Harry’s Last Lecture on a Meaningful Life: The Dalai Lama

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October 14, 2010 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama presents the 2010 Rathbun Lecture, sharing his reflections on how to lead a fulfilling life of purpose and moral values. He focuses on how one can be a valuable member of society and life a live filled with compassion even in the modern world.

The Rathbun Lecture was part of the Dalai Lama’s 2010 trip to Stanford. In addition to the Rathbun lecture, His Holiness gave two other public speeches to members of the Stanford community. The Dalai Lama is the head of state and the spiritual leader of Tibet as well as being a global icon.

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Ramon Carballo says:

Refuting the believe that the Dalai Lama is a sincere and pure buddhist
practitioner and teacher by using his words and comparing it with Buddhas

We must admit that sometimes the Dalai Lama tells the truth. Some days ago
a friend of mine showed me a magazine with a Dalai Lama interview, in it
the Dalai Lama says the following and I quote:
There is no much sense in me speaking about myself. It is better that other
people do it. What I know is that when I was a child I was a character, but
I have changed. Nowadays, I get angry from time to time, like for example
not long ago in Madrid. It was in the hotel waiting for my luggage to
arrive to the hotel, and it was not arriving. No one knew anything about
it. How silly! It should be somewhere. So I lost my temper. But it was for
a good reason: in my luggage there was my Tibetan medicine and I have
stomach pain, so I need it. In general I think that emotions and
intelligence come together. The emotions are part of our life but
intelligence must control them. In my case, when emotions come out my
wisdom and experience help me. However sometimes they appear in my dreams.
I see myself fighting with people. I hold something in my hand and I try to
hit them, but then I remember in my dream that I am a monk and I should not
fight. Sometimes I also dream with women. Yes attractive women… The Dalai
Lama laughs and speaks in Tibetan that Thetong translates: . The Dalai Lama keeps laughing: ,
that is a very low comment, Can you imagine Shantideva, Milarepa, Atisha o
Yhe Tsonkhapa stating such a low , insulting and ordinary comment?
Is this the persona appointed to represent the Buddhist path in this world?
For me is just a clown, a show man and a very, very ordinary person full of
delusions and with no capacity or will to overcome them.
PD- The interview was in the Spanish magazine “El semanal” 9 of July 2005
Nº 923.

Swis rya says:

I think here is important to explain what does ”Mind” in Buddhism mean,
compared to its Meaning within the so called Western World [which is, since
several Centuries ago, culturally and religiously tied to the Middle East].
Mind in Buddhism means not Brain, but it rather means Heart-Toughts-Senses.
Then is important to explain what does ”Compassion” in Buddhism mean,
compared to the Meaning that this same Word has within the Western-Middle
Eastern World. Compassion in Buddhism means Equanimity [Sense of
Equanimity]. Eventually [since it has been mentioned in the Study Guide
published following the Work by Tenzin Gyatzo ”Beyond Religion, Ethics for
a whole World”], it is important to explain the Meaning of ”Patience” in
Buddhism, compared to its Meaning within the Western-Middle Eastern World:
this buddhistically means Calmness, and practicing Patience means
practicing Calmness [Patience might let us think of a Kind of Suffering to
be endured, while Calmness is the conscient Effort to keep mentally clean,
to increase inner ”clear Light” (or Transluciency) and Firmness,
regardless of the Condition of outer Circumstances, playing an active
positive Role instead of passively bearing a heavy Situation]. Inner
Happiness/Goodness and outer Happiness/Power to Every1.

Tenzin Seldon says:

Thank you for coming in this world and guiding us.

srinivasu moturi says:

all sayings are very true ,.. its great … 

Hiep Le says:

Though it required great patient to watch the whole session, I still think
his wisdom was insprirational somehow.

Cathie Barre says:
jhampha more says:

A starting point for thinking

shubo tang says:

fake shame on lalai

Terry Floyd says:



“Instead, the Dalai Lama on Monday said he is in support of using nuclear
energy for peaceful means as a way to bridge the socioeconomic gap in
developing countries in the absence of more efficient alternative energy

“There is still many developing countries with a huge gap between rich and
poor…millions of people’s lives remain under the poverty level and we have
to think about these people,” the 76-year-old spiritual leader said at a
news conference on Monday morning in Tokyo. He noted that other energy
sources like wind and solar are too inefficient to put into realistic
practice to meet the needs of fast-developing countries.”


Harry’s Last Lecture on a Meaningful Life: The Dalai Lama

flutterandwow says:

Religion obviously encompasses so many facets of human life and behavior,
saying you cringe when you just hear the word makes me worry you’re only
focusing on some of the negative aspects and perhaps even refusing to be
open to anything associated with religious orientation that doesn’t fit
that negative image. I hope you, at least, could draw some favourable
distinction between what the Dalai Lama says and the more dogmatic and
self-righteous religious leaders. BTW, please google ‘tikkun olam’

VinceFSU07 says:

I got to see him in person and listen to his lecture this year, and it was
amazing. This video is awesome also, but theirs nothing like being in his
presence, Also he’s got a great sense of humor that really lightens the
heavy messages that he aims at within his lecture. i don’t understand why
there would even be a single negative remark about his speeches.

bhu yang says:

pizza it self is mixed of different vegs n meat n sauces.

suyumna says:

Actually not, the guy is a master in some of the methods are being used to
treat people with psychiatric diseases, called third generation
therapies…he speaks in a very simple way to let you know there is a way
to find peace and somehow cure yourself, however to reach the point of
mental control and spiritual peace he has is very difficult to reach.
however nobody said simple is easy….

