Guided Meditation with Eckhart Tolle

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A guided meditation on the nature of awareness (aliveness) with Eckhart Tolle.
“Most people confuse the Now with what happens in the Now, but that’s not what it is. The Now is deeper than what happens in it. It is the space in which it happens. So do not confuse the content of this moment with the Now. The Now is deeper than any content in it.”

“When you step into the Now, you step out of the content of your mind. The incessant stream of thinking slows down. Thoughts don’t absorb all your attention anymore, don’t draw you in totally. Gaps arise in between thoughts – spaciousness, stillness. You begin to realize how much vaster and deeper you are than your thoughts.”

“Thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and whatever you experience make up the content of your life. “My Life” is what you derive your sense of self from, and “my life” is content, or so you believe.”

“Many expressions that are in common usage, and sometimes the structure of language itself, reveal the fact that people don’t know who they are. You say: “He lost his life” or “my life,” as if life were something that you can possess or lose. The truth is: you don’t have a life, you are life. The One Life, the one consciousness that pervades the entire universe and takes temporary form to experience itself as a stone or blade of grass, as an animal, a person, a star or a galaxy.
Can you sense deep within that you already know that? Can you sense that you already are That?”

“The next step in human evolution is to transcend thought. This is now our urgent task. It doesn’t mean not to think anymore, but to simply not be completely identified with thought, possessed by thought”

Most people find it difficult to believe that a state of consciousness totally free of all negativity is possible. And yet this is the liberated state to which all spiritual teachings point. It is the promise of salvation, not in an illusory future but right here and now.

“Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness.”
~ Quotes by Eckhart Tolle

We say, “That is a rose”, rapidly look at it and go on. By giving it a name, we think we have understood it; we have classified it and think that thereby we have understood the whole content and beauty of that flower. By giving a name to something, we have merely put it into a category and we think we have understood it; we don’t look at it more closely. If we do not give it a name, however, we are forced to look at it. That is we approach the flower or whatever it is with a newness, with a new quality of examination; we look at it as though we had never looked at it before. Naming is a very convenient way of disposing of things and of people – by saying that they are Germans, Japanese, Americans, Hindus, you can give them a label (concept) and destroy the label. If you do not give a label to people you are forced to look at them and then it is much more difficult to kill somebody.
~Jiddu Krishnamurti

Prejudice of any kind implies that you are identified with the thinking mind. It means you don’t see the other human being anymore, but only your own concept of that human being. To reduce the aliveness of another human being to a concept is already a form of violence.
~Eckhart Tolle

“I, too, use concepts, but I am not fooled by them” – The Buddha

May everyone, all beings be happy.
May everyone develop their mind in a wholesome way which creates happiness.
May we all awaken quickly and put an end to unnecessary suffering and stress.
And because I care about the well being of others,
I carefully watch over the mind and strive to put an end to all delusion.

The end of suffering explained by Eckhart Tolle:

The gift of the Dharma excels all gifts;
The taste of the Dharma excels all tastes;
Delight in the Dharma excels all delights.
The eradication of craving and clinging overcomes all sorrow.

For more guided meditations and teachings please visit:

Song: “River Goddess” by Maneesh De Moor

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jackcarterog001 says:

“All of his full audio books are no longer on youtube. So sad for those
who cannot afford it. It was such a great way to awaken people for FREE”

He is a greedy bastard. You want to become enlightened? Get a job, earn
money and pay him first.

Bernadette Marlene says:

Thank you so much for this. Can you tell me what song and style of music
you used at the beginng? l

jackcarterog001 says:

So he rings the bell as a call to awaken those that are meditating.

Do people really believe that they will become “awakened” just because some
dude rings a bell?

He tells you why he’s ringing the bell before hand, so that when he rings
it, the THOUGHT remembers what he said and creates for itself the desired
result that was already pre-determined by thought.

If he did not tell anyone what the ringing of the bell was, eveybody would
simply open their eyes upon hearing the bell ring thinking “Oh, the
meditation session is over?”

HumbleFishStix says:

haha “tolay”

paytontech says:

Turn off the commercials. Please. Thanks. 

Elnaz A says:

This is one of my go tos when i need to be brought back into the stillness

Maria Cotner says:

True being … 

Sue Zq says:

It’s funny, i had so accepted the state of “now” that i kept on going
meditating for a long time after the video had ended, not realizing that
the long silence meant it was over. Hahaha!

Ondesdevie says:

All of his full audio books are no longer on youtube. So sad for those who
cannot afford it. It was such a great way to awaken people for FREE.

Chirag Patel says:

I feel 10 times lighter after meditation. I’m going to make it a goal to
meditate 20 minutes everyday.

Bianca Tasso says:


GoBIGclan says:

What was the intro song??

