If God is Real, Why's the World Such a Mess?

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Join Neale Donald Walsch and Suzanne Giesemann in this divinely-inspired and hope-filled conversation about the messy world we’re living in today ~ and what to do about it.

What if we could fix the world with one simple change? What if we dared to give ourselves permission to believe in a God that does not need or want anything from us, a God that would never judge, condemn, or punish us? What would that kind of world look like? And is that even possible?

Neale and Suzanne talk about the solution to the world’s ills and discuss his book, “The God Solution: The Power of Pure Love.” It’s an honest and inspiring conversation and one which will bring much comfort and the hope for positive change.

We can make a better world. Love is always the answer. Suzanne and Neale know that very well. Join the conversation about how we can change the world in an instant, by putting into practice one simple idea, and how YOU can become a part of the change as an “Idea Hero.”

“The God Solution: The Power of Pure Love,” is the subject of this conversation. You can find that book and all of NDW’s works at most bookstores and online.

Suzanne Giesemann’s regular podcasts of Messages of Hope can be found on all of the major podcast streaming services, including Google, Stitcher, Spotify and more (and when you can’t get enough Messages of Hope, check out the archived episodes on these same platforms). Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode, or catch the show on Suzanne’s YouTube channel.

In each new episode, Suzanne shares magical moments filled with real evidence from the spirit world, the latest teachings from her guides, Sanaya, and real, practical tools to live life with more peace and happiness. She also takes callers and answers questions in regular episodes of “Ask Suzanne and Sanaya.”

Suzanne is a retired U.S. Navy Commander who now serves humanity as a messenger of hope. Find more about Suzanne and her mission at: https://www.suzannegiesemann.com/


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Anna DeBrocky says:

The day this video showed up on YouTube, I was inexplicably drawn to watch. I’d heard of his book quite often on my journey, since my son’s transition, but never even looked into what it was like. This time was different. I ordered the hardcover, three book edition and started reading it as soon as it arrived. WOW! This has opened up a new direction for me! I truly have to read, digest and look at all of the possibilities. So much of what’s been said in the first Chapter reminds’ me of things I thought about ‘God’ as a child. I couldn’t believe he/she was vengeful, judgmental or most of what I was being taught/told. Thank you so much for this interview! I’m looking forward to seeing where this new way of looking at what we’ve been told, brings me on this journey! 💚💖1♾

Danielle Kaitlyn says:

❤️ Hermosa eleccion 4.FO/Elizeid de mejor

1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10

Son unos de los mejores conciertos

, no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos

desde pantalla,, se que estuvo

Sorprendente .

Joyful Jennifer🦄💖 says:

Omgosh Suzanne I didn't want this conversation with Neale to end! More please and thank you 😊 🙏🏻 from my heart 💖 I'm going to continue to just be me. Free to just be me! Sending out love 💖 kindness 💖compassion 💖 joy 💖 peace to find us all 🙏🏻

Real News says:

Pity that the sound quality is so bad. Difficult to hear what he said.

rhubarbyoghurt says:

God -‘Love gives, and asks nothing in return’ as stated in Nadia Khalil’s The Origins Of Love

eevagirl says:

That title tells me its all Gods fault. Its not btw (:

E eca says:

Best interview EVER

Piper The Wonder Dog says:

soooo in my understanding of “everything that ever will be and has ever been has already been played” or created …means that We All end up in the same place at some point..at home as one. it just takes some of us a lot longer 😊

Diane Lewis says:

Excellent interview. I have a few questions, and hope that it fits with the interview topics. First off I am using one of your suggestions from another video Suzanne and have been asking those I would like to connect with on the other side of the veil, but I am not getting any word or knowing back. I would also be curious Suzanne if you have connected with anyone on the other side that was killed in a war situation like we are currently going through in Ukraine, and if so, what they said to you.

