Full Lecture by RAM DASS – Attachements & Addiction

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Weavy Philo Represent a Full Lecture by Ram Dass answers questions about attachment, addiction and relationships. The root of suffering is the clinging of the mind to the things which separate one from all of it. When that separation happens, there is incredible pain and in some profound way all of our actions henceforth are an attempt to return back into the One…

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Alan Watts – When Man becomes God

Alan Watts – Nature of God

Alan Watts – Guided Meditation (Awakening the mind)

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Chris Perez says:

The teacher always shows up for the student at the right time . Thank you mister Ram Dass. I'm on an interesting journey and you have helped me tremendously. Peace and love to all.

Naeda Yan says:

The last question hit home and yet it seemed so hard to answer for Ramm Dass. The yearning for intimacy, to be one in awareness with another, can be something which makes one feel so alone, so much that the woman asking doubted anyone else having it. I'm not sure how she took it in the end, but it surely is something to ponder.

Dilbag Singh says:

Blessed , possessed, overtaken and submerged, all doors wide open,laughing melted chains roaming along the love freed at last.

richard belisle says:

How do I have a relationship with god?…. you disappear….God Is🕉☯️❤️🙏🏼

MortalClown says:

Missing Baba Ram Dass… thank you for this great upload. Namaste.

Joseph Joseph says:

Peace Be The Journey.🙏🏾🌍❤️

Hebrew Nazarite says:

Thanks for uploading! 🙂

Sirenpheonix says:

12:39 smacked me in the FACE!! That shit hit different.

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