Emotions and Personality – The Listening Heart

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As a part of the Listening Heart series, in this recording from the summer of 1989, Ram Dass discusses the dynamics of personality and emotions including issues relating to the nature of fear, anger, and love.

0:07 – 4:52 “How can we use our emotions positively on our spiritual path?”
4:53 – 6:46 Taking Responsibility for Anger
6:47 – 19:02 “When your guru told you to drop anger, what did this mean?”
19:03 – 33:40 “What are we so frightened of?”
33:41 – 40:10 “How do we work with fear?”
40:11 – 42:24 “Is a judgmental mind ever appropriate?”
42:25 – 47:12 “How can I judge myself less harshly?”
47:13 – 57:44 “How can we love ourselves more?”
57:45 1:01:22 “What is the relationship between love and fear?”
1:01:23 – 1:07:08 “How does opening to love relate to god?”
1:07:09 – 1:12:20 Zen and Love
1:12:21 – 1:15:52 The Desire for Happiness
1:15:53 – 1:25:19 A Reading from Emmanuel’s Book
1:25:20 – 1:29:20 Answering Machine Story


The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

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Jerry Harper says:

It's squealing because it's in pain lol..

Laurie Francisco says:

What we hear here is a series of questions and answers, and this is my first time listening to this particular audio. What a wonderful surprise. I don’t know if Ram Dass would call this a “satsang,” but that’s what I equate it with. And I must admit I generally don’t care for satsangs because all I tend to hear are egos asking the questions or initially approaching the mic to showcase the perceived progress of the asker, followed by their question. And what I have to admit to is that annoys me so I tend to avoid the format. I heard nothing of that kind here. Maybe it was because the questioning was limited to specific subject matter, but these are not only some of the best questions I’ve ever heard, they were all articulately presented, and without any traces of ego. Really remarkable! At the end Ram Dass reads from a book of a channeled entity called Emmanuel, and though Ram considers Emmanuel to still be a “somebody” rather than a realized being, I found the words profound and moving. I may have to locate a copy of the book. I hope this Q&A helps anyone who finds it. Ram Dass is good at putting things in terms that are understandable, and his responses were as informative and heartfelt as the questions!

Harry Stokes says:

Can you please allow clipping of this video. Would love to clip from 3/4ths way through

Allison Blaustein says:

“ Anger often comes from righteousness which is called the golden chain and Freedom lies just behind good and bad”
“Even if I am ‘right’ it’s not going to get me where I’m going …. Let go of pride …. Don’t try to work it out … psychologically… just let it go …. I want to be free …. If my heart is open ‘they’ may change faster …..what little anger left is painful….. it’s my problem now , not ‘theirs’ “

Mychajlo Doss says:

So convienent to idolize a dead person. I don't have to worry what he thinks about it and I get to entertain that he exists near me as a spirit.

Nite Glow says:

I just discovered Ram Dass. I wish I had known about him earlier. Thank you so much for sharing this video. His wisdom is very much needed right now. 🙂

SoftserveSodium says:

Isnt this just the jfku talks?

JupiMeow says:


I usually love Ram Dass but I can't listen to this one. As soon as he said it's okay to spank children if it's done with love, I lost it. Not cool

Adam Weilacher says:

I thank you babA rAm Dass, and furthermore, doing all I can to love everyone, but must be honest that I love you most…sorry Ram Dass.

Shirley Gines says:

Lessons: “Happiness is being in harmony with what is.” “Fear is merely baggage. You’re going to end up in the same place with or without it. Your journey will be a better experience without it.”

A Hutch says:

The struggle is real.

J R says:

I think accepting duality is a kop out!

Kamen says:

S’how i saved the worl

Alip Moose says:

At 33:46 the voice of question is like Thay Thich Nhat Hanh, isn't it?

Catherine Bridges says:

Reactive Emotions May I watch them pass away. Do not deny them. Let go! Suffering let my heart break and move on. Do not dig my hole just leave each other now! That is best that I wallow no more! Anger is righteousness the last obstacle to the inner temple…. Go beyond this now become free let go. Love everyone it will all go together shift my gaze now and I love him angry at actions not being. Do not push against anything. Stop alienating my own self of inadequacy’s so I begin today to give this anger up and not oppose people give it up now to be free. Being right I must keep my heart open now! Stop this judging mind. I cannot liberate others with my anger! Anger is love and equanimity! Maybe it is just loving but my parents and I do not know how to do this! Now my parents are long gone. How do I work with my FEAR. Ignorance and taught who we are. Ego very fragile neuro patterns impulse life and protect society from impulse. Be afraid but with a self entity in this that I am not separate just vulnerable. Leave this social shame and the feeling of violence when hurt. May I get this now at 75 years by observing this hurt and that I am still here! The Fear consumed me ah here it comes again. Just notice it! Just listen as a witness as we are not separate when we are hurt! May I remember this and be a witness to my subjective fear!

Sol Freeman says:

Really needed these teachings. So wise. Love you ram Dass x

Joshua Kamien says:

I LOVE YOU RAM DASS❤😂, I Know your spirit is in me❤

Amanda’s Divine Yoga says:

How truly lucky and blessed are we to be able to listen to Ram Dass at any time? I’m very grateful for that. Thanks for sharing this. 💖🙏💖

Sue Krevitt says:

Thank You, Life, for manifesting…and meeting my need…through Ram's sharing-love! Amen

D Lawrence says:


Tom Ato says:

Who hurt who because of what was said, and who hurt who because of what wasn't said?
It's okay to hate bullshit and to love no shit. Anger is real, Joy, surreal, but Love is the deal!

Korey Niese says:

I’m part of the oceans stuff like a piece of seaweed lol

Moon Loon says:

Homage to Ram Dass! 🙏🕉️💜

Chris Meisner says:

This is one of the best I've heard

Conrad says:

Where can I find all the unpublished full lectures? Do i have to settle for getting one once a week? Ram dass foundation is withholding dharma, thats wack.

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