Issue Preview – Manifesting Abundance

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Issue Preview – Eckhart Tolle TV

Without a felt connection to the universal source of all things, our experience of abundance tends to be relatively superficial and unpredictable. In response to a frequently asked question, Eckhart reflects on the nature of abundance and how we can manifest it in cooperation with the movement of life.

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LowplainsdriftR says:

my cup runneth over. 

Henry Stradford says:

Issue Preview – Manifesting Abundance

željka strbat says:

no amount of goods that i aquired in life can ever be compared to the
abundance of goodness i tasted on my way of aquiring them… therefore i
give away for free… the heart’s sutra

Nicki Rhododendron says:

Pink is my color. And I love men who have the courage to wear pink. Its
shows independence. 

Max ime says:

Bashar’s definition of abundance : the ability to do what you need to do
when you need to do it

Bonnie Day says:

Issue Preview – Manifesting Abundance:

saidas108 says:

Very different than Joel Osteen’s view of abundance which is what most
people prefer. What they really want to know is “How do I get more stuff?”

joy_everlasting says:

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the
foundation for all abundance.” – Eckhart Tolle

Alex Anderson says:

I love this man.

Edyta Peszko says:


kiros baraki says:

mr ego was killed by eccart tolle

andi ananta says:


tonyfalca says:

Abundance is the feeling of abundance. However, at the most fundamental
level, the feeling of abundance is to sense within yourself the source of
all abundance. So abundance is the to sense within yourself the source of
all abundance? I like Eckhart Tolle, because I read his book ‘The Power of
Now’ and thought it was great, but this sound bite is hollow of any meaning
and lacks any significance whatsoever.

Krystle Champagne says:

This is so true inner happiness is true abundance x

Billy23201 says:

….oh, and I should add that when you make positive lifestyle changes your
ability to live happily in the moment increases. You feel that energy.
You feel that “chi” more strongly. It seems everything you choose to put
your attention towards starts to work out more and more the more you just
live life while doing what you know is right, and by “what you know is
right” I mean what you know you should intuitively be doing. And we all
have feelings of things we know we should be doing such as the things in my
previous comment. For example: You “could” eat that delicious greasy
Pizza, or you could do what “you should” be doing which is eating that
salad. This I have found, is the key to success/abundance. We always make
excuses on why we shouldn’t do this or that. Enough with the excuses. Just
think of things that may be hindering your happiness that you are doing and
change it. 

Andreas Graf says:
Billy23201 says:

It seems to me the way to abundance is to do what you KNOW is right. You
may not know everything, but we all know certain things that we could do
that we aren’t doing that we should be doing. Like working out for
example..that might apply to some of us. Eat healthy. Quit this or that bad
habit. Make those changes and live in the present while doing them and
things should work out. It may not seem things work out immediately but in
the big scheme of things everything will work out and you will notice
things start to work out the way you would have wanted it to work out. At
the very least you will be satisfied, and what more do you want out of life
than to be satisfied? We all want to be satisfied. 

Billy23201 says:

….I am ranting because I have done what I said in my previous comment and
it works. I have to say though, once you do change your lifestyle your
body will go through a process of adaptation. You will have to adapt to
the new lifestyle so you may feel like crap for a week or two. But if you
can be mindful of what is going on and stick too it, after a couple weeks
you should be free, blissful, and loving life. 

bakersfieldmusicnow says:


Hughesy16LFC says:

And how do you know that isn’t possible? Does it really matter if entities
are speaking through Bashar or through Esther Hicks anyway? All that
matters is the teachings, and the teachings of Abraham and Bashar resonate
with me just as much as Eckhart’s.

W. Tinnen says:

Thank you for this video, by the way.

MsNamasteLight says:

~ Thank Y()U for this offering ~ Namaste’ Friend ~ Shared ~

Celestialnumber3 says:

Thank you Eckhart 🙂

Cam Roy says:

Bashar is a self deluded ego trip. He thinks an alien is speaking through
him… Nuff said…

sloppypoppie says:

You are right guyoflife! Good job!

Liz p says:

the proz- well put.

ThePhox1982 says:

Listen to the radio that is your presence, just don’t ignore the car you
are driving and the road you are on! LOL


I love all your work thank you for sharing Much love from the UK :O)

guyoflife says:

My definition of abundance: the ability to do what you need to do when you
need to do it. You’re already as abundant as you’ll ever be. The universe
is always supporting you in your beliefs, definitions and behaviors by
giving you a reality representative of that. So when you believe in
limitations and lack then that’s what you experience. Let yourself
experience an abundance of “abundance” instead of an abundance of lack. But
I like Eckhart’s explanation too. It goes deeper beyond the surface.

mypromisemyprayer says:

Hi Everyone! I am seeking your advice. I live in Los Angeles and looking
for a good radio station to listen to when driving; a station that is
peaceful, calm, positive and etc…for people like us who are in spiritual
journey to better ourselves. Pls contact me to my ID. And thank you for
uploading this and Namaste to everyone.

Gifts of the universe says:

There is no doubt that eckharts teachings are the ‘heart’ of the matter…
It takes some time to resonate with the leanings..but they are truth..
Abundance is an internal harmony as well as a physical manifestation. L)

Kevin Palmer says:

There’s No Abundance Without The Feeling Of Abundance

Biolupus says:

parroting Bashar? What do YOU feel about it?

cforclover says:

His teachings have helped me so much to deal with numbness and depression.
A great person Eckhart is. Wise and very charismatic

essexbulldogs says:

Thanks so much for sharing, beautiful words x

namanvas says:

just brilliant ..:)

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