How To Forgive People Who Do Us Wrong: This Answer Will Leave You Speechless | Neale Donald Walsch

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In this video, Vishen Lakhiani shares a story about how a thief tried to steal his phone and asks Neale Donald Walsch how he would react to such an incident. Learn more with Neale’s Masterclass here:


03:37 Neale’s story of travel in third world country



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Mindvalley says:

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Summer 1976 says:

Neil is correct about this on a grander scale but if it happened to me I can quite easily see myself tackling the thief if he ignores my requests to stop, people like that don't tend to change their worldview in an instant I've found. What needs to change is the whole way humanity does business with each other, the relentless pursuit of profit everywhere and at all costs is what creates thieves.

Abhi P says:

What about a guy raping women… should she do the same

Donna Marie Noble says:

no consequences, has no values

ghosts are sort of my thang says:

With all due respect to Mr. Walsch and whom I admire greatly, the majority of criminals simply do enjoy taking people's stuff. They crave the rush. It generally has very little to do with poverty. Many thieves have more money than good law abiding people. Rewarding a thief for stealing your stuff by giving them more of what you got, is only reassuring a thief they did the right thing to take your stuff at that moment and just continue perceive kind-hearted people as gullible idiots. You don't offer a crocodile your child because it tried to eat your dog first. And some thieves think they're not thieves at all. I once dated a Peruvian woman who immigrated to America about 14 yrs. before I knew her. The American man she married was wealthy and gave her the money to open a Peruvian shoppe in a fancy part of Rochester, NY. She would enlist her sister still living back in Peru to purchase garments/jewelry at the local Peruvian market for very cheap. Her sister would then ship all the stuff to America in a crate and my ex-girlfriend would then resell the items in her fancy store for an insane profit. We're talking laboriously handmade Alpaca shawls taken for $5 and resold for $300 upwards a $1000. You see, she was also being a no-good thief, taking full advantage of the poor.

Be Ren says:

Father God, Thank You for showing me who it is I MUST emulate. I am determined to become like Neale Donald Walsh. Jesus is still greater, but I can't do miracles except on the level of poorer than Neale Donald Walsch.

Mayarshang Kasomwoshi Tangkhul khon says:

Now I have a reason to forgive everyone around me I understand the cause 😀 thank you so much Neale Donald also Vishen lakhiani for this channel👌..

Just A Tip says:

He’s so enlightened that in neighborhoods he would NEVER be in he’s be laid on the side of the rode.

roll zolo says:

Because schools are teaching kids subjects that don't apply in the real world. Bums approach me like i owe them.

celinne700 says:

Definitely an inspiring and uplifting response but how Neal respond if someone kills his child? Can he draw forgiveness from within to neutralize the rage and shock?

Alessandra Costa says:

This guy is an angel!!

Tim Sadinski says:

What about if you would a person trying to take the phone does he not have a right to live in his own mind Maybe by taking the phone he could feed his family or maybe he's just a thief… what makes a person a thief? I believe humans are embedded in their psyche with certain attributes of behavior that shape their life.. bad things have happened to me due to others Behavior for some reason I can't hate them.. there's a lot of hate in the world and these people who hate don't understand how much energy is expended due to the negativity whereas love and kindness rekindles the fire in the heart……. Donald Trump is the epitomy of greed and hatred therefore I can only feel sorry for him and all those with the same traits

Wiara says:

I just teared a little. This is so beautiful I can feel it deep in my soul.

inlovewithuify says:

Love in action

ritika Rai says:

I had heard Sir Neale in movie 'the secret' but had never listened to his videos. Today I watched 2videos of him and I'm so touched.Im gonna read his all books now. He is a blessing.😍🙏

ritika Rai says:

this video made me cry…wisdom overload.🙏💐💗

No F says:

with psychopaths this is very dangerous – they stole every dollar I earned in last 8 years

Mathlete EMZ says:

Context is one thing we always forgot that is why it is easy for us to judge and get angry to the people who wronged us. Everyone has their own reason why they are doing bad things but it is for us on how we deal those people. We have the capacity to make or break them and so is important for us to realize that this life is not just about us. According to sir Neale, our life is about people whose lives we have touched.

Epiphany says:

I so much wish that the schools in America would teach the law if one and how to deal with emotions in healthy ways! I can't help but wonder how different life would be if we were taught how to be accountable and emotionally healthy at early ages, such as preteens, so that way when puberty is reached they have a solid foundation of how important they are.

Lee Francis says:

It's mind over matter. I don't mind because they don't matter. Forgiving is easy most of the time.

E-Js says:

I’m afraid I couldn’t do that . Cuz I don’t have that much cash!

Martin Payet says:

I usually give food, not money. I've done that in the "first" an "third" world too…

l.a c says:

Amazing I love your soul .Your Beautiful

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