Evolution of Awareness – A Conversation with Neale Donald Walsch and Eckhart Tolle

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Neale Donald Walsch asks Eckhart Tolle a question in a public conversation

More on http://:www.eckharttolletv.com and http://www.nealedonaldwalsch.com/

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Claude Lebel says:

I always suspected but it’s good to hear his confession.


yep! Eckart truly is showing us the way to our self.Thank you gratitude

Patrick Rebell says:

Here the full conversation: http://vimeo.com/54220472

zorro2040 says:

This used to be on Youtube- Why have they removed it?

msyin9 says:

This is a great example of the purpose of your channel and our challenge to
live LIFE with AWARENESS. The struggle comes, but we then must be aware of
it as Tole said, as an alarm clock, so that we can step back, breathe and
then allow Presence to take over for our Authentic Self to be in control.
No worries about what others will think and not enslaved by the ego. Put
this way will help us to be joyous to know we have an alarm clock to wake
us up and be aware when we are not in the now.

Corey Jenkins says:

Inspired by both of these men, I’ve created a new talk show that brings
AWARENESS to real life issues like love, money & spirituality. If you’re
interested please find LIFEwithAWARENESS on YouTube.

Lidiya Homa says:

My favorite teachers!!!

Cindy Argueta says:

just look for me …I want to talk more about life, god, and anything in
general. [cindy argueta, random thoughts]

Linda Gemmill says:

Amazing that I should find this at the very moment I realise that it is my
mind that has been sabotaging my being – thank you x

toyouiwill says:

Tuck in your shirt!

raulrodfer1 says:

please subtitulated in spanish!!!..this is amazing!!!

Creatrix13 says:

Presence is very good when observing you are not present – exactly. When
the real you reminds you in the middle of some thoughts or words that this
is not the real you present wanting to express itself.

mercurius0 says:

What a character.

Cindy Argueta says:

I want to meet you and talk to you about life , Neale !

Rachelle Guterres says:

Two of the most AMAZING men in this world!!

artistxmusic says:

Very moving…. Eckhart is definitely tapped into something powerful. When
The Power of Now came out it had a profound impact on my life. I wrote a
song about that book called “All Things Subside”… all about living in the
moment. Check it out on my channel

lydiabeat says:

what a good example, an alarm to notice! thank you very much!

bassax7045 says:

eckhart of course couldnt title it like this
but the title should have been “neal donald walsh in interview with god ”
here the full 43 minutes interview http://vimeo.com/66622605
its a must !!!!

Randall Fountain says:
ken rodway says:

We have here a classic fulfillment of Jesus’ words in Matt.15:14…
“Let them alone: they are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead
the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.” (In the case of Walsh and
Tolle; make that a New-Age ditch!)
These N. A. poster boys are currently seducing the gullible with soothing
and deceptive lullabies such as, “God is All ~ and All is One ~ so we all
share the Divine ~ and the Oneness that is God.” ~~ “There are so many
ways to God.” ~~ “All faiths are valid.” Etc., etc., etc. (Spiritual
garbage is like the mail: it just never stops coming.)

Notable quotes from Walsh’s god/familiar spirit/angel of
light/serpent/Satan himself…
“You are already a god. You simply don’t know it.”
“Hell does not exist…”
“I do not love good more than I love bad. Hitler went to heaven. When you
understand this, you will understand god.”

In addition…
Did you know that Walsh called Robert Schuller, “An extraordinary minister:”
In his 1982 book, “Self-Esteem: The New Reformation,” Schuller wrote,
“Theologians must have their international, universal, transcreedal,
transracial standard.”
Referring to Schuller’s “universal standard,” Walsh’s “god” said this:
“Rev. Schuller was profoundly astute in his observations and incredibly
courageous in making them public. I hope he is proud of himself. I suggest
that such an international, universal, transcreedal, transcultural,
transracial standard for theology is the statement, We are all one! – Ours
is not a better way, ours is merely another way.”
Describing “another way” as the “New-Gospel” or the “New-Spirituality”, but
cleverly omitting the word “Age” from both, Walsh’s demon (I’m tired of
calling it god) clearly implies that Schuller’s brand of theology could
bridge the gap between the New Age Movement and the Christian community.
The TRUE God declares that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way
to salvation, and to the Father in Heaven. (John 14:6) …
Follow Him alone, and be eternally safe.
Walsh, Tolle, Schuller, and a host of other spiritual deceivers claim that
any way will do…
Follow them down the very “broad way which leads to destruction.” and
be eternally lost.

“The victory of deception is the unawareness of our
(Kole Eremos)

Sandra Hoffmann says:

Two great teachers! Thanks for helping me on my way :)

Santiago Torrente Perez says:

Let it be subtitled in portuguese, please!!!

michael govers says:

Two of my favourite people, funny interesting and educational, in shot a

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