In Conversation with the Dalai Lama – July 6th, 2010

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Barkha Dutt of NDTV interviews His Holiness the Dalai Lama at his residence in Dharamsala, India. Program originally broadcast on July 6th, 2010. (

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Bea Sayn says:

great sence of humour… salute

PermacultureDreams Wheels says:

I like him but what he should to understand, as long as he have America who back him up Tibet will never be independent. America is really not and exemple to take, and democracy, it's only a word not a reallity, why not talk about the holocaust of the Indian native American! So I hope you understand Chinese don't want America to be able to settle on the top of the world just at the border of their country, to dangerous for China!
I'm very sorry for Tibet to be between such controversal world, but Dalai Lama should really not trust on the real help of American government, they are helping him only to mess up China! You can even see they are doing the same by putting the ouigours against China. Hope you will not be angry at me, I just want to bring an other opinion, but I love Tibet and feel very close to their philosophy, plesa Dalai Lama understand as you have to stop give so much time to western media, it's not giving help to Tibetan people, it's only to give more pressure to Chinese gouvernment, and they don't like it!

PermacultureDreams Wheels says:

Why does he love so much America?

Robert Young says:

Yeah- communist does't work..It's not for anything ..So why not become what is real .. The truth party.. From one of the last of the individuals.. Hope is real and can change the world! Peace and light.. R.

Robert Young says:

Gee- amazing person..If the Government respected what is is saying they could do anything.. The truth is that all humans are free and the governments that hinder are only for a time all is not what it is .. Any Gov was put there to help not the other way around…Weird how the world is so insane..

Brandon E. Smith says:

I'm a native speaker, and I thought she did a great job. Both friendly and cordial. Plus, the Dalai Lama didn't seem bothered by her demeanor.


The viet nam communist of ha noi is hacker password ID ….. of websites maihoangloan , web dieuhoangphuong………There are very problem into of my websites

Kimberly Pyramid says:

This women needs to learn how to talk to others with a tone of respect. She talks to the Dali Lama like he is a bad person…George Bush or a dictator. She needs to not be on T.V.

edeltm says:

HH Dalai Lama é fonte de inspiração para todos nós!
Free Tibet.

Long life HH the Dalai Lama!!!!!

ffallenaangel says:

this man got so much love for every one its amazing

Oxa1 says:

i very much like his definition of Secularism.
I am a believer(ideal,politics, philosophy), but not religious, which inevitably makes me a "nonbeliever" since i dont pledge allegiance to a certain religion. I am however respectful to other religion and love discussions about existencial questions. Secularim is not to hit hard on religion, but rather accepting all religions on the same lever, may it be shintoism or islam or judaism.
thank you Dalai


@Oxa1 good one

Oxa1 says:

3 dislikes?? Those three devoted servicemen in the communist party who finally cracked the youtube-code….

Jackson Thapyal says:

A very good journalist. A good way of asking the questions 🙂

forgotm says:

@taroon588 Good thing he is reincarnated eh?

Losieusatra says:

@taroon588 not HH. His Holiness Dalajlama the reflection of Merciful Buddha. Do not forget about this.

Beata Krejcova says:

@timi0000 You're right, she's sincere and straight to the point.

Beata Krejcova says:

I love him!!

damaged01 says:

@explosivedoubt From ourselves?

KasirRham says:

@explosivedoubt more importantly free the human species

peacelily64 says:

HH Dalai Lama Is someone who was meant for this time of life on Earth…… smiles he brings his wisdom when it is so needed

peacelily64 says:

@explosivedoubt america is free maybe not so in there minds……

peacelily64 says:

he does have a certain some thing about him his energy radidates out

d wade says:

thank you so much for posting the video….

dorje168 says:

“I would like to take this opportunity to renew my call to the government of China to release Mr. Liu Xiaobo and other prisoners of_ conscience who have been imprisoned for exercising their freedom of expression.”

"Awarding the Peace Prize to him Liu Xiaobo is the international community's recognition of the increasing voices among the Chinese people in pushing China towards political, legal and constitutional reforms.”

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
October 8, 2010

Varavaken says:


I agree,TheDharmaKnight.
(I like his angry side too.)

DreamsofMajesty says:

scribd (dot) com/nb812

Tyler Thrash says:

@AzerChristians why would you say that?

timi0000 says:

This lady is a really good interviewer. She's not giving him fluffy, feel-good questions.

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