How To Practice Presence On A Daily Basis | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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In this video, Eckhart explains the deeper meaning of a retreat, and how through “presence practice” we can discover our true identity beneath the level of the mind.

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Naomi Loriana says:

Hello, I know my contact with you brings you the solution you desire.
Are you seeking acceptance?
You want to attract someone very strongly and keep their attention completely in you?
Is it your ex you want back?
Or you want to amend a broken marriage?
Any form of cleansing?
Do you need good fortunes?
Just name it, the solution is here.
Text him on whtsapp + 2 3 4 8 1 5 9 1 5 8 9 1 5 📩📩📩📩📩

Nick says:

I had a sad moment yesterday, I had gone for shopping by my bike in the centre of the town and someone stole my bike :(. I am sad aboutthat but the fact that i have accepted that it's in the past it can not change and the only one that matters is NOW has helped me a lot!

Paul Swindells says:

I started witnessing moments of intense presence after a road accident in 2017, I had no idea what was happening and could not describe it to anyone, I thought I was going crazy!!? I was somehow drawn to reading the Power Of Now which has now changed my life, Absolutely incredible book. Presence also comes when I'm drumming which I didn't realise until recently…..has been happening ever since I was young.

Richard Sparks says:

This is a good challenge,not to walk around as a problematic sense of self, easier said than done 😑

Frederikka Petersen says:

From 7.27 to 9… Wow

christa says:

danke <3

G.O.D. Eater says:

Would anyone happen to know the music at the end of the video ?

Richard Lanier says:

I have just discovered Mr Tolle in the last few weeks and I have enjoyed everything I have heard him say.

Riyad hassan says:

I love this man..he has changed my life

First name Last name says:

No one can reveal God to another, but by revealing the nature of prayer, we place him in a position to receive the God-experience. The
God-experience can come only through the correct understanding of prayer, since prayer is the point of contact with God; prayer is the avenue of awareness of God; prayer is the preparation of consciousness for the

Seeking guidance from God at this stage of your
unfoldment will set up a sence of seperation from God: It gives a sence of God and someone needing help direction or wisdom.
Actually, you need to let God be your life — then It lives acts performs
and IS your very being.

In our beginning days of
meditation we pondered or contemplated God
the qualities and nature of God as we understood Him. As we rose higher in
consciousness we learned that any idea of God that we could entertain was not God Himself but was only a concept of God. Thus we entered the stillness of
mind leading to the deep silence of My peace — and experienced God.

BarbiQ says:

Holding Consciousness for longer and longer periods and quickly returning to Consciousness when lost works for me.

Aleksandra Nikaj says:

God bless You, Eckhart!

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