Is Spirituality Still Important? Russell Brand The Trews (E226)

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Is Spirituality Still Important? Russell Brand The Trews (E226)

In this comments edition I discuss the importance of spirituality and potential solution to the energy crisis.

Subscribe Here Now: and send links to video news items of topical stories that you’d like me to analyse.

Produced directed & edited by Gareth Roy.
Trews Theme by The Rubberbandits
Thanks to Jimi Mackay: @jimimackay
and Urban Nerds: for our creative services

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xisumavoid says:

Talks about making the world a better place by treating each other
nicer…. but starts off with an insult XD

frostwork_bouquet says:

This krypto religious “spirituality” nonsense only hurts progressive
ethical enlightenment and socio-political change by its propensity for the
irrational and its potential to churn out dogmas in time. I support your
political outlook and aims, but I am opposed to the mumbo-jumbo. Instead of
“spirituality” we would need a population trained in critical thinking and
realism, instead of conformity we need subversive and transgressive acts,
instead of esoteric ramblings we need rational philosophy and instead of
magic, we need science.

truth1901 says:

Happy is he who is aware of his spiritual need. We were created with a need
for a connection with our Creator.

Jeenius Foo says:

The sooner we can rid ourselves of these superstitious/spiritual needs, the
faster we can start focusing on what’s really important for mankind,
sustainability. So much energy and money is wasted into religions,
clairvoyance, mediums, astrology and all these other charlataneries. If we
could concentrate all this energy and money into research for cures and
feeding everyone on the planet, it would be a much better place to live in.

Daves GrowGuide says:

Religion is like picking your nose in the middle of a supermarket and
wiping it on everyone who passes by .
Spirituality is like picking your nose in the privacy of your own home but
at the end of the day it all a load of snot .

MulliganBrother says:

So basically, Russell ain’t the only Russell
Russell Brand, Russell Crowe
Zero zero zero zero, a whole lotta 0’s
What you after, actor money?

HI Russell could you do a video an meditation and how you do it. It
frustrates me how much TM costs and I think it’s a right everyone should
have. It seems to me Just like big business. I’m sure it’s only mantra
meditation. Thank you mate 😉 

Peter Jolliffe says:

The ONLY way the human race will survive is if it changes to a cooperative,
sharing, non monetary Resource based economic system because all the time
we continue with a competitive, consumerist, monetary market system,there
is absolutely no hope of making any worthwhile change BIG enough to prevent
us causing our own extinction…Unfortunately most people find it so
difficult to understand or think of anything outside the box of the
monetary system, the end of the human race is probably going to happen and
sadly no young people watching this video will live to see their old age. 

S Peace says:

Bring back the death penalty, will solve a lot of problems. Thanks. 

Kris Bumhead says:

In an ideal world, I would live in a posh shed in the woods with my own
energy system where I could still use a few mod cons, without a bank
account, mortgage etc growing my own food, recycling stuff thrown out by
the fat cat supermarkets and help others to see it really is possible to
stick two fingers up to the money grabbing thieving idiots who blah blah
blah. Thanks Rusty. Apparently it IS possible to live like this and not
have to fester in your own dirt. I saw a modern guy doing it on a YouTube
video. Oh and one other thing. Reqad today that 47% of people are stopping
at having just the one child (less is good as far as I’m concerned). That
is one lonely future for people who cant get on the housing ladder (afford
to live). Family used to be the biggest welfare system – now we are heading
for a life of depression and loneliness and all the bits and bobs that go
along with that. Random but true I think.

redrumax says:

At least ‘Russy fart-face’ is more original than the usual bullshit: ‘Oh
Russell, I love you, my unicorn, my precious, rise and shine
bright.’..:)))). Russell reads now books I read when I was 16-18. Looking
forward to your maturity, Russ… You still seem to be on a self-discovery
journey a bit spiced-up with narcissism. Oh and there is no God!

truth1901 says:

Science is observation of creation.

Russell Brand says:
Leah Smith says:

Being pregnant, I am suffering with what is know as “baby brain”. Today I
asked where I could find a small bottle of water, and I was told I would
find it next to the kiosk. My baby brain didn’t understand the word “kiosk”
and I looked back at him blankly. In my moronic social anxiety filled
state, instead of calmly explaining the situation, and asking him to simply
point towards the direction I should walk in, I suddenly altered my accent,
pretended I was from South Africa and said I don’t speak English well. Yes,
my brain decided that would work despite speaking in a thick Brummie accent
for the first half of the conversation.