RainbowTV HD says:

I Really Like The Video From Your His Holiness the Dalai Lama presents the
2010 Rathbun Lecture, sharing his reflections on how to lead a fulfilling
life of purpose and moral values.

jayjarstudio says:

My favorite 14:54

Charles Michael Kim says:

Free Tibet!!

Cathie Barre says:

I supplicate the Dalai Lama, the Kundun (Presence), a Bodhisattva in his
last lifetime before attaining Sarvajnana for infinite wealth for all
beings including myself. May this occur instantaneously. May all demonic
forces preventing this prayer’s successful response be pulverized by the
Supreme Vajra formed from 101 precious substances. Mangalam

0orangepeel0 says:

it becomes more meaningful and purposeful when one is on CIA payroll.

stopden says:

I luv UNITED STATES for its support for Tibet!

MrGreglarry says:

It’s nice to see someone so completely unconcerned with style. It is so
foreign to our society. Style and flare are driven home to us daily. This
man is so true. He is here for others only. If he was fluent in English, he
would almost too much for us to handle! lol. He is an amazing person.

Sana Soulatha says:

@EspressoFan4Life Wow are all christians and catholics as terrible as you?
Cause at my school I see all of these ghetto gangsters wearing the cross,
and they were all smoking and drinking too. So does god teach you to do
that? @pal2011 Wow, are you guys so judgmental that you can’t even let a
monk into a church?

Spokey Dokey says:

Do what I say, not what I do – The Dalai Lama.

mythicalhell says:

@GetDamage I agree, that he/she shouldn’t have used the word stupid. I
think they meant to say ignorant which is clearly different and likely in

Will Smile says:

Thank you Stanford University. It has been one of the greatest pleasures in
my life to see the Dalai Lama speak directly to the whole world about what
he believes inportant and useful I love this man and I would be happy to
see the whole planet under his guidance. God Bless You, Dalai Lama you are
a true Teacher. 🙂

yijing meng says:

he speaks good eng…..

Crescendo says:

What worries me is this guy is one of the Dean’s at one of the most
prestigious Universities in the world, and yet after his initial
introduction he talks solidly for eight minutes. Notice the way he stands
bodily in the Dalai Lama’s space and motions @0:30 too? What does his
station and his religion mean when he barely knows basic good grace?

hoplite46 says:

all universities are funded by corporate elitists

Alemi Sakop says:

Hello youfaketrick – It looks like you have the felling of widely
understanding of the world. Its good to see! Ass you wrote – destruct the
hate in our hearts, and open our minds. – Im not up to make you angry at
all, but the way you anwserd back to nibud, dosent seem like your
understand what you wrote yourself. – In that case, if you had a god
understanding, dont answer back. Theres is nothing in his message, that you
need to write back. Its a reflexetion of his own mind and sadness. mrprooda.

theOliverse1 says:

0:19:20 So quiet is his audience, you can hear a pen lid drop.

xhemexx says:

who’s Harry.


least at last, dalay lama is not the same…. its touching, the speack….
but it brings also much controversi to it, and for my live….i ask you
……was he drunk? i dont like it…because i imidatly see it, if you look
on other spekas…..(sorry i dont know correctly writing ) martin

Neevo Lima says:


sdrtcacgnrjrc says:

what a pompous intro – just passing the time till the down-to-earth guy
starts talking 🙂

TV 2 FILM says:

Your Video Is Very Useful Sharing He focuses on how one can be a valuable
member of society and life a live filled with compassion even in the modern

Alex Cheng says:

@0orangepeel0 it’s far more better than to be on Chinese GOV’s payroll. Why
you guy never stop to insult other? CIA, hehe. so what? CIA is not evil, as
Chinese Gov is!

xyZensamilla says:

Religion isn’t going away any time soon. Certainly it is a very important
part of people’s lives nowadays. Religion does talk about enlightenment a
lot… And I think it is the job of any enlightened person to seek harmony
between all of the religions, so that we can stop these stupid religious
conflicts, arguments and wars. Don’t you think so?

orochiThing says:

very warm aura coming from his words

Ashenfly says:

lmfao at least I can be ahomosexual fly. Countless species are anyway.
Flies one of them.

TAKTV123 says:


whimppy says:

He is very good at separating his comments from religion and paying much
heed to it…kinda strange that religions claim to have tolerance…it is
evident from his constant need to separate from religion that he has had
problem with their intolerance toward him in the past.

akshayzz1 says:

The main good talk starts from 12:20

Jojo Chan says:


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