How to stay centred? | Neal Donald Walsch & Don Miguel Ruiz | Personal Development

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We are all artists – our greatest art is the story of our lives!
Watch the whole 30 minute by clicking on this playlist link:

Neale Donald Walsch is an American author of the popular series Conversations with God. Neale is considered a modern day, spiritual messenger and has touched many people’s lives and inspiring important changes within them.
Don Miguel Ruiz is a Toltec master and author of many books, extoling the ancient Toltec wisdom and translating it into practical ideas that promote change through truth and common sense.
Watch these two masters of personal development and spirituality in their 30 minute conversation as they explore topics such as reality and how each one of us can create our own version of reality. They give tips on how to stay centred in todays’ world, when everyone and everything is trying to pull you in different directions. They discuss the subject of clarity and how to find your purpose in life.
Finally, the two masters discuss life after death and their point-of-view will change how you look at your life and help your everyday living. This will be one of the most inspirational 30 minutes you will ever listen to, bringing back the meaning of life in a very busy and confusing world. Listening to these old souls, will ground you and put your focus back onto the important things in life!
Check out this free video on how to stay centered with Neale Donald Walsch, American author of the popular series Conversations with God. Have a look at the free series

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