Faith and Trust

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This wonderful clip is from the June 2006 lecture, Spiritual Truth vs Spiritual Fantasy. The innocence of the child in us is both necessary for our spiritual progress but is also a downside, since that innocence can lead us down to roads of falsehood.
Dr. Hawkins explains and counsels to help avoid the pitfalls that can occur.

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David. Majchrzak says:

Thank You, always perfect timing

Chay Blake says:


Allan Ashby says:

Amen 🙏🤍

Wüstenblume says:

I often wonder what he would have said about the current state of the media. He used to joke about narcissistic bloggers and editorial pages, but now we have Youtube, AI, TikTok, and tablets in nurseries.

Pedro Zaragoza says:

God bless our beloved Dr. Hawkins. His teachings are precise, brilliant, sublime and Divinely inspired.
Thank you for these sacred blessings.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

Micah Stewart says:

Why does he tap her arm?

Matthew Waldron says:

I am so blessed to have been able to listen to David Hawkins for the past 10+ years now. The road would have been needlessly longer and more difficult without him (I suspect). Thank you thank you thank you! God bless!

Riva G says:

and how grateful we are that you shared it with everyone!

Stephen Kaake says:

when God granted me enlightenment I was told I was to bring about world peace, I have dedicated myself to Spiritual Truth and I was shown the errors of David's beliefs, I was given a voice that corrects me, I have a Greater mind attached to my mind, no one is in control of this mind, no one is in control of that muscle test, they just give you numbers you will believe, spiritual beliefs are like a giant hoodwink the universe puts on for people, they fooled me big time, but the voice says 'no, you weren't fooled you just believed'

Nature Lover says:

sadness doesn't run itself out like he said, just because it did for him

Pedro Ortin says:


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