Inviting The Unconditioned | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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Recorded in Oslo, Norway, Eckhart discusses the primary purpose of a spiritual retreat: to transcend our conditioned ways of thinking and being and begin to usher in a deepening of human consciousness. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life:

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Life Belle says:

this guy needs neuroleptics and antidepressant he looks like so weak, crazy and depressive.

Haiz Zzz says:

This mans teachingsπŸ™πŸ™
Starting with the power of now to a new earth is the only 2 self help books you ever need.
After going through a heart chakra awakening, eckart tolle is the only person I push people towards.
I'm now living the reality of oneness on a constant level because of this guys teachings. And my determination to be detached from my mind.
Now, the ego never dies.
I dont know if eckart would agree but from personal experience, the ego is always there. Some days I'm identified with it. Some days im not. The only thing iv learned that eckart didnt teach me is the fact that I dont need to do this or that, be this or that. I cant put what was learned into words. It was more the realization that I just be.
Spirtual teachings, alot of them give you the impression to do certain things but the real answer, which isn't the answer is to just be. Be with what ever is.
Thank you eckart.
It's not your name that will be remembered, it will be your teachings.
Much love

Sanjeet Badhwar says:

HAHA ….he REALLY resembles Mr Bean when he does that ! Very enjoyable

Aruna Tamang says:

Awareness is the perfect state especially when dealing with others as from the egoic state it's easy to get influenced with the ways of the world.this is a different path and to chose being definately leads to innerpeace.

Amir Zekri says:

Dear Eckhart would you please speak about motivation

sooraj ks says:

We are all rays from the same Sun .

Ebi Zamani says:

Thank you very much big master πŸŒΉπŸ™πŸŒΉ


Imagine all the relaxed flatulence at an eckart ceremony

KJ says:

Listening to silence is comfortable, peaceful.

nina joy says:

Love and blessings everyone πŸ™β€

adventure of life by Moly says:

Always helpful with ur speech ..relax calm with benefits …πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Drew Lytton says:

Have you heard the good news?

Markus Geib says:

I had climpses of awakening .its the coolest thing ever.because all the the negativity suddenly dissapears and is replaced with freedom

Eric Hartinger says:

I hope every one will continue to grow and help one another. I very much need the help! Namaste to you all, and may you all be healthy and happy!

Helen Heggadon says:

I wish I could listen to silence when someone is snoring! That’s a real test of present mindedness.

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