Finding Peace of Mind

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As human beings, we all want to be happy. His Holiness the Dalai Lama says the key to this is finding peace of mind. Here he outlines how destructive emotions disturb our inner peace and steps we can take to secure it.

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live 2 love ll says:

Long life his holiness the 14th Dalai lama

Daniel Garcia says:

Thank you, sir. I would not have said it better. Very well said. I am impressed by the closed captioning. I was able to get the point and follow along without having to pause and go back. I love you Dali Lama.

Fils de Jean Noir says:

0:51 Well 2 types of anger I guess: 'anger related to self-centered attitude' or anger related to self-centered attitude of other. First one useless, second one useful. 0:56 'Altruistic attitude' people don't care about 'being happy'. It's not their main priority. So no point in selling 'altruistic attitude' as happiness pill. It's not fair really. Altruistic attitude comes with lots of hardship. Should mention. 1:13 No. Fear and anxiety don't create anger. HH is getting all his emotions mixed up. 1:17 Ok. But unfortunately schools do not educate children for 'a peaceful society'. They educate them for access to 'the good job'. These days; mostly in the 'science' fields. Our children build the weapons of the future. Always! 1:26 'Emotional hygiene'??!! Seriously?! The language is becoming ridiculous! No such thing as 'emotional hygiene'! You're either 'self-cherishing', in which case all your emotions stink; or you're altruistic, in which case all your emotions are valid! 1:30 I don't think this film has anything to do with HH. Some years ago; my friends grandchild asked HH the question: "How do we deal with bullies in the playground." He replied: "Fight back!" There are NO destructive emotions. ALL the emotions of Samsara are rubbish. All bodhicitta emotions are perfect. We can be peaceful deity or wrathful deity. Wrathful deity has 'destructive' emotions; to destroy Samsara! At the end of the day; 'PEACE OF MIND' is just not the be all and end all! We are not here just to forage for PEACE OF MIND ad infinitum! Got all sentient beings to liberate! PEACE OF MIND; we have on a Tuesday and maybe not on a Friday. Such is life! 1:41 No. Education should include about 'inner attitude'. The 'correct' stance. 'Peace' is another topic. 1:52 I can answer this right now. 'Violence' can be created by any emotion. It could be created by 'vengefulness' or it could be created by the need to protect one's child. Anger is anger. Nothing wrong with the emotion of anger as such. If we are not angry with 'injustices' or 'genocides' or any such things; we will not have what it takes to combat them. Jealousy is an emotion created by samsaric 'attachment'. For example; a man 'loves' his wife with samsaric attachment. When she smiles at others, he feels jealous. Anxiety and fear can be caused by such things as 'the approach of impending danger'. Most useful emotion of all, fear. Specially 'fear of death'. Very very sharpening emotion that one! 2:23 Or intensify the anger. Anger is a fuel.

Amit Dahal says:

Small talks ❤️

Amit Dahal says:

🙏🏽 hajur

Terrence Lo says:

Namo Buddhaya. Namo Dharmaya. Namo Sanghaya

Terrence Lo says:

🧘🏻‍♂️Om mani padme hum

Ines Brower says:


Nitin wagh says:

Jay bhim namo buddhay from Maharashtra 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Ines Brower says:

Self-esteem and esteem is incomparable. To not be tricky and harmful. As a Buddha's self esteem and esteem is peerless.

Tenzin Deden says:

Kyabsu Che🙏🏻

Stephanie Bosch Flute says:


Sivagurupatham Vadivelu says:

I whole heartedly accept and agree with His Holiness 🙏☮️

tenzin Choegyen 09 says:


Cain. D says:

i had epilepsy, KO for 3 days at home and went for surgery. stay in hospital for a month. i have tried meditation, apply positive thinking and do chanting to reduce all negative force such as anger, worry, anxiety etc. nothing works. its super stress living in today's world especially here in singapore. the stress level is high. jobs are too competitive and salary are low which unable to cope with daily living even you work till death. people drive like mad on the road without any patience. so much road rage here due to people just stress out. i have 2 acquaintance friends. one died while working, another died in his sleep. he was a quite man, but we sees he is working 2 jobs just to make ends meet and wasn't happy most of the time. i would rather live in a 3rd world country with a simple meal rather than all these fancy things here in singapore. perhaps we just needs to practice more of Buddha's teaching everyday and meditate more here.

jesus mario rodriguez castaneda says:

the Anger is the cancer of Mind.

Ramiro Gómez says:

Fernando Velásquez V. También es periodista y columnista de El Colombiano en Medellín, Colombia. En uno de sus artículos en días pasados, decía : Olvidamos que todos convivimos en un planeta, presa del cambio climático y porque la supervivencia de las especies sobre la faz del planeta está seriamente amenazada. Tenemos que chocar los cinco con don Fernando, en éste día.

Ramiro Gómez says:

Que bonita reflexión nos ha dado hoy Dalai Lama como celebración del día de la tierra. El periodista y columnista de El Colombiano Juan José Hoyos, en Medellín, Colombia; en un importante artículo también escribió lo que nos dice hoy Dalai Lama : EL PLANETA ES NUESTRA CASA.
Tenemos que cuidarlo, defenderlo y ayudarle en todo. Debemos formar brigadas por el medio ambiente con los niños y adultos en los barrios, urbanizaciones, ciudades y pueblos. No permitamos que funcionarios públicos cambien las zonas verdes y los árboles por cemento y asfalto. Unámonos a nuestros ancestros y digamos SOS POR LA NATURALEZA.

Kunal Singh says:

Dearest His Holiness, I love you! Thank you for changing my life! Deepest love, respect and gratitude! 🙏😊🤗

Tenz Delek says:

Long live his holiness

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