Friendship With God – An uncommon Dialogue By Neale Donald Walsch Part 1 of 3

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Conversations with God took its readers on an inspirational journey, teaching them how to conduct a dialogue with God and reach a better understanding of themselves, others and the world we all inhabit. In Neale Donald Walsch’s latest book, they will travel further on this journey towards a greater relationship, and ultimately friendship, with God.

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Dawnabrat says:

This is really wonderful thank you.

beshtar says:

God is love and we all got love in us , follow that love, always ask, what would i like if i was that person , then act on it ; be yourself best or in my words , let love be your guide, love to all that is , ty for this

Shantay says:

Incredible… I cried… Thank you!!!!

Judith Plotkin says:

1:52:08 = The questions are : Is this who I am? and, What would Love do now?

Danny Boy says:

Amazing thank you for sharing this 🤩

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