Why am I telling you all this? My baby brain couldn’t process the word
kiosk, OK, a not word I use on a daily basis, but I have used it before, so
you can imagine what happened when dear lovely Russell started reading from
that book. My poor little brain turned into jam .

Can anyone explain that section to me like you would to a small child? Not
just any child, but the type you’d ask “What’s 2 + 2?” and they’d respond

Ricky Estele says:

Russell, I wish you would put that white lampshade straight, it’s messing
with my OCD…

KronaTithers says:

How does it feel to get owned by Ed Balls?

ArcturanMegadonkey says:

if we attached a coil of wire around your penis and got all the ladies out
there to tug you off via the coil then just imagine how much power could be
generated? you’d have to slide a magnet down your japs eye so best get
learning about ‘sounding’
failing that we could replace the coal in power stations with hippies?

Sms135ftw says:

“History is ending because the dominator culture has led the human species
into a blind alley, and as the inevitable chaostrophie approaches, people
look for metaphors and answers. Every time a culture gets into trouble it
casts itself back into the past looking for the last sane moment it ever
knew. And the last sane moment we ever knew was on the plains of Africa
15,000 years ago rocked in the cradle of the Great Horned Mushroom Goddess
before history, before standing armies, before slavery and property, before
warfare and phonetic alphabets and monotheism, before, before, before. And
this is where the future is taking us because the secret faith of the
twentieth century is not modernism, the secret faith of the twentieth
century is nostalgia for the archaic, nostalgia for the paleolithic, and
that gives us body piercing, abstract expressionism, surrealism, jazz,
rock-n-roll and catastrophe theory. The 20th century mind is nostalgic for
the paradise that once existed on the mushroom dotted plains of Africa
where the plant-human symbiosis occurred that pulled us out of the animal
body and into the tool-using, culture-making, imagination-exploring
creature that we are. And why does this matter? It matters because it shows
that the way out is back and that the future is a forward escape into the
past. This is what the psychedelic experience means. Its a doorway out of
history and into the wiring under the board in eternity. And I tell you
this because if the community understands what it is that holds it together
the community will be better able to streamline itself for flight into
hyperspace because what we need is a new myth, what we need is a new true
story that tells us where we’re going in the universe and that true story
is that the ego is a product of pathology, and when psilocybin is regularly
part of the human experience the ego is suppressed and the suppression of
the ego means the defeat of the dominators, the materialists, the product
peddlers. Psychedelics return us to the inner worth of the self, to the
importance of the feeling of immediate experience – and nobody can sell
that to you and nobody can buy it from you, so the dominator culture is not
interested in the felt presence of immediate experience, but that’s what
holds the community together. And as we break out of the silly myths of
science, and the infantile obsessions of the marketplace what we discover
through the psychedelic experience is that in the body, IN THE BODY, there
are Niagras of beauty, alien beauty, alien dimensions that are part of the
self, the richest part of life. I think of going to the grave without
having a psychedelic experience like going to the grave without ever having
sex. It means that you never figured out what it is all about. The mystery
is in the body and the way the body works itself into nature. What the
Archaic Revival means is shamanism, ecstacy, orgiastic sexuality, and the
defeat of the three enemies of the people. And the three enemies of the
people are hegemony, monogamy and monotony! And if you get them on the run
you have the dominators sweating folks, because that means your getting it
all reconnected, and getting it all reconnected means putting aside the
idea of separateness and self-definition through thing-fetish. Getting it
all connected means tapping into the Gaian mind, and the Gaian mind is what
we’re calling the psychedelic experience. Its an experience of the living
fact of the entelechy of the planet. And without that experience we wander
in a desert of bogus ideologies. But with that experience the compass of
the self can be set, and that’s the idea; figuring out how to reset the
compass of the self through community, through ecstatic dance, through
psychedelics, sexuality, intelligence, INTELLIGENCE. This is what we have
to have to make the forward escape into hyperspace.”
Terence McKenna

Clare Harrison says:

I’ve got complex needs because apparently I am unemployable because I went
to India to study for seven months to be a yoga teacher which makes my C.V
look shite. Can your enterprise help me get back into work please? I also
do acting and stand up, can you get me a gig where I get paid? I also wrote
a screen play and book called “Elemental Kingdom.” Can you help me with
that please? Thanks. P.S Krishnamurti refers to “the centre” but does
not elaborate on this. Us yogis know that it means the heart chakra because
the heart chakra is the seat of the soul. He is correct in saying that we
should all live from the soul and from the heart. The heart is the way to
the light. xxx

Mike Boultinghouse says:

Actually, Russell is about to create a Hitler when he endorses anarchy,
because it was under those conditions in Germany in the 20’s which allowed
Hitler to get attention

michael tanner says:

I you could get all your subscribers and followers to meditate at the same
time on the same thought,you,we could change the world,one(millions of)
thought at a time,what you think?like on 9-11 when peoples thoughts had an
effect on them computers,or like them folks meditating for peace in
Palestine,we could do corrupt politicians first,you never know,we could do
it during pmq’s,Watching corrupt mp’s turn to a puff of smoke live on
tv,just a pile of clothes left on the bench next to smart phones,candy
crush and snuff videos still playing.Just a thought!

mcbillygoat says:

Is Spirituality Still Important? – Jew betcha! Understanding how Jewish
Usury control through central banking currency extortion is the number one
spiritual movement happening today. So the UK citizen is a part of a pseudo
democracy movement, yet they will never see a full audit of the Bank of
England. You have to go through the Queen of England before the UK citizen
can see how much mockery through currency extortion these Jews have
encouraged. It is a Royal Secret. That does not happen even in a British
pseudo democracy.

The Bank of England is also protected by its Royal Charter status, and the
Official Secrets Act

– wikipedia

At least in America, we don’t answer to Jews protected by a mockery system
which includes British Aristocracy, other than being a corporation founded
in 1871 for the crown. We are slaves to the Federal Reserve. They tell us
to our own faces in America that even the President of the United States
can’t perform a full audit of the Federal Reserve. Our national debt in the
U.S., which according to the 14th amendment “shall not be questioned,” is
since the establishment of the Federal Reserve impossible to pay back 9x
over off the top due to systematic currency extortion, or Fractional
Reserve Banking. These Jews tell us to our faces in the U.S. that the
Federal Reserve has “public” and “private” functions. There is no such
thing, except in a world of Jewish Usury and Fractional Reserve Banking,
that a “public” and “private” anything can exist. A fraud divided against
itself cannot stand. Even Jesus Christ knew that one. Oh and Russell Brand
is one of many Zioshills.

Daniel S says:

I find psychedelics very useful for spirituality

Ruth Barr says:

I work in customer services, yesterday I had a row I meditated for about 10
minutes and got back to work with a smile, I don’t so heaven, hell or
church, nor do I follow a guru but meditation really helps many people. 

L Richardson says:

Eating animals will be illegal in the future in first world countries, we
will be all vegans and we will all be obsessed with health

Peter Jansen says:

Buy my flipperdiflop book fucktarts 

Yekay yeke says:

You people are so stupid that sometimes it’s downright insulting to
humanity. People say I have a *spiritual* connection with a higher power.
To me that’s like saying I NO God exists because I can feel it in my balls.

Janet Henbane says:

Dear Russell, Please help raise awareness of the nuclear power new build
issue like why is this gov pushing ahead with more nuke power reactors –
Moorside (innocent sounding countryside name for a planned hideous
monstrosityin W Cumbria) alone is gonna cost they reckon £18 billion, that
will no doubt dble or treble by the time it is built but hopefully it wont
be built becos we will all stop it and governments will see sense?? Not
holding me breath on that one like 🙂 Funding for renewable energy has been
cot for various right on technologies recently. And also the nuke
affiliated dudes that did some survey of the 500 acres of wildlife habitat
that will be trashed to build Moorside have lied saying there are no hedges
or wildlife when there clearly is from natterjack toads to swans owls, deer
and the rare River Lamprey. How can we stop this madness??? Just last month
planning permission was turned down for 1 wind turbine because it would
“ruin walkers views and birds live nearby” yet drilling 100 boreholes in
the land you see in following photos is going ahead with NO SCRUTINY!!!
Underneath the land is contamination from Sellafield which produces no
energy just takse takes takes in water and gas just to be kept stable.
Photos from our protest in weather most foul on news yonks eve last wk.
and a recent article.
So theres afew ditties to hopefully get yer gnashers into? Love and peace
and an end to nuke power stations (and nuke weapons too) 🙂 x x x x

Cameron Nelson says:

Processed food isn’t evil magic. You aren’t going to grind up the homeless
and feed them to the poor, just because you ate a candy bar and somebody
told you it’d be a good idea. The truth is simply that fruits and veggies
are better for you, better for animals, and better for the environment.

Forego a little bit of pleasure and a little bit of convenience in order to
make more ethical choices.

dan kopfz says:


A Trews on sanctions?

Cuba endured 50 years of them, and didn’t make them change their ways.
There’s been sanctions against Iran for a long time, and a few western
countries even fined by the US for trading with Iran. Sanctions earlier in
2014 announced against Russia that are doing a lot of economic harm
apparently throughout Europe. Then there was Russia’s counter sanctions.
Joe Biden said in a speech the US had to embarrass Europe nations into
sanctions, because they didn’t want to do them. And it was just announced
that the US is going to impose some new sanctions in North Korea for the
Sony hack.

