Embracing Our Humanity – Full Lecture

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In this lecture, held at the Asilomar Conference Grounds, Ram Dass
discusses the changes he’s experienced in himself over the many years that he’s been teaching. He admits to having been caught in the separateness of acting as a, ‘holy man’, trying to be what everybody wanted him to be. He eventually had to acknowledge that part of him was using the spiritual path to avoid the things he couldn’t face in himself, and that the game wasn’t about getting high, but getting free. This requires embracing all of life, incorporating the darkness into the light. The human heart is the doorway to intuition and our actions must come from the blending of humanity and divinity. Until we fully accept our humanity, our intuition will lack harmony. When we embrace our uniqueness and accept responsibility for the creation of who we are, we begin to let go of the forms that keep us separate. If we can identify with our inner being then we can open to a much broader appreciation of the outer world in which we must live. We can learn to operate within our roles, without getting lost in them. Who we think we are disappears, and we find action in that previously confined energy.

(Pacific Grove, CA – 8/7/1982)

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civilian says:

good stuff 55:00 … and the rest of it.

MalorieMayWhovier says:

alan watts and ram dass.. drunk. i would’ve enjoyed to be a fly there

Richard Alpert says:

Thank you, you bring so much light to my life.

carpo719 says:

1:23 is a great one….listen for a couple minutes to that part if nothing
Our service to our world is an essential part of feeling true freedom.
Thanks to you Ram Dass, you have always been an inspiration.

Salomon Ptasevich says:


Jimmy Sudekum says:

This is my favorite era of Ram Dass. He’s as articulate as ever, but with
far greater humility. His honesty dispels any doubts of his integrity.

Bradley Carpenter says:

I love u ramm dass man 

Martin Frostevall says:

Thank you Ram Dass. love

Jonathan Harrison says:

Sing Souls Sing!

B.R.A.A.D says:

Ram DASS really needs to meet BRAAD.NOW.

le crincle says:

comedy is indispensable

Kristen Musolino says:
Acedia Tristitia says:

We do partly create our own reality, of the trillions of things we could
focus on, we choose to focus on only a few of them at a time, at least
consciously, and of the trillions of ways we could focus on them, we choose
only a few ways at a time, and we choose to do so, not because of our past,
but because of who we are, now. What we call reality, is really an
interaction between subject and object, and subject and object aren’t
nearly as separate as we often imagine them to be, they’re part of a
continuum which both is a 1/0 and an A/B at the same time.

Sarah Bearheart says:

=) I love the ending to this one.

Ram Dass Channel says:
neilamadhava says:

He laughs like Elmer Fudd 🙂

Thanks for uploading this… It reminds me where I’m at ^_^

Victor Tang says:

I love you as well Ram Dass. Thanks for sharing

Kyran Hayes says:

Finding the truth and then being able to hold onto it is extremely
tormenting! I know the love that comes with that knowledge, sometimes I am
completely absorbed by it and other times it is at the very end of my
finger tips. This was a finger tip moment, you can see the searching in his

pwerplnblak says:

“as each moment becomes richer and more thick with meaning…” <3 <3 <3

Kc Connor says:

i have really just found this man. another stroke guy too. alive at last!

qualityasdf says:

Wonderful. Thanks for uploading

Dan Holly says:

Groovy event. Beautiful Wisdom was there

Scott Ritchey says:

Ram Dass, you already love the I that is you & the I that is us. Love the I
that is we by planting the potato and feeding all the beggars with one

rahulmpatel240 says:

Love u ramdass. Maharajaji is with you for sure. You emit so much love.

xitzprofessor says:

love you ram dass

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