H H Dalai Lama: Coping with Loss and Sorrow

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In this clip H.H. the Dalai Lama answers a question about how to deal with sorrow, loss and sadness when losing a loved one.

Recorded on 11th of February, 2015 in Bella Center (Copenhagen, Denmark).
The full teachings are available here:

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Heather Wade says:

I can't do it.

theaveragehousecat says:

Dalai lama is such an inspiration, he is a very wise man

Christian says:

Im religius man before.after my lovely brother died now i become atheist.

Milton Smith says:

Dalia lama's voice gives me peace

No says:

The feeling that I have felt after losing my cat yesterday (best goddamn cat in the world (had an early death at 6) is sorrow, guilt, denial and numbness

Giovanni di Capo says:

It all makes sense but rational changes NOTHING & doesn't answer the question that can never be answered – WHY? That's the question that keeps you from moving on.

Dragonfly Moonrunner says:

I replaced my grief with two things. One, gratitude that I even got to know them and have them in my life for a time. Two, those who I have lost who love me, would not want me to be losing so much time in life to grieving over them. Time on this earth is our most precious asset. When I got sick and was close to death, what I cared about was not injuring the spirits or hearts of others with my death. I do not want pain and grief, to be the legacy I leave behind. So now, out of respect for my loved ones, I do my best and move on out of love and respect for what they would have wanted for me. They would not have wanted me to lose years to saddness.

Dawn Brook says:

I will never get over my parents death and have tried everything beyond belief

Tara Nelson says:

Thank you. I needed to here this.
The big problem I have is that I have excepted the death of my mother,father,step father,both grandmas. They all passed away! So now I feel after trying to build myself up and create a happy lifestyle that something bad is going to happen. I always feel like something is going to happen to someone I love

ShangBang 0Gang says:

My grandmother passed away a few hours ago. She was like my mom and was closer to me than I am to myself. I'm in denial still and am researching grieving. Thumbs up.

Chandani Srivastava says:

I lost my father I am 16 years old and I am not able to accept it……….

monstersince says:

my father left this mortal coil 30 years ago, he has been with me everyday since

CrystalDevon Lark says:

My mom died on vacation of heart failure on New Year’s Day if she were home we could’ve possibly saved her she died ALONE and I️ put off going to see her before she left for her trip to come see her when she got back and she never came back this is literally the hardest year of my life and I️ don’t know what to do. I’m filled with so much regret and there’s nothing I️ can do she won’t get to see me get married have more children anything I️ just feel lost we had a rocky relationship towards the end we were just fixing it I️ thought I️ had more time with her she was only 50 I️m trying to make peace but this is really hard.

Heidi K. says:

Please don't be deceived, these seducers can't save you – the devil himself masquerades as an angel of light! (see 2. Cor. 11:14) @ all: we are living in the end times, there's only one truth. JESUS CHRIST says: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the FATHER except through me. John 14:6 You have been warned.

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