I’m Aware Of Fear That Is Almost Continually In Me

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Complete acceptance is the doorway to transformation.


Brighton Heights Java N Cream House says:

I'm so over joyed that I found this beautiful spirit.

Lisa Arcelia says:

I love you Eckhart, and this video is wonderful. Having suffered with extreme panic and anxiety for most of my life, I finally found Echart Tolle's teachings. In this video, Eckhart explains precisely how one can transcend anxiety. If you suffer from anxiety/panic, and this resonates with you, watch more of his YouTube videos. I listen to his book The Power of Now on audio when in my car. My life is so much better, healthier, calmer and rich since having teachers like Eckhart. Slow down, watch nature, watch your thoughts, but don't let them overtake or become you. Come back to the breath, again and again. Make your daily life your spiritual practice. And it gets better. God bless Eckhart and all who suffer and seek peace. xxxx

Indra Singh says:

i would think you were talking personally to me here. Thank you Eckart

Adela Feher says:

I like those silence-pauses..

José Adrián García Sánchez says:

Thanks for your advice, Mr. Tolle. By watching your videos, and above all with the help of my therapist, I'm getting over this current situation I'm living through. I've been feeling anxiety for more than one year, however I happened to find a therapist who heals by means of reiki and accupuncture, I highly recommend it. Thanks again.

Patricia Phillips says:

What he says is so true, I live it and experience it. I had horrible anxiety and panic attacks and by accepting the emotion and being present it was transformed. His teachings have helped me access that power within us all. I am so thankful and blessed to have come across his teachings.

MrsLizard King says:

A Tolle clip a day keeps the anxiety away

Greg White says:

Blessings for sharing this. I can confirm precisely this insight from personal experience.

Jennifer Coverley says:

I find it fascinating that when Eckart says the word 'fear' and 'emotions' he gestures to his stomach, indicating the relationship between emotion/gut/mind.

Wendy H. Beckmann says:

He creates pathways to freedom.  The glimpses open your heart.  Your heart in return opens doorways. Walk through knowing you are guided by pure consciousness.  No right, no wrong.  Your false self will melt away with every truth glimpsed in the purity of consciousness.  Ask and listen.  You will be answered.  Thank you for all shared here in the light.   No need for judgment here it has no purpose.  Awaken to find your truth.

Suzanne Bruner says:

Really helpful

Mark 23 says:

Let go and let God. God starts where you end. Surrender to suffering.

Mark 23 says:

Accepting the seemingly unacceptable, a great source of grace 💥

Fr0w MAJ says:

this guy look so sad :/

Margie Causby says:

Why your site charges to learn your classes? Most of the people who needs it can't afford even 20 a month. Couldn't you afford to enlighten this world with your own money? Please. Think about it.

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