How Presence Helps You Face Life's Challenges | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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In this video, Eckhart shares how most of the challenges we face in life come from our own minds, and how the narrative our mind creates affects the way we perceive life. Facing it while being present brings something deeper than happiness, something that we could almost describe as an intensified sense of aliveness.

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Danica Kanianska says:

Be careful please are public meetings necessarily in active corona time? Not in Europe right now

dennis 82428 says:

When you discover Presence, you discover Peace.

Trace zach daniels says:

SO SHWEEEETTT…much love Tee with LIONS NAMED LEO.[the music worldwide}

Daniel Azulay says:

I love so much sub- ek heart ♥️ its all one heart ♥️☺️

Beccy Reece says:

Love you Eckhart. Such an honour to be alive on earth the same time as you.

Chandni Singh says:


Simon says:

Love you. You are the greatest gift of mankind.

Mridula Malpani says:

You always guide us with practical experiences, help me to understand how to live life without disturbence 🙏

Roger Lin says:

Greater part of challenge isn't outside experience, but your mind's conditioning, misinterpretations, and narrative. You then can't separate what is from what is.
Suffering is opportunity for intense awareness in presence. But you can invite presence into your life now.
Thanks Eckhart.

柯玉鈐 says:


Nicola Carpenter says:

Appreciation Master Tolle 🌹

CetolaREO says:

how can anyone down vote this video???

lasst_ging says:

Untertitel in Deutsch bitte 🙏🏼

Al Wylie says:

Eckhart is talking about the British guitarist Wilko Johnson when he mentions the musician.
There is an interesting film about his experience called "The Ecstasy of Wilko Johnson"
Peace x

Adell Kupa says:

this song is incredible, a great uniter, at every point in y0ur life. Y0u just have to find the time to praise G0d, as they just prove and continuously. After the pandemic, everything in my life took a nose dive and all I could d0 is listen to songs that motivates and keeps me f0cused. Just like that, G0d led me to a Man, Mr John Neil Andrew who is int0 crypt0currency analyses and I followed that inner voice and let God lead the way. I can now say my life. Has gotten way better that it was both in my finances and most especially, my faith in God. I know it has been really hard for a lot of families out there if this can also help you. He is popular you can find her name online John Neil Andrew and I took the bold step. Message info@johnneilandrew,, C0M Now I can comfortably live the life I have always wanted and I have 2 orphanage homes thanks to the glory of G0d.. Keep your faith in God and he will never forget nor forsake you.

MD Salmon says:

Presence is hard to grasp with great pressure and challenges around (speaking as a parent of two young children) yet it is absolutely possible. Cultivation over time and constant practice are major keys.

Julio Chao says:

the teachings starting around 6:00 when he talks about how suffering brings you towards spiritual awakening and changes the way you experience (without that much of a powerful ego), life becomes comfortable even in dire moments

Nit De Armengol says:

"You invite the state of presece into your life, it begins to manifest of through you" thank you♡♡♡!

A. Kelly says:

Happy Thanksgiving Eckhart and Thanks!!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!

Jennifer Falck says:

Do you take into consideration, when you tell people that it is their own interpretations of their thoughts that cause their suffering, that their thoughts could actually be negative entities encroaching on their thoughts? I was in a bad place just recently and being present did not work, but light language for removing negative entities did help. How does being present help if one is being manipulated?

Rochelle Arellano says:

Yes! Without Time, the ego cannot survive. This was my experience, completely!

PoPhamsdotter says:

So deep. So simple but yet so hard.

Obscureorca says:

Thank you Eckhart, your contribution to the world is immeasurable 🙏

Berta Nelson says:

Experiencing this presence is indeed life altering. With the accompanying sense of alertness, I have found that I can see the deeper "reason" for challenges that have arisen. Not that the reason becomes so important, but deeper understanding simply arises within the stillness. This deeper perspective becomes available as life continues on and affects all experiences.

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