Jim Carrey on Spirituality and Overcoming Depression

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As one who has had his bouts with depression, Jim Carrey reveals how important his spirituality is to his wellbeing

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wiremessiah says:

Antidepressants are the most widely used placebo in the world. In fact the
clinical placebo effect is more powerful in antidepressants. This might
sound great, a drug that makes people feel better without any damage to the
body. Except they are real chemicals fed to you by the pharmaceutical
industry that damage your body and have real side effects. People need to
be taught that the placebo effect works, and it has proved to work, even
when the patient knows its placebo. Sugar pills works just as well as the
crap chemicals they feed you.

Sky Edge says:

pls never pull a robin williams Jim

Neil Boothe says:

*If you’re interested in spirituality and TRULY overcoming depression and
every other negative emotion,* I got a perfect book suggestion for you.
This will blow your mind. *Google “Truth Contest”, click on the 1st result
and open “The Present”.*

*Have a nice time, my friend.*

SuperLastMohican says:

It’s easy to overcome depression when you’re a millionaire.

Jonny Harriss says:

this is left ear only right? no one commenting that it is, unless my
headphones are fvcked


Jesus loves you and can set you free from depression, you don’t need drugs,
self help gurus, etc, you need Jesus, laugh and insult if you want, but
this comment you know will hit home, might spark rage in a few atheists or
agreement from fellow believers, either way, i sincerely suggest call out
to Jesus, what do you have to loose, but finding truth which is gain, He is
the truth and He loves you, He is real and can give you joy over flowing.

Tina Ptah says:

Didn’t expect to hear this type of messages from him.

Mr Pregnant - Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st says:

Spirituality seems to dwell on the non-materialistic attributes of
existence, a connection to the intangible being or the nature or essence of
a man. A divine sacred embodiment or liturgy connection with the
intangible, a meaning to life, one that transcends beyond worldly interest,
an intrinsic joy, unity, acceptance, significance or personal rapport with
the universe.Or an external divine intervention that predicates the
narratives of life. A complete vaguely inexplicable mumbo-jumbo gibberish
that’s contingent on the subjectivity of ones delusion.

Written By: Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st

DelBoy says:

He’s such a great guy i love him

james bower says:

fuck. I thought this was something funny. Jim get back on the drugs man..
Serious is not funny.

Jude Tube says:

Its easy to overcome depression when you’re a millionaire? Just look at
robin Williams you retard!

Michelle O says:

so sad the funniest people are secretly the saddest?? :(

Marc Vince says:

