Ho’oponopono – Dr. Hew Len and Joe Vitale – parte 3

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Alma Dingler says:

have been cleaning since friday and nice little thing are happening to me.
there was peace when i arrive to work. home feels clean light.My husband
brought me flowers saturday, that has not happened in years. I am a
hairstylist so I clean on my clients.Sunday I as I was cleaning develop a
head ache at top crown as im cleaning it moved to forehead and moved to
between eyes and finally diapered. Dont know what got clean but it was
doing its job. Thank you and I love you. will keep cleaning. 

Alma Dingler says:


karine schmidt says:

thank you very much for the share !! peace and love 

Te Rina Brown says:

Im loving the books too

Roy Long says:

Hew Len seems to like scolding some of the audience members. Maybe Hew is

WalkingOnSunshineMan says:

i hear wisedom

Roy Long says:

The cleaning doesn’t work for some people.

WalkingOnSunshineMan says:

i need some cleaning

Heather Wade says:

Meant to say that when I needed a car of my own I went to your sight again
just briefly..and Wallace. I love you Joe, thank you so much

Heather Wade says:

Joe, I needed a car so I went to attract a car, I walked around the corner
and there was one, but I couldn’t quite afford it, so I let it go, but I
really needed a car, about a month later a person I hadn’t seen or heard of
for years rang me and offered me a car to use. Wow it was perfect…I got
the feeling he wanted his car back, although he didn’t say so, so I went
around the corner again and there was the same exact type of car I had
borrowed, in a colour I loved, and at a price I could aff

Ravynn Rhoner says:

You are correct, it is only the data talking. Bullshit, right? lol Thank
you Steven L and Vlatka211 for responding!! I am definitely going to join
the FB page and thank you both for cleaning for me! x <3 x

Ravynn Rhoner says:

As if I didn’t feel alone enough…. i wish i could ask “who do i talk to
now?” I’ve sent links to what friends I do have and I’m eager to see who
all comes back to me with the attitude, like mine, of “oh my goodness, this
changed my life.” It’s been days for some and I’m losing hope. I know the
Divine will send new friends, but it still kinda sucks that no one gets
me….now even more.

mary shores says:

I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you

Irina V. Golubkova says:

I’m Irina Golubkova from Russia. I love you all! Thank you!

Vlatka211 says:

Dear Ravynn! But that is just the point!! Whatever bad, lonely feelings you
have, they are all only data!!! just stick with it, you are cleaning for
all of us and i thank you for it

radu vernescu says:

This is clearly Vipassana buddhist meditation with the verbalization of I
love u!

Ryan Anthony Pajaro says:

I am Ryan Anthony Pajaro from the Philippines. I say this 4 words I love
you, I am sorry, Please forgive me & Thank You to the creator and suddenly
more opportunities came to me to grab it now. Very inspiring training.

Steven L says:

Hi Ravynn, You should join the Ho’oponopono Lovers Cleaning Room on
facebook! You will meet all sorts of cool friends there.

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