The ability to observe non-judgmentally what goes on inside you depends on your level of awareness. In this video, Eckhart discusses our primary purpose – to awaken into the new consciousness that is evolving on the planet – and how this process of awakening comes down to making daily life your continual practice.
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#EckhartTolle #ThePresentMoment
I do not like that place when my thoughts take me over.
I love Eckhart.
I thought this self-observance was something everybody had. Is it that rare?
This dude literally saved my life with this one
Thank you. ❤🙏
Beware, a false teacher !
Loving this!
Super lekcje ale kiedy dodajcie inne języki? 😓 Proszę o 🇵🇱polski.
He told how to pure your spirit, know the highest truth, and enter the most happiness forever, in a very beautiful way.
Thank you 🙏🏻
Bon, pour se reposer, cette méthode est valable..Mais j'ai besoin d'écrire, de lire, de penser, de communiquer. Alors le black out des pensées…, à la maison, un peu, pour décompresser, mais pour aller bosser… Alors là, Niet, …désolée mais, là, j'ai besoin de rester intelligente.
Je précise. Il est Bon de lire, de s'instruire, de réfléchir, de rêver éveillé, e, pour développer son cerveau.
Donc, les enfants, et les jeunes adultes, restez curieux et apprenez par vous même.
Si on vous guide, on ne vous pilote pas.
Vous avez le droit d'apprendre et de faire des erreurs.
C'est d'ailleurs grâce à ces dernières que vous êtes plus intelligents.
Je n'ai rien rien contre le fait de faire le black-out des pensées de temps en temps, mais restez intelligents…
: Capables de réagir et d'agir. Bref, nous ne sommes pas des marionnettes. 🌹
…sup Eckhart???..
Wait what ~ commercial in the middle? This is the first I've seen from you. I understand 1 at the beginning for "them" ~ did they change the deal? Usual pay is something like 0.005 cents per play, which definitely is not worth it. Ok, thanks
Love you Sir. Bundles of thanks to the creator who created such a beautiful soul.
Love for Eckhart ❤️
non critical non judgemental self observation.
Self observation is the key. You need to observe yourself observing yourself! Lol
Not to be distracted by the darkness of others; to head towards the light, to be good without hesitation even when other people are not. That is our shared potential.
What he teaches is sort of a knock-off of J. Krishnamurti packaged as a "how-to". I read comments of how Eckhart helped people. I'm sure he has, but no one will replace the original revolutionary of the mind.
These knowings are timeless and whenever I’m ready I can pick it up again, because I dropped the ball. When we really desire to be better we’ll see the answers
Change consciousness, change covid19 first
Life is a gift. No worries about today, or yesterday. The present is here to live in. Cast your pride aside and live like a child does. Try to really taste what the cookie tastes like that you are eating.
Great. U r the wise one. Thanks . It made me happy.
My favorite thing about him is that he can make me laugh in a good way about myself.
Greatful Sir.!😊❤💐