Joe Vitale’s Clearing Technique #1 attraction

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juicearibe says:

want is lack or lacking stop using that word.

Aflowerincornfields says:

Some of the script is wrong. For example, some " fun" not "funds".

Maria Pietropaolo says:

I Love the subtitles

Steve Derkacz says:

What he says is true, in my experince I got my dream job by this method. I made a wish and released totally forgetting about it. I didn't dwell on my wish like being desperate, I didn't use a vision board to look at it daily or even visualized it in my mind. I just carried on with my life and a few months later it manifested!

Len Palmer says:

this is why it's so much easier to heal or manifest for others. you do the work and forget about it!!!

LifesMystery777 says:

Wow thanks again!

Angela Lopez says:

The "subtitles" are SERIOUSLY incorrect! You are better off listening to him than reading as you may become confused! Whoever wrote the text must have a very bad hearing problem!

John Read says:

can you say you have it? and believe it.

Al T says:

He looks like a bigger version of Danny Devito

Александр Сергеевич says:

I want to say to you Joy something. I'm from Russia, I'm really sad that I can't get meeting with you because I'm not from Moscow, I'm from other a town. So well, I really want to say to you "thank you" because You're the one person of the all world who changed me, my life, basic sets of my mind, system of my beliefs and my inside condition. Now I can concentrate only on positive thoughts. Thank for your support to people. I hope sometime I meet you in real life and I know it will be the best day of all my life! Thank you again!

doogerville says:

Wouldn't it be cool if;
Joe Vitale also added that clear deliberate intent IS necessary for manifesting our thoughts. yea its all good to be fun and optimistic about it ofcourse but goofily saying "What if" is kinda removing that powerful gift of intent we all shoot of as rockets of desire when we tell the universe what we most want.

juliana ramponi says:

entao presisamos pedir e nao sentir falta daquilo ?se ficarmos pensando no que pedimos isso nao se manifestará?

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