Jon Hopkins with Ram Dass, East Forest – Sit Around The Fire (Official Video)

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Jon Hopkins with Ram Dass, East Forest – “Sit Around The Fire”, out now on Domino.
Taken from the album ‘Music For Psychedelic Therapy,’ out now (digital / CD) on Domino.

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Directed by Tom Readdy and Lucy Dawkins at Yes Please Productions

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  • Categories: Ram Dass


Jon Hopkins says:

New album, Jon Hopkins – ‘Music for Psychedelic Therapy’ is out now digitally. Listen and buy:

Dylan says:

This song makes me think about my Mom and how her fire is nearly out. Sometimes I'm not even sure if there's even an ember…

Jeffrey Blender says:

Hive Mind: What software was used to create this animation? K thx bai.

uncle martha says:


Tyla says:

Ohh I just love this. So beautiful. Can someone tell mr when Ram Dass is speaking and when Jon Hopkins is speaking? It sounds like one voice to me!

Peta Elliott says:

Beautiful, thank you

TheAwakenedINFJ says:


irasakhoisan says:

Thank you💖 We're all worthy, Life is precious.

Em Pat says:

Such a special special piece of art. Thank you so much. I will never be able to explain the love for this or thank how for much it has given me.

Daniel Turner says:

I dont even do phsychedelics but this is unlike anything ive seen. you get lost in the voice and just drift.

musicjfrancis says:

Tremendously moving. Beautiful. Healing. Thank you so much.

Scott Allen says:

Our facilitator played this during a ketamine assisted breathwork session and it hit me to the core. We are all just sitting around the fire for eternity.

tyler grimes says:

Juuuust about the right length for a DMT trip.

Erika Wolf says:

I can't let go. I don't know how. I'm ready to start learning though. I know that.

Jacqueline Holmes says:

Downloaded on Spotify. Wish Terence McKenna was still alive to hear this, Dennis is. Going to send link to the people who organise a serious Psychelic Finance conference in the US annually (Dennis is among them). Imperial's work, Prof Robin Carhart-Harris and others has made a breakthrough using psyllocybin extracts as alternatives to antidepressants after a decade, just recently. Open your third eye people, we need shamans not shrinks often.

Satyr Barbarossa says:

.. "we're all just walking each other home" …

🌞 🙏 🌝

prharrington says:

Okay, is it just me? This is aweful and truely lazy. Mt. Hopkins is capable of so much more. I really like Hopkins slower, ambient style – isn't 'Light Through The Veins' one of the greatest musical achievements of our time? – but this?? This is not profound or moving. Come on Mr. Hopkins, you can do better!!!

Caro Arevalo says:

thank you jon hopkins, ram dass, east forest, thank you mushroom medicine, plant medicine, heart medicine!, thank you for this beauty which helps lighten back the ember ✨

HudsonJPEG says:

Wow. This hit me deep, thank you. Gives you the feeling that all is one. And that we are just loving awareness and everything we worry about is just form on top of what we really are

Roberta Geraci says:

My yoga teacher played this during Yin practice. It brings joy and tears and all sorts of emotions to my heart whenever I listen..thank you

Numan Assadi says:

This is truly beautiful

Christopher Wright says:

Psychedelics and any dissociative drugs are the closest you will come to death whilst still being able to appreciate the beauty of your own body. Such a shame they have been vilified by the western world when they have played such a huge impact on humans' spiritual awareness. I am not a religious person but I definitely believe there is more than the physical world. Buddhist/Hindu/Spiritual message is so important in this chaotic, busy and distracting world.

I think the spiritual message has been again vilified and portrayed as cult-like, mumbo jumbo. When in reality is it highly simple. YOU ARE SPECIAL. Your consciousness is special. The world is special.

Slow down. Breathe. Don't overthink. Don't think. Appreciate the moment we are all in. We are all in it together. Who can argue with that?

Dimitri Soen says:

That's a piece of ART.

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