Should we be doing sanctions? Especially how they don’t seem to work..

It’s a kind of warfare yes? But something like a nuclear financial weapon
where the fallout radiates to every corner of the earth affecting everyone.

Doesn’t seem very conducive to peace.

Will Lane says:

Yo Russ. Big fan and love what your doing and all that, great to hear
someone stand up and say stuff that isn’t the usual bland political
I’ve got a concern though – you’ve been a presenter, a comedian, an author,
an actor, a popstars husband and now your an activist / campaigner! How do
we know your not going to give all this up at some point to go make Arthur

kikko4E says:

When someone uses that old chestnut “it’ll never happen”, I’d like them to
clarify if they truly believe it will never happen or that they are in fact
trying to dissuade us from actually changing and doing anything about it? 

Zeb251983 says:

Hello Rus, I was wondering if you heard about the workers of City Link who
were sacked on Christmas day by email, after promises from the bosses that
their jobs were secure. Its a f -ing joke. What would be your advice to
those who have been exploited and forgotten about by office suits who
selfishly lied to save their own arses. Also I know a number of teenagers
and young people who are working in slave wage apprenticeships and also
being laid off before the holidays. It seems like these companies are
being, to use your words snidey c****. 

Unity Calling says:

The political must be scared of you Ed Balls has called you a pound shop
Ben Elton. Jeso, that is an insult, surely. Pick him apart in a special.
This Bilderberg man must be shown for what he is. A pound shop George

Seth Clayson says:

I think brand needs to decide who he is
Because he is no longer a comedian and he needs to decide whether he is a
comedian or a politician

ShrekTheOgreLord says:

Hei lIm aNiantheist aNd is roing to bEleve in gOd becuz iT sLOIS dIN

James Mandolare says:

Thank you for all your insights about spirituality, politics and social
issues. You could just sit back and do your comedy but you’ve elevated your
somewhat sophomoric comedy (very bright and funny though! 🙂 ) to the
heights of socially conscious art while still retaining your working class
roots, not shying away from your past difficulties with drugs, and sharing
your political opinions honestly and in a personable and entertaining way
with your cool accent and your very unique sense of humor. Well done! I
have to put your courage, conviction, compassion, and humility (for not
hiding your personal weaknesses) on a par with John and Yoko. Love ya Mate.
Keep it up until Love is the only law and Peace the only policy! We
unfamous little folk are with ya! Don’t let the cynics and the haters get
you down!

ljmasternoob says:

At least you are using your fartface powers for good.

Renaye Elder says:

P.s. Thank you for your teachings – how did you become more spiritually
awake, was it through your meditation? I would really like to get there as
I find myself so sad as I see so much cruelty and it rocks my soul to the
core, I know and do see beauty in the world but the badness makes me feel
so sick, then I just want to block it out, I would like to become more
peaceful within and I would like to help others do the same, love to you
RB, your beautiful karma swirls around you xxx

Ray Butler says:

Faith and spirituality are techniques people use to come to terms with life
or to strengthen their discipline, it is relevant, not to me but I
certainly see how it is to others. Institutionalisation turns the noblest
of principle and the Holiest of person to poison, even the womb of the
Virgin Mother; Faith and spirituality are very personal, or perhaps
something shared in the community, but as a hierarchical power structure
with authority to demand compliance to some dogmatic ideology it loses all

nate liebert says:


Anon Ymous says:

Mr Russell, how can I contact you privately about an app or two (for iOS
and Android) you were the inspiration of, or rather, the exact reason I
come up with an idea for one app, which lead to the idea of another within
12 hours. Based on same concept kind of. I thought besides being I am poor
as fuck (well, financially not of mind body and spirit) and cant afford to
pay an app developer, plus essentially it was your show which made me think
of it, I’d give you a shout. I mean, you dont have to sink money, no one
does. If it sucks, you tell me to jog on. If its good, the developer would
build and hop on board. Shit you can have half =D (well third since the
developer would get 3rd) OR youd take none because im sure your rich as
fuck financially and you can donate that 3rd to the cause of the app.which
would go to help the families involved. Go into those details later. Let me
know if at all possible. I know your a G and don’t need to be arsed with
bullshit. And if i thought it was bullshit I wouldn’t be contacting you.
Feel free to tell me to fuck off though if it does suck. Thank you brother.

