. The
secret to happiness is to serve life with love. When you give without
expecting anything in return, not even that person’s gratitude, life gives
back to you very abundantly. Also love is it’s own reward.

karma o'malley says:

Then I ask what is ‘western spirituality’? Middle eastern? Roman? Arabian?
what what what?

MyAntijesus says:

Tolle the God-maker.

David Brooks says:

he’s not even part of the new age though lol.

Matthew Philp says:

The irony in this statement here, yes I mean you ‘MyAntijesus’ (I’d like to
see if you have the balls to reply to a comment once in a while), is so
strong it’s almost hilarious. You say god thinks this and that about our
definitions of him, THEREFORE DEFINING HIM – then indeed through your
‘vain’ thinking interpret Tolle’s teaching as being THE OPPOSITE of what he
actually says, he says God is not a form, not something that can be
understood by the personal mind, which is the opposite of god.

TheLillianMF says:

Yes like christians and Jesus.

tobo86 says:

Wow, me neither! Which one?

Catherine Tung says:

“My signed copy from you!” So cutee :]

Richard Baldwin says:

Tolle says find god through technique. Never mind the personal god who
cares about the condition of the heart! What a heritic!

nfcoard says:

Eckhart Tolle is not a teacher I connect to greatly but his teaching is so
powerful. And his words are so precise and powerful. The beauty of his
words touches me deeply before I even begin to think about the words. It’s
like his words activate feeling before you even begin to think about them.
And the feelings are peace, stillness and appreciation.

karma o'malley says:

yes.Thanks for making the effort.Mr Trolle(sic) is an excellent teacher..

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