Ho’oponopono – Dr. Hew Len and Joe Vitale – parte 2

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Palestra sobre Ho’oponopono


Dana Hayne says:

All I mean is that Hooponopono is a profound modality and when being
taught, ideally the instructor should demonstrate some semblance of peace
or zero, as this is the goal of the process. Otherwise, the student will
not have faith that the process works. For the teacher to talk about
radical responsibility and integrity and then relate to students with
indignation, this is like talking with ‘forked tongue.’

alevan1 says:

He is quite a rude man….wouldn’t want to be around his energy…

Dana Hayne says:

The danger of Hooponopono is if an individual, who is not at Zero , is
reactive and responding to the data, brushes off their own need to clean by
saying to the other,”Well, if you experience me as arrogant, rude,
controlling, pissy, whatever, it is your problem so you need to clean.
This is a particularly confusing and disheartening dynamic, especially when
a teacher of Hooponopono acts in such a manner.
We’re talking about 100% responsibility here. 

Charles Flager says:

After years of being ministry, this makes it all clear what has been
biblically taught to me, and takes it to a whole other dimension of
understanding the divine as it relates to us, through us, as us. This makes
ministry so much more effective by taking 100% responsibility for cleaning
my Universe. Thank you Dr Hew Len, and thank you Dr Vitale for sharing. 

Zacarias Mipalovsky says:

thank you for all your bullshit love you

raku217 says:

I agree, Lew and Vitale are both quite rude, and not for the purpose of
teaching anything morally just, but to humiliate people into buying what
they’re selling. These two guys are nothing short of opportunistic
charlatans that know nothing of the true teaching of Ho’oponopono. The true
teaching is NOT about reciting four sentences ad nauseam and conducting a
$500. class to insult people into thinking they are living their lives
incorrectly. Stay clear.

mzshr23 says:

Great, Great stuff. I would love to hear the version without the profane
language – I jlike sticking to language that personifies less of what I
hear walking down the street – More Professional language please-thank you

MrElectric99 says:

It’s so simple. That’s why it’s so difficult. The mind can’t believe it’s
this simple.

Amaru A says:

Vitali, to muchcrappy introduccion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sharaz Hossein says:

My we have some haters and negative people on here. I wonder why the waste
their time listening to someone or watching something that doesn’t interest
them. I guess it gives them power to have something to grunt about. lol

Panos Stamatiou says:

“hot tub” check… “giving thanks” check… oops wait… I don’t have a hot

Roy Long says:

There are a lot of negative reviews for Dr. Hew Len on Amazon (Zero

tiki2202 says:

Hi All I was at this class and I must say I felt like I was the luckiest
person on Earth, because I had the opportunity to sit and listen and clean
with these amazing men, Hew Len & Joe Vitale. Yes Hew Len didn’t hold back,
he even had me hyperventilating when asking my question, but he seemed to
know which were genuine questions, and which were babble. Plus we only had
two days to learn everything, many people travelled far and wide, we went
from NZ 

shedforbread says:

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful video.

Zoran Petrovic says:


Jeanine Boegheim says:

Thank you so much for this video Churimbinha. I enjoyed it very much. Where
can I find part 1 ? 🙂 <3

hiKrittiya says:

search in youtube by keyword Ho’oponopono – Dr. Hew Len and Joe Vitale –
parte 1

Roberto Salmi says:


Ravynn Rhoner says:

So excited to start part 2!!!! Thank you, Churimbinha for posting. without
you, my knowledge would not be possible. I love you, Thank you.

Kathy Newman says:

Thank you…….I love you x

Sylwia Kwiatkowska says:

Thank You for sooooooo powerful video 🙂 I Love You 🙂

accordionmaster47 says:

So glad I found this. Great primer for those interested in Ho’oponopono.
And a great refresher for those who read the book when it first came out.
Wonderful! ,

ibanhez says:

You’re welcome.

Vlatka211 says:

It is interesting how on other spiritual sites,if I can say that, there are
allways some fightings, or different opinions,but with dr Hew Len you can
not find it! Allways only positive stuff! Love it, kiss to everybody!

ibanhez says:

Esse video ja tem essas legendas em croata. Para colocar as legendas em
portugues precisaria achar esse video sem legendas. Ainda nao achei.

Elena Natale says:

I thank you to give me the opportunity to heal myself, these baits satanic
beliefs about yours. I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.
SORRY, for the memories of pain I share with you. I ask Pardon, for joining
my way to yours to heal. I thank you that this here today, for me. And I
love you, for who you are.

Rosie Romero says:

Where can I find part 1? Thank you, Te Amo.

Phylicia LIM says:

can I know when can we know the effect of cleaning??

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