Getting rid of fear – Eckhart Tolle

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A Hill says:

Amazing words of wisdom.

JoshTv says:

Tolle is a savage

Huang Aisha says:

if you have experienced fear, you know how terrible it is; you might even commit suicide; you cannot help it; you know it is ego, but the thoughts and reactions create something unbearable to your body; i don't know how someone can have no ego; think about fear. if it's not ego, why is it there? no one wants to feel fear, but it will be there from time to time. i wonder how one can really be free of fear?

Dzoni MNE says:

why you cut videos ,that part is important,my opinion

Live Now Life Counseling says:

Most spiritual practices take a very hands off approach to the ego. Live Now is a very hands on approach to taking our lives back from the ego. We begin with one simple non-meditative tool to center our selves in our own presence. Then we have another tool which is to speak directly and clearly to the thinking to reprogram life long thought and behavior patterns. We observe everything and don't emotionalize anything. The result is the steady shrinking of the ego and a continual increase in our presence.

Marialuz Albuja says:

oh jeah sao zao jhhohn macaroon chacaroon noon

TheOmnipresent12 says:

Your mind will define you at your deepest level that you have a serious 'fear' related issue/issues. Even to the point of chronic social phobia. In any case you need to accept your condition. You quite literally have to see that your Ego/Pain Body/consciousness are wagging you somewhat like a dogs tail (they have taken you over).

You need to accept that this is what is happening to you and grab that 'dog's tail' in order to invert the situation so that you take power away from the Ego/PB&C and return it back to your control where it belongs. You need to reprogram (de-proggram?) yourself through and via enlightenment. Probably worth the commitment if you are, or have suffered enough hey. But of course – it's your call. ;o)

Melanie Krueger says:

Thank-you Eckhart, this clip talked me through a pretty intense state of anxiety at 2:00 am last night. I appreciate your work so much!

Clixx4Quest says:

Thankyou Beloved Eckhart Tolle Sir……..

Wesley Kilbane says:

really helpful. thank you

Aaron man says:

Let me tell you my experience about fear … There are many kinds of fear … first one because you did something wrong and you afraid from the results from this action … second kind you afraid or you have horror from obscure and this the most commonly kind .. We you feel a fraid from something you don't know about it or you are afraid from future … here I will tell you the solve for this kind of fear ..If you want to avoid this fear or you want to avoid the bad results your action now should be right then don't think about the future and try to remember our god as you can

Huang Aisha says:

it's hard

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