GStuart Walsh says:

July 1

Diega Ramis says:

Meditation is not following any system; it is not constant repetition and
imitation. Meditation is not concentration.
Investigation into this whole question is meditation. That word had been
used both in the East and the West in a most unfortunate way. There are
different schools of meditation, different methods and systems. There are
systems which say, `Watch the movement of your big toe, watch it, watch it,
watch it; there are other systems which advocate sitting in a certain
posture, breathing regularly or practising awareness. All this is utterly
mechanical. The other method gives you a certain word and tells you that if
you go on repeating it you will have some extraordinary transcendental
experience. This is sheer nonsense. It is a form of self-hypnosis. By
repeating Amen or Om or Coca-Cola indefinitely you will obviously have-a
certain experience because by repetition the mind becomes quiet. It is a
well known phenomenon which has been practised for thousands of years in
India – Mantra Yoga it is called. By repetition you can induce the mind to
be gentle and soft but it is still a petty, shoddy, little mind. You might
as well put a piece of stick you have picked up in the garden on the
mantelpiece and give it a flower every day. In a month you will be
worshipping it and not to put a flower in front of it will become a sin.

Meditation is not following any system; it is not constant repetition and
imitation. Meditation is not concentration. It is one of the favourite
gambits of some teachers of meditation to insist on their pupils learning
concentration – that is, fixing the mind on one thought and driving out all
other thoughts. This is a most stupid, ugly thing, which any schoolboy can
do because he is forced to. It means that all the time you are having a
battle between the insistence that you must concentrate on the one hand and
your mind on the other which wanders away to all sorts of other things,
whereas you should be attentive to every movement of the mind wherever it
wanders. When your mind wanders off it means you are interested in
something else.

Meditation demands an astonishingly alert mind; meditation is the
understanding of the totality of life in which every form of fragmentation
has ceased. Meditation is not control of thought, for when thought is
controlled it breeds conflict in the mind, but when you understand the
structure and origin of thought, which we have already been into, then
thought will not interfere. That very understanding of the structure of
thinking is its own discipline which is meditation.

Meditation is to be aware of every thought and of every feeling, never to
say it is right or wrong but just to watch it and move with it. In that
watching you begin to understand the whole movement of thought and feeling.
And out of this awareness comes silence. Silence put together by thought is
stagnation, is dead, but the silence that comes when thought has understood
its own beginning, the nature of itself, understood how all thought is
never free but always old – this silence is meditation in which the
meditator is entirely absent, for the mind has emptied itself of the past.

If you have read this book for a whole hour attentively, that is
meditation. If you have merely taken away a few words and gathered a few
ideas to think about later, then it is no longer meditation. Meditation is
a state of mind which looks at everything with complete attention, totally,
not just parts of it. And no one can teach you how to be attentive. If any
system teaches you how to be attentive, then you are attentive to the
system and that is not attention. Meditation is one of the greatest arts in
life – perhaps the greatest, and one cannot possibly learn it from anybody,
that is the beauty of it. It has no technique and therefore no authority.
When you learn about yourself, watch yourself, watch the way you walk, how
you eat, what you say, the gossip, the hate, the jealousy – if you are
aware of all that in yourself, without any choice, that is part of

So meditation can take place when you are sitting in a bus or walking in
the woods full of light and shadows, or listening to the singing of birds
or looking at the face of your wife or child.

In the understanding of meditation there is love, and love is not the
product of systems, of habits, of following a method. Love cannot be
cultivated by thought. Love can perhaps come into being when there is
complete silence, a silence in which the mediator is entirely absent; and
the mind can be silent only when it understands its own movement as thought
and feeling. To understand this movement of thought and feeling there can
be no condemnation in observing it. To observe in such a way is the
discipline, and that kind of discipline is fluid, free, not the discipline
of conformity.
Freedom From the Known.Krishnamurti

Gurga Georgi Taylor says:

don’t miss, the point, of just being, is what meditation is about, silence,
thought comes in you acknowledge it, let it go, return to silence no
thought process then a thought come in again, thought & silence, like a
wave, going in and out, eventually, only going in deeper & deeper to a
peaceful place the mind likes, its the ego that has to think of things and
disrupt the peacefullness, like a loudmouth in a movie theatre, likes to
hear itself.

alma rosalia garcia aguilar says:
Grande Big Time says:

Silent Guided Meditation by Eckhart Tolle
Guided Meditation with Eckhart Tolle

Luz Maria Gallo says:


Gina Becker says:

🙂 he really speaks my language. Love this gentle soul!!!!!

Greg Jacques says:

this didn’t guide me at all! it was like a scary rollercoaster ride and it
just wouldn’t stop. oh wait, i did chew on some peyote earlier.

DoD Fontys says:

what a rubbish

Ayari Saen says:

Эдхарт Толле.

Bob Reilly says:


Ashleigh Brennan says:

Seems a bit lazy that there’s so much silence…not really very well guided

Staceyt Brauns says:

Take care of yourself and your heart. Do not depend on others. Especially
for happiness.

Robert Irons says:

I love this guy therefore I love myself. Eckhart Tolle is a straight
gorilla pimp

eagleshadow101 says:

which cd/dvd is this meditation taken from? I feel like it’s supposed to be
much longer?

Normandy F says:

This is the BEST meditation ever. Thank you Eckhart. Love you.

Психология 3000 тысячелетия. says:

Эдхарт Толле.

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