His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Dalai Lama Centre for Compassion, Oxford

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On Monday the 14th of September His Holiness the Dalai Lama visited Oxford for the formal launch of the Dalai Lama Centre for Compassion.

Following a press conference at Magdalen College, the Dalai Lama arrived at Rhodes House for an event with local school children.

His Holiness then addressed the Fellows of the Dalai Lama Centre and engaged in a discussion about the need for ethical education in contemporary society.

In the afternoon, an audience of two hundred heard His Holiness speak about how his remarkable life has formed his views on the crucial importance of compassion and related values.

His Holiness emphasised the potential of academic research to further our understanding of basic human values, describing Oxford as a ‘nerve centre’ in the body politic.

During a wide ranging discussion with Alex Norman, the Director of the DLCC His Holiness covered topics spanning early memories of family life, his experience of Chinese communism, and his views on old age and death.

His Holiness commended the crucial work of the DLCC and expressed his keen hopes for its future success.

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Felix Bogues says:

Great ! thx for sharing, it's so soothing

Mike Sobirey says:

Very important! … I believe…as first lesson…mothers physical touch (also grandmothers love) …influence our brain…spended longer time with mother…deep inside…more happier…more self-confidence…&c. …

Thupten Thupten says:

Long live H.H.the Dalai Lama of Tibet! May peace and happiness prevail all over the world!

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