How to Stop Global Warming, According to Warren Buffett, the Dalai Lama & Other Top Leaders

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Climate change is now recognized across the globe as a threat to our future. Do we have the will to act on the solutions at hand? On the premiere episode of ‘Big Problems. Big Thinkers,’ host Terre Blair asks the Dali Lama, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, Madeleine Albright, and others if a framework of ethics and values can help solve these grave threats to our future.

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Drinking Water is the only resource we can't do without. The oceans are full with it and desalination is not a technical problem. Give Nestle a monopoly and you will have as much water as you like, at a price. That's what it's going to be, because politicians are too stupid to make rational decisions for "public" utilities.

Stop electing anybody associated with a political party, anywhere in the world, and common sense solutions will be found. It's the peoples fault, surrendering to organized crime (political parties).

Kurt Coleman says:

First of all, the unprecedented level of global action and coordination needed to actually achieve a sustainable system before we experience ecological disaster followed by systemic collapse, is simply not possible. No polity exists that could lead such an effort, and in my opinion the only remaining hope of this being possible is that the high-tech industry develops perfect intelligence and unstoppable force. That being said:

1) While the UN projection that shows global population stabilized at 9-10 billion is somewhat reassuring, the fact is by the time we get to that point technology will have increased our efficient use of resources so much that we'll be able to shoot past that, and they'll come up with an even higher figure. Global population needs to be stabilized at a set limit through a multi-generational effort such that every healthy, young woman can expect to have two children within her lifetime.

2) A complete end to animal agriculture. We have to adopt a largely vegan diet on a global scale so forests can grow back and the biosphere can begin to repair itself. Animal husbandry simply uses way too much water, energy, and arable land for what it is worth. Eventually technology will allow us to massively adopt high-tech indoor farming that will allow us to scale back conventional agriculture even further.

3) It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the Club of Rome's 'Limits to Growth' report still hasn't been disproven. We have to start talking about how a steady-state global economy might be achieved and maintained. Future growth will have to be measured in quality-of-life gains and technological achievements, because exponential year-by-year growth in the amount of resources we extract and consume is completely insane.

4) The market-driven, soft-transition toward renewable energy is simply not going to cut it for the time frame that we have. We're still almost entirely dependent on fossil fuels and we need industry, agriculture, and transportation (everything really) connected to renewable, zero-emissions energy grids and it needs to be done faster than free markets will ultimately allow.

5) The responsible application of massive-scale geoengineering to reverse the damage we've already locked-in. The problem here is we are only beginning to understand these technologies and many of them might have unforeseeable consequences. We need to figure out the science behind this and begin removing the CO2 accumulated in our atmosphere as well as reverse ocean acidification.

6) Deforestation obviously needs to not only come to a halt, but be reversed full-scale. Trillions of trees will need to be planted and this will have to be done in-tandem with our elimination of animal agriculture.

7) The fact that we've positioned 80% of the global population to permanently inhabit coastlines doesn't make sense. Without any human industry or anthropogenic climate change, sea levels around the world fluctuate up and down hundreds of meters due to natural cycles (glaciation and interglacials). More inland habitation would thus make more sense for areas meant for very long term habitation. Coastal settlements would have to be constructed with mobility and adaptability in mind.

8) Last but not least, we have to plan our activities so we can actually see ourselves thriving on this world for as long as it is capable of sustaining life. Hopefully that means millions upon millions of years. Our space-faring descendants who will eventually explore this entire galaxy would be remorseful to find out their ancestral world ended far prematurely.

Eon Flux says:

republicans dont need clean drinkable water. god will let us live forever in valhalla, regardless of your science.

hyylo says:

warrant buffets is a evil man. his company tried to stop Tesla and SolarCity from installing its solar panels in Nevada. Search google for the news about this evil man and how he tried to stop Americans receiving free electricity.

Nenad T says:

nomber 1 problem is capitalizm

Jon Zuka says:

Global warming not such a big deal as phytoplankton death because of the rapid change of the ocean ecosystem, they have no time to adopt. Data shows that, if you trust the internet. CO2 not such a global warming causer as CH4, which i believe 56% comes from the desire for meat. Don't trust me, do your own research.

Cameron Bruce says:

As well as making an 'American' lifestyle for others more sustainable. America needs to look at itself and realise their way of living is both unnecessary and unsustainable.

Miraj Patel says:

One of main reason behind global worming are livestock and animal aggriculture that most of people don't know about that

trainwreck1993 says:

The Rich that fly around in their private jets just love telling the poor to take the bus because of global warming ?

Shally Light says:

Considering how many smart and intelligent people out there and yet you still cannot in so called "modern world" solve a simple problem – should you even pick on planetary scale at all? And as you can see it's not intellect you need to solve the problems nor technology with. All you need to do is change the mind that creating this problems at first place. Is this not self evident and simple that you cannot solve the problem with the state of mind that created the problem at first place? Point of solving if you are unwilling to change yourself?

handsomefingers says:

But these people do not seem to be willing to give up their own luxurious lifestyles.

Sue Moore says:

Then why are the other planets in our solar system having similar symptoms – perturbations? Then why no measurable warming for 17+ years? Exactly what would the carbon tax be used to do – no one has been able to answer that to my satisfaction. Title of the video is misleading. There's no "how" to fix it in this video. All we're hearing is population control and the elites want to play God. The real truth is that elites know what is approaching our solar system on an elliptical orbit that is affecting the earth and causing sinkholes, earthquakes and volcanic activity. One lone recent volcano produced more greenhouse gas emissions than man ever has. Don't buy their excuse to tax you death. Climate change is real, but global warming is just an excuse to tax you and force eugenics programs on you. Don't forget CO2 is necessary for vegetation to grow and we have no way to know a slight fluctuation isn't cyclical as a part of natural climate change that may cycle the other way at a certain point.. There's a lot of BS in this video.

Eric Little says:

Great video Bloomberg! Awareness is key, i'm a big fan of the channel.

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