Mark Tombazian says:

The reason? Not all good or great people do not always have good great kids. Some children are lost in childhood. Why? Ask God. He's the only one who knows. And rarely tells why. Why? People may ask why but rarely listen to the reply.

CM C says:

Suzanne you are truly a remarkable, intelligent, thoughtful, genuine, and gracious host. Always a pleasure to listen to you. Thank you for all that you contribute to make our world a better place!

Jane Tomkinson says:

Thank you I love you both

Milena Seymour says:

Thank u so much Suzanne ! I think this is the best guest I have had !

Milena Seymour says:

This is nothing short of phenomenal!! Great wisdom !

Sharilynne Crocker says:

It has come to my attention, that this world is such a mess in my view because, like the serpent created the ego through eve, by convincing her she could be more powerful then that which I call God. The ego has reached massive form, and many are thinking their powerful alike. But their bad intentions out weigh the good, through free choice. I received a miracle through that which I call God. Drop Ego driven thoughts and live in Peace and Love.

Theresa Heyer says:

because this bright wonderful Maker gave you FREE WILL.and people are dumb enough to use it badly.

Lee Peterson says:

OMG! Thank you.

veronika petrics says:

Neal is right about the Separation…causing the problems. But in this time we have the information of certain causes of it: the manipulation of our DNA by negative ETs…the mind control of the cabal,,and reptilians…etc. These also help us to get a greater picture why is our world is as it is.

veronika petrics says:

In the Bible God says I AM THAT (not what ) I AM… and that is the I AM consciousness in all.

veronika petrics says:

God is not a person. however God all in all manifestation: Absolute, Impersonal Personality but when He/She/it talks to us he manifest in his Personal personality..so we can relate to him

Jill Sinanan says:

As the saying goes until u experience dark u cannot appreciate light

PJ Miller says:

He had me until the last five minutes. Zero chance Hitler is in heaven. Such a statement screams false prophet, which the Bible amply warns us of. His words actually covertly encourage further evil, as those weighing various evil acts or atrocities could hear this and believe there will be no consequence for their actions. His claim goes completely against scripture. The spirit who whispered in his ear was most definitely not the Prince of Peace – more like the Prince of Darkness – whom the Bible also warns us is the one dominating behaviors on earth. Frightening info. The damage those few words may cause is unthinkable. Also, God is referred to as the Father in scripture – not our Mother – and he refers to God as 'her'. There is nothing wrong with God being a 'Father', as he is referred to throughout the Holy Scripture. It's both sad and unnecessary this reference evokes any negative connotation.

Barbara Brumbaugh says:

Went to sleep listening and woke up suddenly at 3 in the morning knowing I had to arise and listen carefully. This one went deep. Thank you both. 💗💗

Lori Clarke says:

What wisdom is being shared is so simple, but so profound on so many levels. I have gone from someone who saw God as old man in Heaven who passed judgement and dealt out punishment to who God really is supreme/divine pure Love and who I really am (who we all are). Not long ago this way of thinking would be too out there for me, but one day I asked God to teach me who he is, I said he could talk to me or bring someone into my life to teach me and left it at that, then a few days later my neighbour shows up and asks me out of the blue to do Bible study with her, I said yes of course and my teaching from her and YouTube videos has accelerated my understanding of the truth of who God is, who we are, how we are connected, etc etc, I was not ready before, until one day I was, funny how that works. I say God has a sense of humour as well, I said God I do not want to see anymore Grey hair, so he gave me cataracts. True story. 😁. I think laughter is medicine for the Soul and I like to find humour and love in all I do. Love and Light. ✨♥️😊. Thank you

Melissa Bollman ArtaboutArt says:

With Love and Gratitude

DeMe Srvl says:

Not complaining, but sure would have loved Neale's audio to be more clear. Really had a hard time understanding it. Does anyone know if there's a transcript? I see the closed captioning but just having trouble putting him all together. No, it's NOT resistance!!! LOL!!

Robin Siciliano says:

I cried happy tears of truth almost the entire interview.

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