Is Sexual The Same As Spiritual Energy? Ask Deepak Chopra!

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Sexual energy manifests itself as charm, attraction, love , infatuation, intimacy. It is the merging of consciousness and the emergence of new life. Spiritual energy, the energy that comes from pure consciousness, is the creative energy of the universe. Without that energy we would not be alive and nothing would have life in it as life is the vitality of pure consciousness. Sexual energy is also the creative energy of the universe. Without that energy we would not exist either. Therefore sexual energy and spiritual energy are the same. Many wise traditions considers the peak moment of sexual energy the death of the ego. When somebody experiences intimacy and reaches orgasm, we feel vulnerable, intimate, we are defenseless, spontaneous, joyful, carefree and there is a sense of timelessness. These are the characteristics and true nature of our spirit. Living your life with this level of intimacy would allow to emerge the evolutionary impulse, the creative energy of the universe, which is your spirit.

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Jo Montanee says:

Wow I never expect this clip to be so enlightening and epiphany like this. From what Dr. Chopra explains make me realize why so many women canโ€™t reach orgasm through intercourse. Because it means you need to lose your ego to get closest to your partner and become vulnerable at the most. If you canโ€™t trust that partner it is so scary to let go of all of your guard!

SpockBoy says:

What utter nonsense. HERE is an answer that actually makes sense.

Dan Bogdan says:

Nice try … However, while they may be the same in what make for a good comparison between the two, they ARE NOT THE SAME, in what make the two energies different from one another … here is a good article to understand the difference …

Sergio Adrian Zampa says:

Dr Deepak Be Blessed by The Divine This is a Great Video Thank's!Greetings From Argentina!

Arbiter says:

Is ice cream the same as sugar (?) Is coke the same as sugar (?) Is cotton candy the same as sugar (?)

Yvonne Grundtvig-Bashor says:

Orbs around this ๐Ÿ‘ผ

SYNAPSE 2020 says:

There is no energy that is not spiritual. Brahman is the world.

Frieza Golden says:

I don't have girlfriend

Ryan McLaughlin says:


Oh gawd. I'm laughing at the people who believe anything this moron says.

TheBUBUSH68 says:

This man misunderstood everything , because he have consciousness from his testicles…Please use your brain.

Upkar Phogaat says:

Dear Beloved Friend _ _ _ Satyavan ji _ _ _ What Are You Talking About _ _ _ That The Act Of Sex Is The Animal Nature Of Human Being & Mankind _ _ _ Have You Analysed Yourself & Your Innersense About Sex & Also That What's The Meaning Of Sex & Also What's the Authentic & Actual Real Meaning Of Having Sex With Anyone Else _ _ _We Also You & Me And This Whole World Is Made Up & Generated With The Divine Power Of Sex _ _ _ I'am Extremely Surprised With This Thought That What Is The Reason Behind The So Much & Too Much Oppose Of Sexuality In Our Society In The Whole World _ _ _ I Can't Understand it At All _ _ _ Above All the Fact Is That The Sex Is The Supreme Spiritual Infinite Power Of This Infinite Universe Which Is The Only Origin Of Generating Everything _ _ _ And This Is The Only Sex Power By The Grace Of Which Everything Is _ _ _ Going _ _ _ On _ _ _ & _ _ _ On _ _ _ & _ _ _ On _ _ _


Ojas is the power which helps you rise into the Beyond: that is called Ojas. So you will find how necessary is chastity of life. The more you have got that Power within you, the more you are healthy; even if it exceeds what the body requires, it will help you in the Beyond.
You see, from eat and drink we have some milk-like element, chyle; from there it arises and comes into the blood. From blood forms the flesh, bones, and then the pith of the bones. From the pith of the bones that Power arises. Those people who are not chaste, given up to unchastity, they have no hope for this Ojas Power. So, Ojas is the Power which helps you to transcend into the Beyond. That is why "chastity is Life, sexuality is death." We sometimes use words, but we don't know the very basic purpose for which they are there. You have read chastity is Life, sexuality is death. Normal way: that's all right. Everything which exceeds limits, that goes to spoil, you see. So blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. That power helps. Those who are always drained out have poor health, no thinking power, not are they able to do hard work; they can do nothing. So that is why it said, chastity is Life and sexuality is death.
Those who are not married should observe strict celibacy. Those who are married should observe according to the scriptures. Scriptures only say to marry means taking a companion in life who should be with you in weal or woe through your earthly sojourn and both meet God. Help each other. One duty may be begetting children – one! Not all! We have considered perhaps it is machinery of enjoyment. That is wrong.
Ojas has not been defined anywhere, I tell you. From Ojas you have got that power which helps you to go into the Beyond. If you have got no surplus of this valuable fluid within you, how can you sit? Now you will see how important is chastity. The word "chastity" is used as Life and its opposite is death, you see. These things are not explained to us, that's a pity. We ourselves do not know. Outward acting and posing won't do, I tell you. So that is why I put it in the diary forms even in word, even in thought. Even unchaste words and thoughts affect you.
If you observe an average – very simple diet with chastity, you'll be blooming. All your tonics, all your outward dietary proteins won't help you. Special diets also won't help – that is only temporary. I think with acting and posing, you appear to look all right, that is all.
I read an instance in one book while I was a student. In the West it is usual that girls seek their own husbands and husbands seek their own companions. There was one girl who was ugly looking and nobody wanted to marry her. She was disappointed so she left the town and lived in an out-of-the-way place. Naturally, when one is disappointed, one reverts to God. She passed her days in sweet remembrance of God. After a year or so somebody came up to her, "I would like to marry you." "What are you talking about? I am the ugliest woman in the world." "No, no, no, you're not ugly." "No, no, don't joke with me!" She looked in the looking glass and her features were changed. So, thoughts are very potent, you see. Chaste thought is a blessing.
Ojas power is that, as I tell you, which helps you to transcend into the Beyond. /Sant Kirpal Singh

David Jones says:

Orbs everywhere ๐Ÿ™‚ Powerful teacher.

Matthew Wallace says:

Thanks Deepak, nice show. ๐Ÿ™‚

GoodVibes says:

Sexual energy and spiritual energy are not the same thing. One is the manifestation of a need in the realm of incarnation, in the dense dimension, sexual energy. Spirit has no sex and has a direct contact with potentially every dimension including the dense one. So I can say the sexual energy when it becomes a defenseless, spontaneous, joyful and carefree sense of timelessness where the ego disappears then it merges with the spiritual energy, in any other case it belongs only to this level of reality.

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