Jataka Tales – 2024

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On the occasion of Chotrul Duechen (Day of Offerings, 15th day of the 1st Tibetan month), His Holiness the Dalai Lama gives a short general teaching including from the Jataka Tales (Life Stories of the Buddha) at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala, HP, India on February 24, 2024.

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@AnhTuPhucDerrickHoangCanada says:

I have notified your office that recent church burning by natives suggest anti Christ intolerance

@eastwisdom says:

What an Inspiration…


Love: peace:UNERSTANDING of the evolution of life … respect and honor thanks y’all for the teachings and blessings poured abruptly on our souls …

@IanMurdocksimmortalsoul says:


@DerGoRaN96 says:

ever heard about an goddamn aleph, ever seen your image of maha kala but you coming to me with its all burning, just underlines that you have no clue what you are talkin about

@DerGoRaN96 says:

i dont wanna exist and every thought about me hurts like a needle in the bone

@DerGoRaN96 says:

wanna tell me the aum people suddenly were like actually krishna is the highest? or maybe narasimah is just sekmet attackin the grey snek, then the buddah is just a shut up button and then they said die through kalki

@sonamwangyal7122 says:


@RubulGogoi-yv7gl says:


@sudarshan99220 says:

Sir I heard some were in youtube that Nalanda university books are available in Tibetan language so kindly please try to translate those books into Indian languages as many as possible sir 🙏🙏

@user-rh5zr6up3w says:


@user-wb4dd5re6o says:

this wise wizard is a good treatment for schizophrenia.

@user-wb4dd5re6o says:

praise the great Buda

@AppaloosaDreams says:

💓These talks are so helpful, for me. Thank you, so much💓

@anastasiabeaverhausen6774 says:

May the lives of all be showered with compassionate love and blessings. 🙏 🤍🙏

@skyscout3 says:

so no one forgot how this guy kissed a boy

@IanMurdocksimmortalsoul says:


@user-gj7vp6wk3e says:


@melody8860 says:

with Love and Freedom for Tibet !!
✨💖 Melody – Holland✨💖🇳🇱

@user-pd1rt8mt5y says:

This is the super duper updated esoteric teaching only shared recently

@user-pd1rt8mt5y says:

Every country will be its own state and every state will be its own country united in peace and goodwill to all mankind

@user-pd1rt8mt5y says:

All nations a state .every. State a nation. United states' of earth

@user-pd1rt8mt5y says:

God only exist in the beginning and end . In the middle the creation of God exist replayed forever.dejavu proves the point to you and me forever happly ever after

@user-pd1rt8mt5y says:

I have the crown chakra that is and will be shared world wide awakening yes. God is about and already is pouring out spirit upon all flesh

@user-pd1rt8mt5y says:

One God equals one creation equals the universe is one

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