Is Karma Real? | Neale Donald Walsch

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Neale offers an enlightening answer to the question on the idea of karmic payments in the context of reincarnation and rebirth.

Neale will be teaching a special interactive workshop as part of Mindvalley U in Barcelona this June. We’re beyond excited for this rare opportunity for our community to meet and learn from Neale in person. Learn more about the event happening on the 16th of June in Barcelona here:


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Richard Kister says:

I agree with him…there is nothing like adward or punishment from previous life…how you want solve them when you dont remember them…you are part of are not here for teaching but for recognize who you really when when you are in bad circumstances it is because help you find way to is not punishment…

Niruparaj Sundararajah says:

He does not know what karma is. Most people do not. They craft idea only. Through karma , life and rebirth we are going to oneness. However it possible to move forward , backward, side direction.

Zoe Skarlatos says:

Perhaps Karma is not the correct expression to use. Perhaps we need to understand Free Will and just how powerful it is, for within our Free Will, is where our own judgement resides.
I believe in the saying of, what you sow, so shall you reap, that would be the cosmic reaction for what we call Karma…..
Our expressions may not be correct, but does a person reap all that he has sowed, sooner or later he/she does.

Fauzia N says:

Wow… Superb description.

Geoff Wall-Davis says:

Although there are people in life who appear to get away with doing wrong, there are a lot who face the results of their actions. The truth is that everything is the result of something, and it is good to speak to and treat people the way we want to be spoken and treated ourselves.

M. G. says:

karma is real. it's even stated in cwg book 1 chapter 14. but he's right. it isn't a dept that must be paid back. it's not about guilt and vengeance. it's about growth and making expierences with other souls. every soul has a free choice to solve their karma or not. old souls these days can even drop their karma entirely so that they don't have to make already made expierences again. (good book here is the human soul revealed by monika muranyi/lee carroll/ kryon.

144Donn says:

I like NDW a lot. But, on this question..I'll have to disagree. How can you have one person, who in NDW terminology, "has forgotten who they truly are" so badly, that they give you a great chance to show your mastery…(again in his lingo). No one can put so much pain on another and not expect to have that negativity return against them. Perhaps I feel this way because I have not reached the level of master…but, sometimes the trainer goes overboard and kills the trainee.

Matt Chambers says:

Neal Donald Walsh is soft

Endy M says:

Dam right it is

Ann Nymous says:

I would love this to be true, but in my paradigm, I have to believe that there is some reason that pedophiles, rapists and murderers exist. The only way I can get my head around a 5 year old being abused, tortured and raped is because they had to play the part of a victim, because in a previous life, that child was a sexual predator. It is wonderful to believe all of these higher thoughts, but there has to be a reason for both this apparent innocent victim and this monstrous predator.

With Love,

Phoenix Airbender says:

Finally!!! Someone who Knows that there is No such thing as Karma! Glad I'm not alone in this knowledge 🙂

Terry Anderson says:

Is it the Law of the Harvest, sometimes expressed as "we reap what we sow", different from Karma? Neal says we are not punished for mistkes in a past life. I think there is a distinction. Karma, as applied to this life, could be equivalent to the Law of the Harvest. In other words, the learning takes place here and now.

ham555877 says:

He just has a mediocre understanding for life, he is not a master but hippocrate. Lets not distort karma in complicated sense. Karma simply means series of actions you performed. You have choice to perform karma but you don't have choice and control over your consequences. Its like newton's third law of action (motion).So be wisely with your action. By knowing your own being, you can become free from your karma. Free from cycle of life and death. Karma is not just physical action but it is a behavior attached with soul, life after life in sequence. "Enlightenment simply means soul getting deattached from your karma or freedom from your karma by know it, by experiencing it, not by avoiding or ignoring it" – upanishad scripture.

Uchiba Uki says:

If karma is real justice will be served huh I saw bad things happen to good people and good luck happen to bad people!

god channelled says:

We see karma in action daily..but maybe not paying for past life discrepancies..

Abdel Mejid Cherif Boudadya says:

Hello every body. I think there is a big misunderstanding on Karma. In fact Karma as your understanding is well explained by Neal. In many times he said in his conversation with God: what goes around comes around. If you want more love give love. You will experience that you bring someone else to experience. So this is Karma as your understanding. But I think Neale is explaining that we are not paying now for our mistakes in previous life !!! The purpose of our life Is not to pay or to be rewarded for our past life. Living in such belief may be dangerous because you will think that whatever you do, your destiny is already sealed in paying for your past life. Pay attention to the question of Simona and you will understand the difference between the 2 vision of Karma 🙂 So in her meaning there is no Karma.

babaraja baba says:

Karma is very real. Read books on compilations of those who can remember their past lives. This man is very misleading.

Author D. Landell says:

I’ve just watched a video where he contradicts himself. He said put out what you want back. If you want love give love… If you want money, give money….Karma

Nnenna Lelenwa says:

If there's no karma, then there's no life,and there wouldn't be re-incarnation. How does soul learn if there's no karma, if you call it circle of life, then what makes up the circle, is it not experiences of soul gathers in the circle of re-incarnation, if you don't recollect the memory where would you start.? There's no vacuum, the lords of karma are there coworking with God, without karma there will be no life here, and there wouldn't be balance . It is karma that could produce an Obama, a Hitler, Isis, and even the current learder of North korea, karma Is, because God Is.

Raine ontheWorld says:

Karma I feel has been created by those who feel wronged and need to seek revenge. Understanding is a key to enlightenment. I hear the word karma thrown around so loosley without any true understanding thus pouring more anger and hatred and negativity onto the world. This is not of God. Nor is it healthy to our souls.

pam burgess says:

He is wrong. Karma soes exist

Simon Dennis says:

Karma is cause and effect. Is this man suggesting that thoughts and actions have no consequence or continuation from one life to the next? Why is he describing karma as a debt from a previous life this has nothing to do with the practical aspects of karma which relates to the conditioning of the unconscious. Really shocked at this man's ignorance.

Janine Busald says:

This is different from what’s said in The Law of One and many other books – that we elect to join a cycle that lasts 25,920 years which is divided into 12 ages of 2,160 years each. There’s too much evidence of karma, which is simply described as "cause & effect." Karma is physics.

Sebastian Mekala says:

No rebirth, if you repent then Jesus takes away your karma otherwise you will suffer its fruits in hell. No to me my whatsapp number +918978676101

Anju Ganesh says:

I also believe in karma…..

Ranjith R says:

I have decided to unsubscribe after listening to this nonsense

Nutan Jha says:

Why Karma is being confused with Reincarnation? I have experienced it myself what we do is going to come back to us may be in the same amount, lesser or greater! I have no memory of my previous birth, so until and unless I experience it I would not confirm it. But Karma is very real! Even law of physics proves it that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, not opposite in many instances. But we are nothing in this world but our actions/ Karma! People love us or despise us for our Karma and Karma definitely pays back. I would only advise please experience it yourself for proof and not on others who can charm you into their thinking process. Just because you have not experienced it does not mean it does not exist. Peace, love, happiness!

Susan Peters says:

I agree. Thank you. Man made up the word along with its definition. xo No Karma. End of conversation. Abraham Hicks also backs this up.

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