Healing with Ho’oponopono (Parts 1-6)

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Dr. Joe Vitale http://www.joevitale.com reveals the limitations of self-help and personal growth methods in this inspiring talk, which describes a healing method called ho’oponopono that erases belief programming and limitations. Zero Limits and the whiteboard are included.


Michael Levi says:

The reason why Hooponopono works because it’s Shoresh in kabbalah which
Hawaiians got from Atlants , and originally the Hooponopono was in group
realized and the people in group loved each other and made this I am sorry
and I love You was originally intented to GOD.So the LOVE of GOD was making
all the WORK on those people and they were leaded by the Holy Spirit.That
is The Secret of Me of GOD.And the smart will UnderStand This – by

amazingproducts says:

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Ezio Savva says:

Subtitles? Where is subtitles ? Access to Deaf? Many thanks

Cris Konto says:

JV. You’ve been monetizing on this for years. It’s time to stop. 

Yagmur Rmn says:

Mr. Vitale …Thank you.

Nika Veganlover says:

Thank you. Very profound. 

Richard Giannamore says:

Joe, Thanks!

GreenBottlesOnly says:

What a joke

Barbora Valentova says:

I am practicing it for a few days and it is crazy, my life is totaly
turning. And I love it and I enjoy it!

Colleen Wilder says:
WalkingOnSunshineMan says:

i like this dude

krysia1957 says:

Magnifico ….)))

Faith Barnard says:

While on youtube found Joe Vitale’s fabulous one hour presentation,
speaking about his book Zero Limits.

yseult de Pedro says:
Angie Fravel says:

While on youtube found Joe Vitale’s fabulous one hour presentation,
speaking about his book Zero Limits.

Lynx Evil says:

While on youtube found Joe Vitale’s fabulous one hour presentation,
speaking about his book Zero Limits.

Kitty Jeux says:

dude this hoponopono thing does really works, I just gave it a try and it
really works

profitablesunrise Roman Novak says:

I love you, I’m Sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you! I love you, I’m
Sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you! I love you, I’m Sorry, Please
forgive me, Thank you! I love you, I’m Sorry, Please forgive me, Thank
you! I love you, I’m Sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you! I love you, I’m
Sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you!

Craig Lavigne says:

this is all nice and all but where is the PROOF this works? where are the
testimonials from those that this is working for??? how come NO ONE has
adopted this method in other institutions, jails and mental institutions?
in all the videos why is it not explained WHERE the data comes from? if we
came from NOTHING and we need to clean to get back to NOTHING ??? this
WHOLE process seems like a scam to sell books

Dakotah Diamond says:

I want to thank you for sharing and making available knowledge and tools
that transforms lives; a true gift. I would like to know if you have had
much feedback from persons suffering severe tramas or repetitive abuse. And
where does one begin? What is the best way to clear the negative aspects of
ourselves inherited and passed through dna? Much Love and Gratitude –

Ante Lauc says:

I think that this video and his book could be the best introduction for all
unemployed people everywhere in the world to solve own problem, also
his/her parents, teachers, and all people with strong empathy.

Jackee Turks says:

Hi Joe! Loved the teaching. I have a question. Who are you talking about
when you say “The Devine”? Are you talking about “God” Our Creator?

jardo5000 says:

Thank you Mr Fire, I will clean, I will be aware, and I will dive deep into
the divine with clarity.

Ka't Pleiadean Mandu says:

So if you take that level of responsibility for your reality, it would be
impossible to judge anyone, because it is your fault. Wow!

Belinda Perry says:

thank you for this! I’ve had a broken heart for over a decade now. and all
I know is that I hurt while this persons life got better, while mine is
worse and I still am alone and hurt, I think this will work for me. this is
the first time that i have an answer to help me get over it!

Megan McGraw says:

This was really fantastic! I’ve only recently discovered you, and was
immediately drawn to your candor and sincerity, so I’ve read a lot of your
material, enjoy your emails, and love your youtube videos. This one is by
far the best! I’ve been “programmed” as a Baptist so the words “Divine” and
“God” sit much better with me than “Universe”. I appreciate that! 🙂

Haifa Sweilem says:

My favorit five seconds: 0:40:15 – 0:40:20 😉

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