Get BACK Your GOD-LIKE Powers! Then CHANGE the World! Conversations With God's Neale Donald Walsch

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There’s a POWER inside of you, GREATER than you could ever imagine. For YOU have the power create, to change, and to make massive differences in your life, AND on the planet. In this fascinating show with Neale Donal Walsch, author of Conversations with God, you’ll learn how to take back your God-like power and make a huge difference in your life, and for ALL of humanity! Rediscover your power, and find out where to go from here in this fascinating interview!

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Get your tissues ready….join us for an emotional journey as we explore Neale Donald Walsch’s profound teachings and personal stories. Together, we’ll uncover how his Conversations with God can guide you on your path to spiritual growth and deeper understanding. Prepare to both laugh and cry as we engage with these transformative insights that illuminate the essence of our existence.

Topics discussed:
– The concept that Humanity is reaching a critical mass…hitting the reset button
– The presence of extraterrestrial beings on Earth
– The four-step process for personal growth
– The evolution of the “Platinum rule”

Neale Donald Walsch is a renowned American author, speaker, and spiritual messenger. Neale has written 40 books on spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. Titles in the With God series include: Conversations with God,

Born on September 10, 1943, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Walsch’s journey to spiritual leadership was marked by significant personal challenges, including homelessness and a life-altering car accident. These experiences led him to write letters to God, resulting in profound dialogues that would shape his future and the lives of millions around the globe.

Ways to contact Neale:


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@inspirenation says:

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@MariaWeber-l6v says:

Yes. There is 9percent of us in the planet walking among the human hybrids injecting new ideas into the fabric of the matrix that will help humanity with their ascension.

And there are 10 percent who are working behind the scenes and in service to the dark and their goal is to keep humanity from ascension and keep control of the planet and keep humanity enslave.

@ebey236 says:

I know we've already won the battle, no annihilation. All events occur in the press t so predictions are made in the present thus subject to change. Nothing is fixed or cemented.

@Dee-mg6dk says:

I for one feel like I had found myself for a while now. I don’t feel lost. And I have younger generations coming to me and asking how they can find themselves. And I tell them to stop fighting with themselves so much, and just be, and except.

@KelAnneBrandt says:

Thank you 😊

@Dee-mg6dk says:

Unfortunately, we deal with the β€œ sour β€œ behavior nightly at work . And the ones that are sending that sour thoughts and behaviors are Believing every word – literally, in the Bible…….. my question πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ : WHY are they being soooo judgmental ????????

@tracieedmondshair says:

my favorite book of my life all three

@panninggazz5244 says:

I just watched Conversations With God film here on YouTube. it was very nice.

@marchegrundmann1232 says:

I feel's a super exciting time

@treynatierling2474 says:


@KirrileeParkinson says:

We don't have a soul, we ARE a soul and we have a body and a mind that we are responsible for looking after while we are here and we are observing all of this as soul essence.
When you think of having a soul, it is your mind that "thinks" that, not you, you are the soul, and you have a mind

@drucillamorello736 says:

I don't feel lost. And yes I have finally found myself. I still have darkness I am working on. I had a very similar experience with my ex-husband. My new husband and I completely forgave him and he lived in my den for a couple of years. We loved him like a brother when he couldn't love himself. He is passed now.

@drucillamorello736 says:

I choose unconditional love and perfect bliss for all

@koen1230 says:

❀❀❀ thank you so much Michael for this beautiful conversation…
Great timing for my personal journey, or should I say: our personal journey…πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

@ariana7436 says:

Wow, what a synchronicity, I just finished listening conversations with God and look who is on your show!

@SpreadingLoveAndLight says:

Yes! Check in with your subconscious!

@1stmoviefan says:

Only topic Im interested in are the darn drones!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜… Could they be a diversion ?😊

@kristilynhealth548 says:

We are a part of inspiring nations!

@CarinaDelanghe says:

Merci beaucoup Γ  vous deux
Très touchant vidéo et des messages très émouvant

@GinaGraziano-h7l says:

If the world could change virtually overnight into pure love casting it's shadow over overone than so be it. I believe in the inspiration of a nation , which inspires the world. ❀️

@thebluecrush777 says:

Neale always gets me thinking deep! Love how deep and compassionate he is. Thank you Michale!!❀

@amyc7381 says:

Wow, Michael. It really doesn’t get much better than this. Conversations With God changed my life. Today, when a friend or acquaintance enters my field seeming to be searching for something, I introduce them to this book hoping it will also help guide them to the answers they seek. ❀❀

@janetlee4421 says:

We need a more egalitarian society and world. That is a crucial part of the answer. Those benefitting materially from the inequality are stringing people on. We have to face the issues in order to solve them. Truth breaks through like light on a sunny day! Love opens U up to the truth. God gives us the strength to deal with reality, not provide convenient escape s. Love will heal the human race, not visualuzed isolation and greed. What else could this be about? Grow a garden! πŸ˜…

@bethoverdier5735 says:

Wow! Love you both! Also, like the"plantinum rule". Thanks for this conversation.

@ladycc3573 says:

There are a lot more non human people than is realized, will that effect break through for them or the planet?

@letmeeeentertainyou says:

Neale is an almost exact optical twin to my very own father! I wonder what his birthday is! It’s amazing and proves that what is told that everyone has a certain number of twins, albeit not by birth, on this planet.

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