Exclusive interview with H.H. the Dalai Lama, for Romania

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Director: Marcel Dediu; Co-directors: Eva Cirnu & Irineu Bârle
Producers: Eva Cirnu & Dominik Czartoryski
Director of Photography: Elia Saikaly
Camera: Elia Saikaly & Abhishek Madukar
Sound: Elia Saikaly & Dominik Czartoryski
Video editing: Eva Cirnu
Audio editing: Luc Grégoire
Sound recording: Studio HAMT, Dharamshala, India
Translation: Marcel Dediu
COPYRIGHT: Marcel Dediu & Eva Cirnu, 2017
Oct. 2017. Total interview length: 40min.

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Divyajapa says:

Can somebody give English translation of what the orthodox monk says?
It would be super to understand everything
And thank you so much for this interview

MyessYallyah Americus says:

why should i lie to people? to keep it secret that they are all about to die??? who cares if they know ahead of time? they deserve to die and they deserve to know why so they can worry about it while they are still alive. after death they dont have anyway to pay for their crimes. the tensions knowing they are about to die is minimum payment i collect. i am going to kill them . i have no other choice.

Ion Eugenia says:

Scopul vietii nostre este mantuirea !!! DUMNEZEU ESTE UNUL SI NE VEGHEAZA PE TOTI!!!SLAVA LUI PENTRU TOATE!!!👑🌻🌲🌻🌲🌻🌲🌻

sons of anarchy says:

Tot ce luam cu noi sunt faptele bune. Contează caracterul. Nu religia. Poți fii și ateu, sa faci fapte bune. Mereu.

Dönerhalter says:

I dont know but I am so much in love with his conclusions. This human beeing is someone special. We should send him our Compassion. Love you Dalai Lama.

Sonam Dolma says:


babey you love miss u enjoy life all grup frie s says:

🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌷🌼🌺 best better well nice

babey you love miss u enjoy life all grup frie s says:

Wow beautiful very better teaching proud feeling amazing super proudly talk speaking religion's compassion say i like it that thank you dalai lama miss you so much I love best well god Buddha lovely good nice better well well 🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌷🌷🌻🌺🌼

Nicu-Andrei Paduraru says:

Sarmani oameni infranti,eretici si foarte ecumenisti! Prostanacul de satana tre' sa-i iubeasca! Ortodoxia este singura credinta mantuitoare! Doamne Ajuta!

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