“I only act in the movies” he says. Loved that one. Most people dont
realize that the longer youve been depressed the harder and sadly…the
longer it probabaly will take to get rid of it, medication or not. But
there ARE things that can be done. Let me share something:
I’M 55. I just this last year in Oct.2013 enrolled in the Anthony Robbins
R.M.T. training course because I realized that the corniest thing I’ve been
hearing all my life is true: If you spent your day helping other people,
there’s no way you can be depressed. I think for most of us,depression just
came, snuck up on us little by little and then whopped us over the head
like an emotional mugger. But this mugger has been getting closer and
closer year by year and we never saw him until it was too late, as in most
REAL muggings. So why do we feel we need to study ANOTHER self help book
and another and another to get out of this funk? Sometimes it works. Ive
read many, myself. But then your depending on logic and discipline and
effort or the other extreme…”blind faith” and I dont think either is the
answer by itself. So I developed this program. If you can get INTO
depression without trying, you might be able to get out of it almost
automatically. The surest way as I’ve said is spend your day helping
others. If that means changing your job, and making way less money working
in a nursing home….do it! Imagine how many elderly people have been
discarded like old trash and would give anything to have yo spend time with
them and I bet some of them have more interesting stories and wisdom to
share that could help you, than you do for THEM. Or…..volunteer at a
hospital. Do you know how many people get no visitors? And the volunteer
job might make you feel so happy to be there you magically find yourself
going thru a course or being offered a paying job so you can make a good
paying career out of it. Have any of you been in hospitals or nursing homes
lately? They often suck. Filled with way too many people who don’t give 2
diddles about the person they care for every day. They just do it for
immigration purposes to stay in the country or to scam a semi- free
paycheck. Your heart would break if you saw some of them. You can be more
important in that environment than the doctors! Every human being should
volunteer someplace before they die. It will give you more than the best
illegal or legal drug, the greatest anti-depressant the best opiate, the
best shot of heroin or Suboxone could ever give you…..but it takes a bit
of time, not much. Even volunteer at your local bowling alley and tell
yourself you are ‘Gods messenger’ and every person you give their bowling
shoes to send them out a special burst of energy if you believe in that
kind of thing. Best thing about it….you can do things the employees cant
because you aren’t getting paid! They cant control you the way they can a
paid employee. And sooner or later, when one person messes up, you will be
offered a paying job anyway. Just volunteer anywhere where you like the
people in that environment. That also means the reverse……..get out, I
mean get out of any job or living situation that is toxic and there is more
negative energy than positive energy. Contact me if you’d like a little
more help. To be honest, volunteering will make you rich both
emotionally,spiritually and maybe even financially, because people look at
volunteers thru much different eyes than the people in your environment
that are getting paid to be there. And don’t rush, search the web for many
different ideas.And if you can volunteer at a place that you have passion
for, I can almost guarantee your depression will go bye bye. Like if you
love Opera or yoga or sports, where do they have these things that you
could talk to someone and say, I dont want a job, Id like to volunteer to
help because I love hanging out HERE with people like YOU. Any HR or hiring
director will be so flattered they will squeeze you in somewhere, in most
cases. And if they don’t try back every few weeks or move on. Ask yourself:
“Where would I love to spend every day helping out that it would be a total
blast?” Even if I was depressed, id rather be depressed over there!? Try
to find something as close to your house or as close to the area you like
to hang out in as possible so eventually you’ll never miss a day and while
all these other people get more depressed talking about how far they have
to travel to get to a place they don’t want to be, you’ll remember this
post and how it changed your life and maybe, just maybe…….you’ll turn
them onto this tactic! And by the way, this is how man progressed since he
fell out of the trees. He found someone who had a skill he wanted and asked
to be taken as a protege, often for no pay and most times for years at a
time! So you can turn volunteering into a mentor/protege situation. Or
just keep it informal like sweeping up at your local museum. There are many
levels to doing this. And in Japan by the way, even today, the average
person who “volunteers” to help a great master of his craft does so for an
average of 8 years. Sometimes 12. And look how great Japanese people are in
contributing to society and building up the world. So volunteering was the
way all things were taught before they had formal schools.But take this as
casually or as deep as you want, just try it. Cant work up the courage to
ask? I might be able to make it easy for you. Oh…. This is not free by
the way. If you start to implement this, it is only fair we trade or
barter,right, since I’m helping you. So what I want is for you to contact
me and let me know how its working out for you so I can add it to my book
and learn how to keep getting better at this. Fair enough?(And by the way
its really for you guys I’m doing it for because people do not value and
use what they get for free quite often. So if we barter ,now you feel you
have to do your part too! ) I’d start by buying an “Idea Journal” and
forcing yourself to put three ideas where you can volunteer or even just go
for the day. I want to see if there’s even one person that could buy a
cheap $1 notebook and fill it up without having an idea that will blow you
away! I bet 1000-1 nobody could do it. Go thru 80-120 pages in a notebook
and not get anything that gets them really excited and “totally immersed
in another world.” Unless you truly like being depressed or have something
big to gain by staying that way, it cant happen. And that’s another
subject. So just give yourself a few days or weeks and I bet you’ll be
contacting me telling me that your problem is that you now have TOO many
things you’d like to do.-) Hey, you ARE allowed to do more than one thing,
but start with one so you do not get overwhelmed or stressed. That’s the
trap many people inadvertently set up for themselves is they try to do too
much at one time. Take it slow. You cant succeed or fail at volunteering.
That is what is so tremendous about it.
Show less

