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From the Meridian Trust DVD ‘Dealing with Anger & Emotions’

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  • Categories: Dali Lama


zachary939 says:

Reflect upon and try to recognize where your anger is really coming from.

Simone Betka Smith says:

Der Edle steht der Welt ohne Vorliebe und Vorurteil gegenüber. Er hält sich in jedem Moment allein an das Rechte.

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can someone explain why stefan molyenaux thinks that the dalai lama is wrong the way he does and why so many people in society feel this way i have tried to not get angry sometimes but how do i not allow my mind to avoid anger when i have dennounced anger it still comes back even though i have denounced it and what about people with autism how can we change

DenisDLight says:

Can somebody who knows about these stuff explain to me.
When somebody says get rid of your negative emotions and you will be happy,getting rid of emotions doesn't get rid of the situation…isn't it being happy and lying yourself,like living in a illusion you created yourself.
That's why i can't,because i always think that.

Pema Namgay says:

y ';; ne
!!ཤ ཆཇ ྃལཥ།

Pema Namgay says:

y ';; ne
!!ཤ ཆཇ ྃལཥ།

kenneth smith says:

Thank you kindly

Jay Jay says:

After a lot of self help reading and counselling I get how not to be judgemental and controlling so many triggers etc. However I recently discovered my brother and father made my mother sign away everything in her name (two houses and money) to my brother in his sole name – without my mother understanding what she was doing. Now, I am my mother's full time carer – and have lived with her (and a-now-disowned-dad) my whole life. My life has been given over to my mother – who has parkinsons – and I am 41. This is what I had resigned my life to.

After a lot of legal advice and my mother's desire to take the path of least resistance – there is nothing we are going to do about this – my mother simply can't due to her health.

I am INCREDIBLY angry about this whole situtation. My brother has gained EVERYTHING and my parents didn't even spare me a thought. somewhere – I think my mother was ok with what they did.

I can sum up my life as being the scapegoat in the family, a female who has no value according to my parents, someone who lost a career due to expectations of me putting the family and family business first, someone who has no friends, no life of my own to speak of, no good relations ANYWHERE.

I am the youngest and have always carried this household selflessly – and they have all lived off me – the one non earning person in the house. (I have rental income)

Tell me – PLEASE – how do I not be angry with my entire family and how do I not HATE them and how do I even consider FORGIVING them?

The anger I feel reverberates throughout the universe

Pal Lekphel says:

thank you for the kind advice, you are the real Buddha!!

Jammy tupten says:

Anger and hatred are devil in us which make us loose control our emotions, it is good to hear from HH Dalai Lama methods to subdue the negative emotion and over come, i feel i am a more inclined to live away the bad side of me and be better person.

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