Hindu Nectar: Spiritual Wanderings in India

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A daughter’s journey distilling the nectar of the stories and songs she heard as a child. Weaving ancient texts in the fabric of modern life. Rediscovering the land of her childhood, absorbed from her mother, where religion was synonymous with the celebration of life, in all its colours. Journeying from the Himalayas to the Peninsular India, through rivers, mountains, forests, caves. She meets many practitioners. Each conversation reveals unfathomable depths to seemingly simple rituals she inherited. The nature of life. Why we are born? Why we die? What is change? And what amidst Life’s constant flux is the One…. constant, unchanging, unmoving?

This cinematic journey creates an experimental rendering of one of the Earth’s oldest spiritual traditions. Come. Wander. Experience.

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Dizzy Blu says:

41:17 That is a very wise man

peytongonavy says:

The 19th of August 1975 was a Tuesday, my friend.

Manmohan Singh Rawat says:

Baba its great.

A.R Shanker says:

Born in it but never know it , while watching it felt I m too a visitor but glad was born in it …

nitin chaudhary says:

you look at this knowledge that hindus have preserved.. and then you wonder how can people hate usl…call us satanic ? dharma rakshite rakshita

2BeFree Again says:

I like the way this is done but I don't like the focus on europeans who have exploited a spirituality they will never reach for prestige and fame while many can't feed themselves and are raped and prostituted.

Jim From Wigston says:

I wish I could have that peaceful feeling of being with nothing

ram prasad says:

perfect blend of visual and words

Mrs. Hemalata Swamy says:

very beautifully narrated, Hinduism above all religions.

Krishnaconscious Singh says:

best documentary on Hinduism..great work..aum nama sivaya

Sanjay Roy says:

Profound wisdom!! KVS seems to be a modern rishi!! a man of enormous connection to the surface and self discovery

computermaster says:

Lol wanker @21.56, did he orgasm?

Mustang 1981 says:

The Hindu world/universal view and concepts: Extremely hard to wrap your head around.

1. Atman: The Self (not soul, sanskrit non-translatable). Atman is present in all living beings. In worms, dogs, elephants and man (includes woman).
2. Brahman: inpersonal,non-authoritative,non-punitive,formless,shapeless presence across every nook and cranny of the universe/multiverse. Brahman is the reason why the laws of physics are consistent, the reason why the volcano erupts etc. Brahman is transcendental,all expansive, ultimate reality.
3. Atman = Brahman: the microcosm is the same as the macro cosm. You are Brahman. 'Tatvam Asi' = 'Thou art that'.
4. Atman is pure.
5. Atman can merge with brahman THROUGH: Yoga (root word: 'Yuj = union' of body,mind and Atman. THROUGH: Sadhana: Rituals. THROUGHBhakthi: Worship and reverence. THROUGH Gyana: Knowledge of the Vedas.
6. Brahman present in every nook and cranny and grain of the universe: This concept is called 'the Eminance of Brahman'.
7. Rebirth: Atman 'ditches' one body and assumes another and shall continue to do so until unites with Brahman.
8. Karma: the result of deeds, carried on by Atman from one Birth to another.
9. Maya: The reason why Atman has trouble recognizing Brahman.
10. Moksha/Mukthi: Liberation. A direct result of Yoga/Sadhana/Bhakthi or Nyana.
11. Swadharma: Swa=Mine. Dharma=Way of life. 'My way of life' means the ability to customize mode/form of life which will lead to moksha/mukti. Cannot be prescriptive insead highly customizable by you.

1. Man (includes women) is NOT a sinner. The 'Hindu Good News' is that man is pure.
2. Liberation is NOT salvation: Salvation pre-supposes a condition of being sinful. Liberation pre-supposes a condition of purity.
3. Atman is present in every living being and soul is present only in man (includes woman).
4. Atman can be reborn. Soul cant. It goes to heaven or hell and embracing the "proponent" of the religion makes the difference.
5. Heaven is a place where the soul is a guest in the kingdom of god. Liberation is when Atman merges with Brahman.

1. Dvaitam: Duality. Believes that 'Creator' and 'Creation' are distinct entities.
2. Advaitam: Non-Duality: Believes that 'Creator' and 'Creation' are one and the same thing.
3. Vishishta-Advaitham: Qualified Non-Duality: Believes that 'Creator' and 'Creation' are one and the same thing. But you need an 'initiator' to help you reach divinity and this is the role of the 'Matha'(centre of learning) and the 'mathadipathi'(pontiff).

1. Parama-arthika: The divine realm.
2. Vyavaharika: The practical realm.
Both of them are equally important. It is important to progress in both. Hence, scientific progress is the vehicle through which man discovers God. Hence, under the hindu faith, science has never been and is not at odds with religion.
3. Non-History centricism: As Hindu, One can experience the 'divinity project' without having to believe in historic incidents such as the mahabharatha or the ramayana. Infact, Hindus arent at all bound by their history.

Hindu Pluralism: 'You' are as right as 'I' am about god and we BOTH are equally valid paths to god. Most people think Hindus are polytheists. They are NOT. They are ALL worshipping 'Brahman" but pluralism accomodated every perspective into the mainstream.

Western Secularism: 'I' dont think 'you' are equally right. Infact, I think you are wrong. But I "tolerate" your presence.


ATMAN IS NOT EQUAL TO SOUL. Atman is pure. Soul is not.
MOKSHA/MUKTHI IS NOT EQUAL TO SALVATION: Moksha is liberation from maya. Salvation pre-supposes a condition of sin.
BRAHMAN IS NOT EQUAL TO GOD: Brahman is present in every nook and cranny while god is mainly an exterior being.



Sanskrit cannot be so easily translated as there are very many non-translatables (roughly 100) which if translated, lend a whole other meaning to the text, hence watering down the essence. Hence, learning the bhagavad gita or upanishads or the vedas in any language other than sanskrit leads to totally misunderstanding them.

Vj Bunny says:

Beautiful movies…

Syed Mohammed says:

I wish I was born as a Hindu

Cosmos S says:

This continuity was maintained by Brahmins. That is the reason it has continued despite mughal and british rule.

Roop Goyal says:

Very nice video! I thoroughly enjoyed watching it and found it in agreement with most of the concepts I have come acorss. I  have just one tiny correctness observation. Based on my readings, there are have 33 types (Koti) of Devtas, not necessarily 33 crore. The latter is 330 millions, not 33 millions, which the movie states. An amazing production!

Vishnuvardhan Kotha says:

Nice documentary in simple form to understand the sanathan dharma

Stéphanie ORACE says:

As an "expatriate", I am deeply touched by this film and the experiences that are shared. It has inspired me a post called "What India teaches us" that you can read from
Thank you to Akanksha Joshi for this beautiful "Hindu Nectar".

murali nair says:

Susan Hopkinson ".Fabulous research , execution of message beautifully done without losing the essence .The delivery of the documentary with subtitles of shlokas ,meanings explained .outstanding work" .I watch lot of documentaries . kindly do a documentary on vrindavan the holy dham if possible .Thank you !

Tuffy Tuffy says:

very nice video. The spiritual heitage of India beautifully explained.

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