His Holiness the Dalai Lama In Conversation with Greta Thunberg and Leading Scientists

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama in conversation on The Crisis of Climate Feedback Loops with Greta Thunberg (environmental activist), William Moomaw (lead author on reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change/IPCC, and the co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize) and Susan Natali (a renowned Arctic scientist) from his residence in Dharamsala, HP, India on January 10, 2021. The conversation is moderated by Diana Chapman Walsh, President emerita of Wellesley College and is organized by the Mind & Life Institute.

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chitrangada sambyal says:

Great great respect for dalai lama. When day will come to see you. 🙏🙏

Farmhouse Productions says:

It's all a lie.

James Howard says:

Why is hhdl talking to Greta thin burg lol.

Russel Murray says:

He's a fake he's not a vegan he has never said anything until Gretta has. he eats animals and does not increase spiritual awareness

Zephyrine says:

Holiness Dalai Lama ? You're just a man, not a god. And a man is not Holy because human are not perfect.

Insane Guy says:

38:00, you are reading, not speaking

Derek Metcalf says:

Are words not actions when they're manipulative?

Dee Cee says:

Ask him about the 2 fire breathing dragons changed at the portal he watches over. He is in the illuminati.

Tomasz Brzeziński says:

Emptiness and environmentalism are the same, no matter who propagates it – the same boredom. Therefore, most of humanity choose consumption and commercial mysticism. How many of all these wise words are wasted, because not every person has access to learning even English, and even more so to such a wisdom lesson via the Internet, for example on YouTube.

Bethnal Green says:

Two grifters meet

Francesca Caneri says:

Thank you so much 🥰

car 78 says:

comment osez vous ne pas dire des vérités .vous êtes vraiment trop con .vous me faite bien rire .allez .arretez votre baratins et faites de vrai projets avec vos banquiers pourris jusqu’a l’os .
et racontez vos délires a qui vous voudrez .vos amis des banques sont de grosses merdes .
et arrêtez de fermer vos gueules bande de moutons .

Vladoje Salatone says:

For me, after watching this video, there are several important parts we need to stay focused on:
1. We need to look on this problem as a whole. What else is missing here? Capitalism…it must go.
2. "We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness." – Thich Nhat Hanh
3. We need to develop new society. In harmony with nature. As our ancectors did. To fall in love with Mother Earth again.
4. We need to save old trees. Not just because of being more efficient carbon eaters. There is a true Wisdom in old trees.

5. Scientific terms from video: Feedback loops, Proforestation

6. Greta wisdom from 59:15 – Educate ourselves. Understanding. We need to create social movement -> reach critical mass -> demand change

7. We need to teach future AI only one thing – Compassion

Laura Westbrook says:

Is there a way to adjust the writing in the description of the youtube to include the link to feedbackloopclimate.com ? 
In the video, you say feedback loops with an S. I tried quite a few times before thinking leave out the S and see if that works.

Lisa Rosch says:

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 24:24

Kids Future says:

I am a big DL fan and supporter, but it pained me to see him make a joke that the environmental problem is now the problem of youth, this is the whole problem. I could see Greta notice it too. I can speak from experience inside tibetan buddhism, the boys have (generally) been very slow off the mark in issues to do with women, the environment, animals and meat eating. Dharma had become too much a male left brained intellectual cultural exercise.

Antonio Schiavi says:

Pagliacci che sfruttano il personaggio di Greta

Donna Spencer says:

This is a wonderful example of coming together of all walks of humanity to work out how to save ourselves and our beautiful planet! Many thanks 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏✌🏼❤️

C T says:

The rich will become richer and the poor poorer. No doubt.

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