Karen Richardson says:

I think this is a very good, pleasant to watch interview. Great to see Jim
being himself and serious. Melts my heart for the length of time this video
is. The interviewer had said he spent a couple of hours with Jim, how lucky
is that man. 🙂 Depression is a bitch once you have it. It’s not that easy
to get out of it. It’s how you handle it as an individual. Good for Jim not
letting it take over his life. Really, really glad we still have him
around. Love you Jim Carrey Awsome actor and comedian. The king of comedy.

Steve Moyer says:

“I only act in the movies! Beautiful!”

Suzie Watson says:

I have no idea if Jim Carrey will ever see this….if it’s God’s will, he
will I guess. I just want to tell you Jim, that the reason you have
struggled to find your peace all of these years is because you are trying
to fill the big gaping hole inside of you with many things that don’t fit.
We are incomplete until we are made whole in Christ. I’m not some freak
Jim, I’m just a woman who has lived life and had her share of depression as
well. I’ve lived it too, to the very depths of the human experience. You
won’t find true peace until you find Yeshua. Get away from that
visualization and universalism lie. It’s all meant to distract you. I’ll
pray for you. Also-trolls and haters- if you just want comment on this to
insult me and mock me, don’t bother. I’ve heard it all before.

ronki23 says:

King of Comedy, great video


I’m no Carrey fan – but this interview is the best I’ve heard from him –
good to hear!
And yes, Prozac is the tool of satan

Rachel Angel says:

interesting #love #jimcarrey 

Jesus Leon says:

Mmm Yes Lord Amen

Deborah Savoie says:

I don’t know why anyone has to give Jim Carrey advice… he has done okay
in this lifetime and has much to teach the world. He is openly
speaking the truth about the same life we all live, going after issues
openly to make positive changes in the world. I sense it is not for himself
he does it, but for the rest of us., letting us know that we all have the
same barriers in life and being open about them brings comradery and
solutions. If anyone is not occasionally depressed in this crazy world
with the depths of depravity some of us have chosen to fall to then it is
they who has a serious psychological lack of empathy disease. Jim must
truly care about the rest of us and trust the world is more good than bad
to go against the common “let’s pretend there is no elephant in the room”
behaviour and expose himself to the misplaced pity of lesser trailblazers
in the scope of helping make the world a little better place to live and
all of us a little happier. We should learn from his example and start
talking about about we really want in life with love from heart, rather
than ineffectually and childishly acting out in hostility and anger.
History has proven that love is the only key to open the door to growth.

bigearedmouse17 says:

LOVE THIS GUY,,… not in a gay way !

David Smith says:

Got to love this guy. One senses a deep sincerity in him. He has the kind
of confidence that comes from having a deeper understanding of who he is in
a spiritual sense. Great to hear him speak. 

futureicon23 says:

What a beautiful human being :)

Stephen Thornton says:
Derek Bradstreet says:

The interviewer thinks he’s in a position to evaluate and judge Jim. He is
in denial about his own underlying anxiety and stress and hides from it
when someone admits they had it and got past it. He thinks he’s some
psychologist with no issues, but he really is just making himself look like
a prick. “I think you’re just a big bundle of conflicting emotions”. – Go
fuck yourself sir.

C Webb says:

” A mixed bag of emotions” Coming from someone who seems emotionless!
bahaha what a fucking world we live in! 

redmond424 says:

Much adult depression in the USA is caused by having to make credit card
payments and make home mortgage payments… I paid off all of my credit
card debt and home mortgage using The Dividends Pay My Bills Method (Google
it). It also taught me how to use investment divided income to pay my
monthly utility bills (Google the method). I have found that having no debt
reduced my stress level dramatically, which in turn helped my depression to
go away….

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