Lawrence David says:

I’m a sadomasochist and I believe in the spiritual principle of treating
others as I wish to be treated myself.

Nathan Stanyon says:

As much as I love you mate, you can’t highlight a comment on your t-shirt
then quickly plug where you can buy it because people will catch on to the
power you have being able to pick 5 comments out of thousands rather than
reading completely random ones.

How do we not know you already have exactly what you want to say for that
episode of the trews and just pick the comments that fall into place?
For instance, I even started typing this comment before 3:48 in which you
find a book at random and then mention you’ll pick a bit at random,
distracting the audience from what you’re doing with the comments…


Mark Brinkman says:

Isn’t spiritual power ones recognition and harnessing of the chemical
driving freak-when-sees one encounters internally as well as externally?
Think about it. 

karatebuff says:

Pardon my ignorance but does anybody know the breed of the Trews dog ?

Raymond Smith-kersh says:

Dear Dear Russell,
I am not an educated man in the terms of our collage degrees, but i am a
reader and i can see with open eyes. I believe in a world change. You
yourself, are responsible partly for the way i view the world and am very
thankful for it. fortunately you were not the first to open my eyes a bit.
George Carlin in my opinion has a very simular way of looking at it. but
in his own word Carlin had said “I’m a spectator.” i feel that is the
problem. i feel it is time to rise up against the corporate world. NOW,
not in a few months not in a year or two, not next week, but NOW. i
propose that all of us, come together and march on our capitals until every
one of these people step down from power and hand it over to the people. i
want them all brought up on treason especially the bush family. there are
enough big names that are knowing and aware and in my opinion are probably
willing to support this, yourself included. but i feel for this to
actually work this must be a worldwide unified movement because the
scandal’s and corruption does not end with just America and the UK. It
does not matter if there is an illuminati or not, it doesnt matter to me
that most of them are devil worshipers behind closed doors. what i feel we
need to do, is as a unified group we march down to our capitals, whether
that be the white house or the parliament, or whatever your local capital
house maybe. people on the west coast for instance will not in all
likelyhood be able to make it all the way to the east coast. but there is
a california state capital building and they are all involved. we have the
proof needed. its time to bring the attention where it needs to be. this
new false flag attack in Paris is just one more step in the wrong
direction. and the further off the path we get the harder it will be to
correct our course. we need to organize. we need to put our foot down.
Most importantly perhaps is to show the world, that we are not going to
continue to fight fire with fire. we must make sure that none of us raise
a hand to strike any kind of reason for them to fight back. this does not
need be a war at this point but i fear that if we hold out any longer it
will. I would like to talk to you further maybe in a more private format.
there are other actors, entertainers, and perhaps even a few politicians
that would be willing to help bring the proper attention to this idea. i
do not care if this makes it onto the show, what i care about is action.
unfortunately that is the one problem i have with your show, is that it
does not inspire action. i believe in the revolution and what it will mean
for our world. without the stress of this on our shoulders we can rise up
to a brighter future for humanity. as Ol’ Carlin said, “I’m disappointed
that we have not lived up to our potential as a species.” but unlike him
we can not sit on the coach and wait for it to fix itself.

krag3r says:

There probably isn’t a divine being that created us. Nothing suggests
towards this. Spirituality doesn’t have to be connected to any religion or
the supernatural. The sooner we rid of these the better.

Navaneeth Premkumar says:

Russell referring to Russy-fart-face-guy’s comment and your consequent
reading of Krishnamurthy’s passage-yes self realization and spiritual
revelation is required in order to break down the system that we ourselves
have created in order to live harmoniously and do the three things
Russy-fart-face-guy said we should do. But this requires a greater majority
of people to start thinking this way in all countries. Most people cannot
imagine a society that is different from what we live today either due to
lack of an imagination (we must accept some people aren’t born very smart)
or lack of time (some people just want to achieve things within the current
system like stable lives for themselves and their families). Putting an
image of such a society through media (movies, cartoons, comics, anime)
appeals to society and depicting such a thing would greatly help towards
awareness of self realization and spiritual awareness. 

Jesse Williams says:

Hey Russel, Jesse here.How’s tricks?
I think you are on the level. Here are some other things that are also on
the level (According to me).
-Permaculture. If you have a look, you will probably agree with most of it.
If so, please mention it.
-Bio regional governence and managment.
-Taking personal responsability for your role as a human.
-Passionate educators.
-Curiosity development centres.
Anyhow, would be nice if you continue doing your thing. No doubt said
‘thing’ would have ups and down e.g strangers having a go at you
and junk. Hang in there.
….Some things i was reckoning.

First time YouTube commentor, long time viewer.

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