Joe Vitale Beyond Positive Thinking.wmv

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Dr Joe Vitale’s work and Books are not owned by me or my channel, to read more on his work and services please visit his site or purchase his work at your local book store. I do not own this content


Latisha McDougal says:

Our YouTube site will be changing please subscribe to our new channel we will reload the audio
books to the new page and delete this page in a few months. We want to
continue to share and grow with you all. May We Help You Radio Network will
be our new site name.

Ελένη Μούστου says:

Just in case you were having a rough Tuesday…. I have found this!

Viktoria Szigetvari says:

it finishes in the middle of a sentence. where is the rest of the

Raffi Hughey says:
Chuxiong Zhong says:

chapter 5 write your own script 2:02:03

Chuxiong Zhong says:

chapter 4 believing is seeing 1:37:00

Pat Sepulveda says:


Chuxiong Zhong says:

chapter 3 what are you telling yourself 1:07:20

marynarkw says:

Do not listen to this. The guys put only a part of the book to force you to
buy it the book. If you want to buy anything by Joe Vitale you should visit
amazon and see what people write about his books e.g. the attract factor –
so many ugly comments there.

Zion Grayson says:

Go beyond hoping your wishes will come true. Reality is seldom what you
want it to be. Face your true calling and read *The Present at Truth

Michaelangelo Davis says:

Wonderful information and insights! I appreciate your sharing it and value
the wisdom! Peace. 

Therapy To GO says:

Thank you so much for sharing……..<3

Tom Caldwell says:

I am all about developing a positive mental attitude, but I also believe we
must live within the realm of reality. Here is a youtube video that I
recommend. It is 153 minutes long so, do set aside time to watch it in its
entirety. This video will have a positive effect on your life, I guarantee.

Ariel Abal says:

Life changing education. Thank you 🙂 

Ted Thomas says:

Great perpetuated preception 

Sarah Bearheart says:

The author seems to be contradicting himself. He says that the universe is
neutral and that we are representations of that universe, but he says these
representations have a dominance of good or positive attributes and that we
suffer when we dont act from love (dont act lovingly towards ourselves and
others). If there is a preference within us then, to orientate towards good
and positive attributes and this is recognised as preferable, it means the
same is true of the nature of the universal power that he talks of, if the
second premise is true.

Suman Bhattacharjee says:

honestly more mature for modern people

GoldRothIRA says:

Absolutely great information!

Dan Guerriero says:

Great coaching tape. Gives many areas that can be applied to affect change.
Also I enjoy the tone of the reading. So far many ideas from tape but one
of my favorites is “keeping a promise to yourself” Excellent

Suman Bhattacharjee says:

Exactly what Hinduism said….Upanishads

Susan A. says:

Thank you very much for this treasure. It is really helping me in my
business. I am totally enjoying what I do and there are so many nuggets in
this book. Thank you.

garfieldsnape says:

Thank you for uploading this I found it very inspirational!

Richard Howard says:

This book ia fantastic thanks for sharing this wonderful information

Naomi Ricana says:

I really am loving this.. I would love to hear the whole book. When can we
expect rest of the book?

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