Joe Vitale’s Clearing Technique #4 Zero Limits & Ho’oponopono

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The simple method of saying four specific phrases, while meditating on your problem and connecting with your idea of a higher power, is enough to start wiping out any and all “programs” that have been stopping your flow in the past.


Anthony Kingston says:

This has changed my life. Thanks to you Joe and Hew.

Carmem Lima says:

como traduzir em portugues??
nao entendo nada,mas quero assistir aos videos e entender tbem.
help! Meu nome.Carmem Lima

Dave Stone says:

He left out the most important part!!! How and why it works!!! You can heal others because they are a PROJECTION OF YOUR OWN CONSCIOUSNESS. Your reality is actually within you. You can even use it to transcend money, authority, and any other limiting belief. Pretty cool eh?

Violet Frankson says:

I saw Joe 4 the very 1st time N the movie The Secret. & now this is the 2nd time I've heard him!! I know his teachings R effective & will work 4 any1 who is seeking the truth!

lynn ebury says:

I have been doing the Ho'oponopono  since August last year. I noticed SOMETHING change  within me more or less STRAIGHT away. I have to say that I have never know ANYTHING to work like this. I don't know how or wish to know. All O can say is, that it DOES. I LOVE YOU. I'M SORRY. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. THANK YOU.

private personal concierge says:

Mabel kantz said, this is not the method.

Maria Phillips says:

I was just looking for CDs on the 4 sentences, but I can't find it anywhere and nobody responds to my posts.!!!   🙁

Blessingslovelight says:

Joe Vitale's clearing statement:
"I love you " , "I'm sorry " Please forgive me " , Thank You "
works well.

Qi Huna says:

I hereby ho'oponopono this creation of chaos that I have manifested upon myself and others and take full responsibility.
Divinity, I love you with all my being, I'am forever sorry and apologize from my deepest soul, please forgive me, thank you, thank you, thank you and mahalo…..amen

Ethereal1 says:

Please correct the subtitles. They are so misspelled, incorrect and misleading that anyone reading them that couldn't hear the volume would think this is jibberish or just take away a completely wrong understanding. I applaud you for sharing the information, but please don't pollute it.

Cynthia Hawkins says:

I call the thumbs down rock throwing THE DETRACTOR FACTOR. "Oh that's religious nonsense", "It can't work", "I tried stuff like that but I just knew going in…  IT WOULDN'T HELP" Hey, with a 'tude and mindset like that, what did you expect? Your beliefs created the end result: NO result! See how powerful you are??

Tapatiarz says:

Me gusta como lo explica Joe Vitale. Conosco esta tecnica por varios anios ya, sin embargo hoy tiene mas sentido.

николай лещев says:

Спасибо. Слава Богу за таких людей. Узнал о нём от Джо Витале.Прочитал все книги Джо. Спасибо.

Edubijen Garcia says:

on this video you start with "I love you " , "I'm sorry " Please forgive me " , Thank You "
and then later in the same tape you  start with I'm Sorry  and ending with I Love You .  does it matter in which order they are ?

Theresia Valoczy says:

Thank you 🙂 Thank you 🙂 Thank you 🙂 This is powerful 🙂

Michael Berridge says:

This reminds me of typical  Christian pentacostal propaganda. The 'game" is to promise what everyone is looking for, and sell masses of books to support the theories. The author has no problems, simply because he is making planty of money selling his books. The recipient receives a good dose of Hope. This is one of the mean streams of making money through a  hoax. What would Kiyosaki, Branson, or any other successful leader think of this?

Ana Perisic says:


splashcat says:

The English transcription is really poor in places, totally off.

Christina Chang says:

Thank you for posting this. THe world needs Ho'oponopono 

Nissim yakar says:

Love it! Hope that the Hamas, Isis will read it A.s.a.p too (And other terrorist groups). It will make the world a lot better. Thank you

Sandeep Pahadi says:


This is sandeep pahadi from Mumbai India.

I have understood this technique from our master mr manoj lekhi.

and who is a part of organisation by name r svk that is rishi samskruti vikas kendra it is also called by name s s y that is the science of silence yoga.

myself and my wife rekha we attended this gratitude program at pune for 2 days our life is entirely different from the same day.

all all stopped thing started moving from the next day.we completed this program by name gratitude now the life looks very smooth where is very very very loving just there are four mantra which we have to keep it in mind i love you i am sorry please forgive me and thank you thank you very much.

Regards. Sandeep.

seaofclay says:

This stuff does work, I needed a printer but had no money to buy one, but I manifested a printer and my auntie give me her printer and I love it  …

krysia1957 says:

Awesome !!!!

reza kazemi says:

love to you .

Phillip J. Kuhlenbeck says:

I do it just the way Joe does it. It works.

manonamission2000 says:

Powerful stuff. And one of the most powerful mantras along those from the Vedas

Irén Pogány says:

Ha akarnám, sem tudnám értékelni, mert nem beszélek angolul.

Derek Williams says:

Great videos here and I am grateful for you posting them, but please try to fix the closed captioning at the bottom!!! It is hilarious with all the errors in it. For example "every syllable gets written" is translated at the bottom of the screen as "every soldier threatened" at 5:22 . LOLOL

Yvonne Yeo says:

Awesome ! 🙂 Thank you Joe !

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