Is the afterlife simply a “narrative life” invented by the human ego? In this Q&A, Eckhart takes us on an exploration of consciousness, calling it the “greatest mystery in the universe.”
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In spiritual concepts, the belief or wish in conscious continuance after physical death is egoic by default. After physical death, it's most likely similar to a light switch turned to off and it's fine. Even if there's something afterwards, there's nothing you can do about it. The good news is it's one less thing to worry about!
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A newborn baby knows at a soul deep level because there aren't any words or images to distract the mind. There isn't a mental construct like an ego to identify with at this stage of life. Thoughts are like an invisible barrier that blocks out conscious awareness like curtains block out the sun. A newborn baby just arrived from the spiritual dimension of Oneness. The scent of the Spiritual Dimension still lingers on a newborn baby like perfume lingers in the air after a woman has left the room. The scent of the Spiritual Dimension is perceived as Peace. Peace is much more than a feeling. PEACE is a State of Being. This one life experienced the Spiritual Dimension at a soul deep level through a Shared Death Encounter back 1995. Which is different from a Near Death Experience This one life experienced…. "Consciousness Being Consciously Aware of Consciousness Itself." Consciousness can never be the object of thought. We are pure awareness. In the Physical Dimension our memory expands, and our awareness shrinks. In the Spiritual Dimension our memory shrinks and our awareness expands. Perhaps it would better to make a video, in order to explore and explain it rather than trying to do it in a comment.
I love it when Eckhart does his little laugh xx
Read the millions of NDES that have been documented with corroborating evidence. Are we still asking this question? Good grief. Consciousness and energy cannot be destroyed. We are not our bodies and our brain is not our consciousness.
..after life,
is there anywhere' t
It does feel like Elkhart is unsure and uncomfortable answering this question.
I don't understand the desire to come back , this is not a nice world, one time is more than enough
What Tolle will not tell you, is that this is a prison ran by an evil entity, and that just getting to 'enlightenment' alone is not enough; you need to get beyond the flesh, and this world as well.
Can just see the egomaniacs in the afterlife: Come sit here on my cloud. It is the best and most fluffiest cloud with the best view.
What a beautiful explanation

Thoughts, emotions and memories are form therefore cant be consciousness ! or what does Eckhart mean ?
Great question, beautiful answer.
It seems to me that if anything is egoic about this subject, it is the need to know if there is life after death. There seems to me no valid reason to need to know in this life if there is another conscious state awaiting us after death. I can't see how it matters until we "get there" I also can't see how it hurts to be open to the idea
unsatisfying. i really liked all his other videos. but somehow he does not give an personal answer if he believes that life after death is an egoic concept. ofc there's no proof. but his take is a little bland. much love tho.
My parents divorced when I was one. The custody was one week with Mom and one week with Dad. At both homes I had pet cats. I had gotten very close to my pets as I was an only child and going through the things kids go through in those situations. I remember very vividly that I was at my Dad's and went to sleep that night, my dream was very different than any other dream I have had up till that point. I saw cat from my Mom's and he came to me. Without words he spoke in my head, he said that he is going now and basically said goodbye. When I woke I was crying, somehow I knew he had passed. Then there was a voice that was not my own and it said pray for him. The only prayer I knew was the Hail Mary. So, I did just that. The following week I was at my Mom's and she said she could not find our cat from last week, he never came home. I could not bring myself to tell her for fear that she'd think I was nuts. A few days past and a neighbor said he saw our cat run over in the street, we found him and buried him. From then on any pet I lost and was not aware that they had past I would see them in a dream and I would pray for them like the voice asked. As an adult, humans that I am close to that are close to death I start to see them in my head, it is like a thought but the feeling that comes with it feels like nothing else. It is how I know. There is something past this "life".
But if you smashed the radio the source of the signal would still be broadcasting Beethoven's symphony.
Why is Here not vietnamese…
You know, you will never realize what he is saying, and do you know why?
We are a civilization of ‘gremlins’. The Matrix of the "Collective Unconscious" governs the primitive negative consciousnesses of the so-called "normal" people. The Matrix does not know English or any other language, its algorithms reflexively react only to feelings and emotions. Do you realize the whole horror of our situation?
What to do? Take the red pill and fight! /Yam Esotericist/
what is the point in us even existing in the first place if death is just the end and thats it, everything just gone forever, every lesson learned, every love, every thing we've made. like what is the point? if there is no point then we'd all just be killing ourselves, if there is no point then people who have children are cruel. it doesnt make sense to me why we are even here in the first place.
I'm not sure what the argument is here. What the heck is an egoic structure? It seems to me that this is just the familiar argument that we believe in a "life after death" because we want it to be true, we don't want to cease to exist.
But it seems to me this whole approach assumes upfront that it is more reasonable to suppose we cease to exist when we die, and the reason why people resist this is because people desperately want themselves and loved ones to continue on.
What ought to determine our beliefs in any afterlife is reason and evidence.
So, for the former, is it reasonable to suppose the brain could somehow produce consciousness? And I think there's considerable difficulty in supposing it does.
Secondly, there's all the evidence. All these end of life experiences for example such as NDEs, deathbed visions, recovering ones mental faculties at the threshold of death. Then there's the spontaneous apparent memories had by children of previous lives, and a lot of the details they give of that previous person is investigated and found to be correct.
Saying, "oh but one's ego desperately wishes to survive!" cannot somehow negate all this reason and evidence.
Why with such a journey the most enlightened human being on Earth this?
A soulless NPC would think this about anything related to being something other than a meat robot, like them.
Yet they are furious is you suggest, then don’t bother going to your parents funeral then if that’s how you regard all humans (keep your projections to yourself) – it’s unconscious lefty twunts like that that have got us into this clown world communism we see all around us
He hasn't answered the question. It is indeed clear that those who believe in any form of life after death are in the grip of their own egos.
Once the frame disappears the music is ever so much clearer.
Especially the OM=AMEN/AUM.
Psychedelic mushrooms will help you rememeber

Eckhart Tolle, thank you, your teachings are prolific…. I have listened to all of your works on audible, when I first reached your book the power of now in my, I guess I would call it a spiritual journey now but then I was just listening to many different books about the universal laws… lol I was getting a little closer to the truth at the time… Then your book came into my awareness! I stopped it early because something triggered! I didn’t know what but I knew this resinated with me…. Maybe a month later I listen again, and I understood a little better… this was almost 2 years ago now… but from then until now( it’s only now) but you understand, I’ve heard all of your teachings and I just wanted to say I Completely understand! Thank you for freeing me…. You are truly Gods Gift and I hope to one day become a teacher of presence as well if God wills it… No Day but Today, No Time but Now