Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course – Session 1

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The Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course offers a strategy for discipleship that leads to a powerful journey of transformation through a deep interior life with Christ. These videos by Pete Scazzero provide an outstanding framework of the biblical themes of emotionally healthy spirituality that have changed the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world. They will lead you beyond a tip-of-the-iceberg spirituality into a life where you love God, yourself, and others well.


Ernest Wamboye says:

β€œThe degree to which we are willing to give Jesus access to what is deeply beneath the surface of our lives, is the degree to which we will experience freedom in Him.” πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ”₯

Donal Keane says:

how good is this ,very Good

Dariusz Lukawski says:

Are your books available in audible version at Amazon?

Daniel Jackman says:

I'm doing this with my pastor now

Sam says:

10:15 is when the study starts

Lisa Milam says:

Thank you for the long clip. Will recommend for my Sunday school.

Joseph D says:

Wherever there is honesty before God and man there is beauty. This was beautiful and healing.

Nathan Van Roon says:

So 11:30 in he says Koreans instead of Christians, yes this is challenging.

Virginia Weekley says:

Are these videos available in Spanish and Korean? Love the content, but sharing with church family and looking for those translations

Kathryn Saunders says:

This man is part of the Emergent Church movement…and the teachings are very dangerous and subtle! This movement is infiltrating the Churches and deceiving Gods people…be prayerful and before starting any course or reading any book take a good look into who the author is and their background as that is usually where you find the truth of who they are and what agenda they have in leading Gods people astray! 1Pet 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Scott Brail says:

Being in prayer to Jesus multiple times a day is a good thing. My concern is that this EHS replaces prayer with meditation. God called us to pray to Him, not be silent with Him. This program takes Christians away from prayer. That is bad.
-Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

-Matthew 6:7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

-1 Timothy 2:8 Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.

-Psalm 89:12-16 says,. " Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord. They rejoice in your name all day long; they exult in your righteousness.

Donna G. says:

The problems that I have seen over the decades are that probably 99% of church groups are NOT centered around Jesus Christ. They are sitting there listening to a sermon or lecture without any interaction from God's people!!! THAT is part of what keeps Christians from growing up! Also, there's the spiritualizing that continues to take place when what a person may need is to truly go to a Christian counselor & do the work that is needed within so they can grow up & be more able to help others. Mainstream Christianity will always continue w/ their program…leader & audience! Unfortunately, that is NOT God's way. Also, someone made a comment about the Catholics & the Protestants…I for one would not follow anything Catholic but true followers thru the decades have been quiet before the Lord & have experienced His Presence & His teachings or voice or wisdom, etc. Jesus taught me that from the beginning. I couldn't depend on the 'church organization' for anything that was alive & real, b/c only God who is alive & real shared HIS Life w/ me (us).

Transparent Cross says:

The pastor at the church I attend went through this (almost verbatum) in his sermon without giving any credit to this author. I am going to assume that he will base the rest of his series on this book.
My opinion: This is psychology based with just enough "Scriptural salt" to give it taste, suitable to eat.
We find alternative principles to what the Bible calls sin. Here is the same thing, using subtle psychological terminology to make the listeners more at ease. It is true we need to make changes in ourselves so we may help others. This method makes sin sound painless in the presence of a holy God, which He cannot stand (Isaiah 59:2). Just don't call it sin. That's a dirty word. So is repentance and holiness. We can change that here.
I even heard him say that if a leaders wants to see change in his church, buy his book. What hypocrisy. He is wiling to place his book above the Holy Writ and the work of the Holy Spirit to work alongside what he wrote and believes.
If ppl really want discipleship, read and study Romans thoroughly and maybe you will understand how Paul said the "world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world" (Galatians 6:14). He wanted nothing to do with world and the world cut him off, wanting nothing to do with Paul.
That is a disciplined follower and imitator of Christ.
Read the Bible. Allow the Holy Ghost to convict what is not of God. Be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:15). Remember Matthew 10:38. You are not worthy of Him if you are not carrying YOUR cross.
This book wants to change the old man that he may morph into the new. We are called to crucify the old man so the new man may live fully unto Christ.

mary wolfe says:

David did not put on a mask like a lot of Christians. David did now answer anyone with I am blessed and highly favored every time someone asked him how we was. Actually, I feel the so called people of the world are more REAL than most Christians I have come in contact with. And I am Christian saying this! Imagine! We need to get with the scripture and weep with those who weep and morn with those who morn and get real with each other!!!!!And, also those who are strong ought to bear with those who are weak. People had to hold up Moses hands!! Thank God for people who are willing to hold our hands up. Also, thank God for the friends who took the roof off of a building to help their friends get to Jesus!!! The world knows that the church has a lot of problems because if the real church had the love God wants us to have, there would not be enough seats in any church. People are looking to be loved that's why there are so many addictions, food, sex, drugs….legal and illegal, alcohol, shopping addiction, electronic addictions, codependency is also an addiction. Love conquers all. Let's all learn how to Love each other in a godly way. We are not saviors….Jesus is the only Savior!!!!!! Let us look in the mirror and take care of our home before we tell others how to clean their home. I can't stand the phoniness. I have heard church people say….. I don't know how the world gets through things…. I can tell you how…..they don't wear as many masks as the church people. God bless all!!!!!!

BEA says:

Wow can't wait to get into this study.

Phil Alcoceli says:

"We are not very good at silence and solitude…" (minute 5:40). I admire his honesty and his willingness to reach out to the monastic Catholic tradition while remaining fully Protestant. Catholics don't fully appreciate their own twice millenial tradition so why not have Protestants take advantage of that same tradition and issue a wake up call for ALL Christians in the whole world? Modern Protestant churches have become WAY too loud and are becoming pagan with this worship of music for its emotional impact. It is VERY possible to both appreciate reverent, godly silence and at the same time have an intense, expressive spiritual life, social life and ministry to others. Check the book: "The Power Of Silence" by Cardinal Robert Sarah.

M Doyle says:

Where is Lesson 2-8?

Home ImproveMent Tips says:

do you have YouTube videos on what you're talking about here in this series you've mentioned?

Thomas [WeAim2Serv] Beshears says:

It was only published today! Let us patiently see it through…

Thomas [WeAim2Serv] Beshears says:

Psalm 51 my favorite!!!

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