Joe Vitale Reveals Napoleon Hill Secret

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Joe Vitale of the movie, The Secret, reveals that Napoleon Hill’s book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ was actually a sales letter. Where did Hill reveal the real formula to success?

According to Wikipedia…

“In 1937, author Napoleon Hill published his book Think and Grow Rich which went on to become one of the best selling books of all time, selling over 60 million copies. In this book, he discusses the importance of controlling your own thoughts in order to achieve success, as well as the energy that thoughts have and their ability to attract other thoughts. In the beginning of the book, Napoleon Hill mentions a “secret” to success, and promises to indirectly describe it at least once in every chapter of the book. It is never named directly for he says that discovering it on one’s own is far more beneficial. Many people have argued over what the secret actually is, with some arguing that it was the Law of Attraction.”

I agree.


Achieve Anything says:

Also, after reading a lot of these comments in regards to what the "secret is", I will tell you.

The secret is two parts as Napoleon Hill clearly explains. The first part of the secret is very, very simple… Take control of your own mind! Anyone know the second part? If nor let me know and I will gladly explain.

Achieve Anything says:

I have read both of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" and "15 Laws of Success" as well as other publications from him.

After reading both more then 10 times it is clear that "Think and Grow Rich" and "15 Laws of Success" are almost identical. Mr. Vitale says that "Think and Grow Rich" "doesn't reveal the secret". However, it does, in fact a lot of the material in "15 Laws of Success" is an exact copy of "Think and Grow Rich". The key difference between the two is 15 Laws is more in depth in the applications of Hill's principles. Basically, Grow Rich is Hill's proof of concept and 15 Laws is the exact how.

Vali Serban says:

Thank you Joe for revealing this information. I know the entire story around "The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons" and Henry Ford. I know :"Think and Grow Rich" is the water down version of the Law of Success, but coming from you, I'm sure it will influence a lot of people to get into studying the full work of Napoleon Hill. Many thanks and much love!

Epi Sanz says:

The Secret starts with this clue in the introduction , "All achievement, all earned riches have their beginning in an IDEA!" thats the 1st clue, Andrew Carnegie put the IDEA in his mind as a young boy to write and study for 25yrs the successful people and share their stories and make a legacy based on his IDEA of writing, Napoleon then says “The secret to which I refer has been mentioned no fewer than a hundred times, throughout this book” IDEA.IDEA.IDEA.IDEA. IDEAS MAKE RICHES,

Alan Holden says:

yes im on my way joe thx

Blessingslovelight says:

Joe Vitale's clearing statement:
"I love you " , "I'm sorry " Please forgive me " , Thank You "
works well.

I AM says:

Thanks Joe!!!!!!

Barbie DIY says:

Laws of success

DAD says:

Here is part of the "secret": " A Winner NEVER Quits and a Quiter Never WINS!".

Joseph Niyamosoth says:

Sell that book for 1 million dollars and you will be rich.

Almeida Alar says:

Thank you so much

Jennifer “Jen” Barthe says:

Thank you for all that you do. Your books, blog post, articles, and videos have really helped change so many lives. I really appreciate everything that you do and I use your materials with ultimate success.

Landing Pages Tips says:

Really helpful Joe! Thank's a lot.

Generate Leads For Your Business Easy and Fast.

Wayne Phillips says:

You know that never occurred to me, Joe! I always used to hear that the secret in the book is that whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

There's a copy of Think and Grow Rich around here somewhere in this untidy abode of mine lol. (I used to be an Amway distributor several years ago and it was one of the recommended books.) If I find it, I'll peruse it to see if what you state is correct. Actually, I just remembered that the book is available for free online. I'll download and print it sometime.

It's always interesting to hear differing opinions on various subjects.


Shan Mathew says:

I have a copy of the laws of success . I am a student can anything be of help for me in that? For my studies , to be honest.

Shan Mathew says:

Why haven't think and grow rich produced any Billionaires.??? 

john reid says:

If you really really wanna know I'll
Tell ta but only if you ask and I'll tell privately..

john reid says:

Sorry joe im not with you on this one. Hill has hidden the secret in think
And grow rich. I found it by accident and like he said it's has more of an effect if its not said straight out. We all would have heard this in some song and not really paid attention. I realised the answer when I read the story where
the little girl wanted 50 cents and could have got killed for arguing with a superior. When I put myself in her position it clicked and I saw the answer in every chapter. 

Edward Matautia says:

i love this book and Outwitting the Devil. 

intellexx says:

The reason all these guys are rich & getting richer is because they are selling you the hope of you yourself becoming rich one day. Like really?

Adrian22Frets says:

Thanks Joe, bought it on Kindle for a dollar :)

Heather Wade says:

I have to thank you for the attract car program….it's worked twice
The last time was a real hoot because first I was offered a car on loan from someone I hardly knew for 9mths. When he wanted the car back I decided I wanted the same type. I walked around the corner and there it was. Wow

Lucas “Lux” Sobrero says:

thanks joe

123cen says:

Sorry Joe , but this book is not a selling letter.I do not think that he wrote his book for only earning money , like some authors do ….

demofan2 says:

i doubt that you have read think and grow rich, it's written the secret is in the book, even his child found it, i can't believe what you are saying. the formula is in the book i don't want to spoil people … to those you are tempted to search it anywhere else if you don't find it in think and grow rich you will not find it in any other book…

MC BOBO says:

I salute you from Romania.:)

Marilyn Gordon says:

Thanks for the excellent,informative video, Joe!

Leonel Lokat says:

Hey Mr. Joe. I see you are really an open minded person. You don't hold people only in your circle but you also recognize the work of other people, that's great. Today I have learned something important with you (to admire other people even if they are in the same business). Thank You

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