His Holiness Dalai Lama – Escape To India (Part 1) | The Great Escape Full Episode | EPIC

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Dalai Lama is a title that means as vast as the sea. The process through which a Dalai Lama is chosen is very interesting. Lhamo Thondup was recognised as the 14th Dalai Lama. Learn more about his journey from being the spiritual and political leader of Tibet to being an exile in India.

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Episodic Synopsis
Having been recognized as the 14th Dalai Lama at the age of two, Lhamo Thondup’s reign as the spiritual and political leader began at a strained point in Chinese-Tibetan relations. Tibet’s religious leaders were constantly trying to avoid a full blown military takeover by the Chinese, who had began invading Tibetan territory since the communist revolution in China. By 1956, things had escalated to a point where the Dalai Lama and his ministers were trying to find a balance between the Chinese interference and the growing resentment of the Tibetan resistance fighters.

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@mr.sachintadvi3112 says:

Watching 2025✅

@princejaswal2867 says:

pta ni log shanti se kiyu ni rehte are je dharti jis par kabza karne ko itni maar kaat hui je dharti to wahi ki wahi hai aage qi rahegi je sab karne wale chale gye marna hai ek din sabko jo jahan hai usko shanti se rehne dena chaiye par nhi insan ko jo dimaag diya kudrat ne wo uska galt faida ithne me ek no hai es liye je sab shuru huya hazaro saalo se rajneeti shuru hui hazaro saal pehle aaj wi chalti hai

@pynshongnianongz4369 says:

Idk that Tibetan speak hindi during their time in tibet 😂😂

@ankitpatel4967 says:

Dalai lama eats meat and talks of ahimsa.. lol .. hypocrite

@listening-dialogues says:

As Dalai Lama said, Buddhism and Hinduism follow the same dharmic principles and that the only difference is our belief in beings having a soul and no soul which is up to personal beliefs and expeirences.
Regardless though sanatan dharm accommadates all beliefs and that is the beauty of India.
Jai Tibet and Jai Bharat

@user-yn2ze3yj3n says:

Thank you for your contribution towards our country Tibet.. hope ur channel grows ❤all the best wishes

@BarindranathDutta says:

I love Buddha and jain religion

@SurprisedBird-rl4kl says:

Yoo ( Epic chanel ) what music you guys Used at ( Welcome to Peking ) 33:59 need that

@tenzinjangchup6718 says:

CCP is a curse to humanity..point,blank,period!!

@ZenoSamaOmniKing says:

India will protect buddhism from chinese terror

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