Have a Good Journey – Ram Dass Full Lecture 1990

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In this lecture from April, 1990, Ram Dass discusses attachment to the idea of ‘being good’ or ‘doing good’. He reflects on the structure of our political and social system, the 1960s, current issues, faith and trust.


The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

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Angela Marvidakis says:

I’m sad that you guys are removing videos because of copyright issues. Very much goes against what RD stood for.

clay bomb says:

It’s the end of the world and I feel fine. ☮️❤️🙏

Luke Wiese says:

I’m about 23 minutes in and there’s so much goodness already jam packed in here. Love his examples of time relationships and how the possibility of reincarnation seems to “grow on you.” 😂 Always love you RD and thankful for this community 🤍🙏🏼



Douglas Holden says:

sharing this on my poem on all poetry or go to stay in minds inner I SELF self I AM TAT THAT COPY A.P Douglas Holden DOWNINTHEHHOLDEN I AM .

Jeremy GREEN says:

are you telling me the " just leave space fir the "" fire"" Marshall " wasn't part of the speech- good Ram

Josepher Castor says:

Get robbed by your friends after they induce a bad trip on ya. Then blame yourself for having cool stuff to steal

Ankur sharma says:

Ram ram 🙏🌹🙏🌹🙏🌹🙏🌹

Threadneedles says:

The greatest suffering is lying to ones self and others.

Jesse Wilbur says:

I'm here, now. Just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge all who are listening. I'm honored to be taking this form at the same short period as all you wonderful beings and to be coming to awareness in this lifetime.

Nickel says:


Brian Smith energy 2 says:

Respect love and gratitude. You are unlimited

James Menke says:

I'm assuming the candy will dissolve in about 5min. so planning on listening to the whole thing. I know…..as I judge so shall I be judged.

Matthew Appelman says:

I love you Ram Dass – thank you for guiding us home…this is an excellent lecture. Great to hang out with you!

Boltikahaniya By Mamta Bhatt says:

Need your blessings 🙏.Please subscribe my channel ,I need it.Dont know how to grow my channel.

Tyler Rabon says:

ram ram ram. his voice reminds me and puts me at ease

Prohodaction says:

hey~friennd. Love it- interesting uploading.see you on my side,

Jim Del Monaco says:


Gabe Hinman says:

When I am angry I want to express all of those feelings. Where can I find the lesson to help me understand that deeper and be able to express those feelings more artistically?

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