Failing at Spirituality (Spiritual Perfectionism) – Teal Swan –

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We’ve got a serious issue in the spiritual and self help community (or shall we say the world at large). It’s this idea that you’re only getting life right and spiritual practice right if everything is going well and if things aren’t going well, you’re doing something wrong. In this episode, Teal encourages us to take the pressure off and look at ourselves from a brand new perspective.
Kuan Yin’s Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel

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Kimberly Vee says:


Chantelle Tibbs says:

Right before I came across this video I was feeling really down on myself for feeling down. I was judging myself for not always being happy around my son. That is not even possible. You are right my GOD the pressure. I will catch myself literally turning down spiritual music I'm listening to because I don't want my neighbors to find out I'm spiritual and then hold me accountable for it when I have a bad day or snap at Kai. Now if that isn't prison I don't know what it.

Teal, I love you so much. Your videos have changed my life. I started listening to you right after the breakup with my son's father. It was my lowest moment. This was a little over a year ago. Everything changed. You were the gateway to a completely different era of my life. My gratitude is endless.

Germany wouldn't even let Osho fly over their country. Please try to remember that when anyone throws hate your way. The truth you deliver is powerful and it is burning and they are reacting to the pain. You are serving them, you are helping to break them wide open.
Like a friend who rips off a band aid.

Thank you thank you many blessings to you! Anything I can do to help you in your mission please let me know.

Kat O says:

Thankkkk youuu!!!! <3

Danny Davis says:

Your best video ever I've ever watched. I laughed so much watching this. Thank you.

Rose Awen says:

I love this video. You are SO spot-on in what you share here. Thank you so much for being a freedom-offering warrior of truth. I can see why you are slandered, threatened, etc. It is because you speak the truth despite knowing it will make some people frightened of you, and frightened people who are having their preciously held "beliefs" broken down become angry and hateful. Because you tell the truth and we all know that "the truth shall set you free" but DAMN there are tons of people out there who do not want us to be free so they despise people like you who really preach what needs to be taught, truth. You teach people how to overcome the disempowering feelings of shame and guilt and how to accept themselves and love themselves while they are "learning." It's all learning, not making mistakes. I send you love and strength! I am thankful to you for being such a speaker of truth. You are awesome! I am also thankful as I watch this that I can say to myself, "Oh yeah I USED to do that too!" But I don't anymore. Now I understand I am always learning, always becoming more soul than human, and it's an objective process. Not one to belittle myself over. I am already perfect, right as I am right now. Thanks again.

Kim Brce says:

Finally someone said it!!

Aranka Poliak says:

In my opinion the sentence in 11:44 time frame is the best of the whole video

Blewbury says:

teal slays the spiritual community once again. I love you teal

Kelsey Meyer says:

Spiritual perfectionism is rampant in many new age teachers who present themselves in a state of perfection – the perfect diet, spouse, house, health, clothes, friends, and state of mind. Many seem to bypass the deep and dark emotions of the human experience. Utilizing social media platforms to cultivate an image of perfection. This perpetuates a feeling of shame in their followers who feel the pressure to be just like their teachers and they feel WRONG if they are not. I appreciate a teacher who shines a light on their "negative" emotions, thoughts, feelings and allows themselves to be a messy human being who also allows themselves to be on a journey of further self awareness. Many of us just don't want to realize that our teachers aren't gods with all the answers, but are humans just like us.

Ashley Briones says:

You're amazing!

ETMoments says:

What about the perfection involved with Alchemy?

Michael Graham says:

That expanded my awareness so much, thank you!

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