How to have conversations with God w/ Neal Donald Neale Donald Walsch! Full episode on my channel!

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How to have conversations with God with Neal Donald Neale Donald Walsch!

In this powerful conversation, Neal reveals six steps for intentionally conversing with God based on his own experiences and observations, plus inspiring stories from people around the world who’ve experienced divine interventions of their own and how you can too!

Watch the full episode here –

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  • Categories: Neal Walsch


@UXtatic says:

Not digging the music. Sounds unlike MB's usual energy.


God tells me to love people. God tells me to be kind to others.

@jenmc9717 says:

This episode was great❤

@user-sw8eo4bn2v says:

So excited! I love you and Neale!!!!


👁️Godd… Goddess God…a Godd exists but can't exist as a Self in separation..not even have a separate form from totality…Godd s the forever beyond human definitions…we re still growing in vocabulary but Godd is totality…and nucleus of each atom..thus…we re all in Godd…living in Godd…and we can converse with The love of Godd present in every bit of creation..just like some people.. recognizing Godd…they become bridges to they live in grace….and we learn to do same….recognize the miracle of life…beauty of Earth…❤oh many words..but……what l feel we need is to go back to NATURE…for through beauty we realize the greatness of Godd…just like children see magic in simplicity

@HeyoSpeaker says:

Thank you.
💜💜 Miracles Rippling 🕯🙏

@TheMadFoxes says:

I bet this might even work for christians🫢 like a tulpa!

@TheMadFoxes says:

🙌 God exists!! And loves his devout followers of Hinduism!

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